It was a wonderful year !!! Lots of new ideas , new toys for our #waketoys factory , many new projects and you - many new clients ;)
We are totally grateful for everything we got and happily embrace what’s coming next !
See you at your #wakepark 🤩🔆🧡
#wake #happynewyear watersports #wakeboarding #cablewakeboarding #playwake #cablewake #wakeobstacles #waterwarrior #wakelife #whenulovewhatudo #goodenergy @obserwujacy
Take care 😘
As we said - we don’t slow down and have much to offer for you this year 🤩
This place will be amazing so soon 🥰
The setup ordered for this #wakepark :
❄️ kicker spine M
❄️up box S
❄️ pipe 90 M
❄️ hand rail classic S
❄️ pyramide flat rail
More info amount dimensions u will find ⬆️ in our Catalogue link in BIO.
That’s a very wise and diverse choice, perfect for complexed training new tricks.
If you are not sure what #wakeobstacle should be next at your #cablepark - don’t hesitate to contact us . We will gladly talk about it and maybe even give u good advice 😋
And remember - Spring is coming soon 😋🔆
#plawake #wake #waketoys #watersports #wakeboarding #cablewakeboarding
It’s been a wonderful time for us this year 🤘
We hope you also had the best time of your life …
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why “ Mark Twain
Probably you already know what is that you love 😊
We know for sure 😎
The guy at the edit definitely loves #wakeboarding - so it’s a pleasure to watch it . Congrats for such great edit @stav14_wakepark and hope see you soon 😘
#whenulovewhatudo #cablewakeboarding #cablewake #watersports #wake #wakelife #wakeparks #waketoys
Impreza była przednia 🔥
Dzięki organizatorom @wakeparkrueda za zaproszenie i świetny pomysł organizacje . Kawał dobrej roboty!
Milo było patrzeć jak wyjaśnialiscie te nową przeszkodę, która debiutuje w Polsce i super ze trafiła właśnie do Was . Poziom tricków był naprawdę na światowym poziomie !!!💪
@olafiiks - inne crushe też były widowiskowe , część złapaliśmy :)
Graty dla wygranych : @shred_egg , @stay4a1sec @olafiiks
#waketoys #wake #cablewake #cablewakeboarding #wakeboarding #watersports #wakeboardtricks #nastylowiealbowogle #wakepoland #cableparks
You get really lucky when u get up and go to work with a smile . Sometimes we’re tired , sometimes we have enough - but mostly it gives us joy and happiness 😎
Step by step : from the sheet you buy till the last welding and detailing u take a part in the process of creating . It’s a great feeling !
#dreamjob #waketoys #whenyourworkisyourpassion Let’s #playwake together.
#wakeobstacles #waketoys #wakeleasing #wakeparkobstacles #waterwarrior #wakeparks #watersports #wake #wakeboarding #cablewakeboarding #cablewake @obserwujacy
Last few years we were traveling across many countries in Europe doing installations and it looks like we forgot how great it is in our , polish #wakeparks 🤘
@wakezonestawiki - it was really refreshing to come and see what you have done , congrats 💪
And have fun with your new #waketoy 😎
Let’s #playwake together.
#wakeobstacles #waketoys #wakeleasing #wakeparkobstacles #waterwarrior #goodenergy #watersports #wake #wakeboarding #cablewakeboarding #cablewake @obserwujacy
Good morning - how are u ???
We are extremely fine doing exactly what we love ❤️
Another new place to #wakeboard in Poland is born 💪
We did installation of basic setup :
🏝️kicker M ,
🏝️mirror pipe M and
🏝️butter box mirror M
May the fun be with you @osrodekzalesie 😎
Thanks @wojtek_gajdos_gajda for coming and having fun with us😆
Let’s #playwake together.
#wakeobstacles #waketoys #wakeleasing #wakehunting #wakeparkobstacles #waterwarrior #hackthewater #watersports #wake #wakeboarding #cablewakeboarding #cablewake @obserwujacy
Designing and production #waketoys is total fun , but #travelling and meeting new #wakepeople #cableparks and doing installations for you guys is like cherry on a top 🙏😎😍
We are really grateful that we do what we love and cannot wait to meet you guys this year 💪
We surely have some suprising places to visit 😇
Let’s #playwake together.
#wakeobstacles #wakeleasing #wakeparkobstacles #waterwarrior #hackthewater #watersports #wake #wakeboarding #cablewakeboarding #cablewake @obserwujacy
Hi guys - we’re back after short break . The break we used for opening one more company ✌️💪😍
And we are back with double amount of energy , with best attitude and we cannot wait for beginning of the season 🤞
We are opening this year with really beautiful edit from #sweden @halmstadwakepark . Can we have better recommendation than that ? Thanks guys and have fun 😘
#lifeisgood #loveyourwork #whenworkisfun #watersports #wake #wakeboarding #wakeboard #cablewakeboard #wakepark #skate #skating #winter #goodvibes #goodenergy #newyear #mood
It was great #summer ✌️🫶♥️
We are grateful for every beautiful day , for every new challenge .. For possibility to meet so many great people on our #wake way of life ;)
Have a nice day 🫶
May the force be with you 💪
#cablewake #wakeboarding #wakelife #waketoys #whenulovewhatudo #wakeboard #cablewakeboarding #watersports #wakefeatures
Big shouts to our Ukrainian #wakefriends 💪👌🤘
U guys have big hurts, great attitude and wonderfull wakeparks !!!
We cannot wait for Wake together ❤️
Ps:great shots, as always 👏
#wakelife #cablewakepark #cablewakeboarding #wake #wakeboarding #whenworkisfun #welovewhatwedo
Season 2022 is fast approaching …Our Production line is hot 🔥here u Have #spinekicker L - one is sold one is free to buy 🤩
Spine gives 2 kickers In one so u have more space for new #obstacle 💪
#wakeboard #seasoniscoming #summer soon #cablewake #cablewakeboarding #wakeobstacles #shredded #watersports #wakelifestyle