
Jewrnalism Jews visiting Central & Eastern Europe frequently come with stereotypes and prejudices about the region.

In particular, group heritage and education tours for young Jews frequently depend on outdated materials that present inaccurate and negative views of contemporary Central & Eastern European Jewish life. A lot of money and time is engage in seminars for young Jewish leaders, nevertheless very often after those seminars their potential is not maximaze because of lack of projects, money that aloud t

o be engage in Jewish events and geographic distance to Jewish communities. Jewrnalism is a network of young Jewish citizen journalists from Central Eastern Europe and multimedia info-activism platform that will train those young amateur journalists to report on and promote the life and work of their Jewish communities. Jewrnalism offers Jewish educational institutions, tour groups, and Jewish websites up-to-date reporting (both video and print) about European Jewish life, alongside curricula and classroom guides.


Ul.Dietla 64

Strona Internetowa


movies, articles, photos


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