WOMAI Cracow
Looking for an unforgettable experience in Krakow? Visit WOMAI Center of science and seances, where excitement awaits for visitors of all ages! ⭐️
Step into two exciting interactive journeys:
🔦 Into the Light – Explore the fascinating world of science and illusions, where light, perception, and technology come together for a mind-bending experience.
⚫️ Into the Darkness – Navigate through complete darkness with the guidance of a blind guide, challenging your senses and perception in a unique, immersive way.
Join us at WOMAI for an adventure that will engage all your senses!
Learn more at WOMAI Cracow
Former employees REACT to IYP city guides from 1999!
At this year's anniversary meet-up 🥳 we were graced with the presence of many former Poland In Your Pocket contributors who helped grow our little operation to the tourism publication that it is today 🤓📖 Since they were there, we handed over the first few city guides from 1️⃣9️⃣9️⃣9️⃣ and 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ This is how they reacted 25 years later and with a fresh pair of eyes! 👀
GRUDZIEŃ | December in Poland
What does Grudzień look like for you❓🎄 December in Poland 🇵🇱 features a unique take on European Christmas traditions - from Santa's early visit on Mikołajki (Saint Nicholas Day) 🎅 to slaughtering fish in a bathtub on Wigilia (Christmas Eve) 🔪🐟 to quality family time out at the local Christmas lights on Boże Narodzenie (Christmas Day) 🎄💡💡💡🎄 In and around, there's Barbórka (Saint Barbara's Day) in the country's southern mining region ⚒️😇⚒️ Christmas markets in Poland 🍗🍺🎅 and Sylwester (New Year's Eve) 🎊🥳🎊🤪🎊 which helps bring the Polish Calendar Year to an end!
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Poland Is Not Yet Lost | The Story Behind Poland's National Anthem
'POLAND IS NOT YET LOST' is a powerful line... but what does it actually refer to❓ ...and who exactly is Dąbrowski❓🤔 Find all the answers in OUR VIDEO!!! 🤍❤
#travelslow #travelsmart #polandinyourpocket #polska #independence #Polonia #polishdiaspora #diaspora #hymnpolski #mazurek #Dabrowski #polishhistory #historiapolski #polski #niepodległość #IndependenceDay #polandinyourpocket #napoleon #napoleonicwars #polandisnotyetlost #nationalanthem #independenceday
LISTOPAD | November in Poland
What does 'Listopad' look like for you❓ 🤔 November in Poland is underlined by the awesome surrounds of Złota Polska Jesień (🇬🇧 Golden Polish Autumn) 🍂🍁 and kicks off with a public holiday 🕯️🪦🕯️All Saint's Day🕯️🪦🕯️ when Poles visit the gravesides of deceased loved ones with a candle and prayers at sundown 🌅👻 Other holy folk getting a special mention this month are St. Martin (Nov 11th) who Poznań named their croissants after 🥐🥐🥐 and St. Andrew (Nov 29th) who lends his name to the Andrzejki fortune telling traditions of young unwedded Polish ladies 🗝️🕯️ The 11th is, of course, 🇵🇱Polish Independence Day🇵🇱 celebrating the end of WWI and the emergence of Poland after 123 years of occupation!
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Saints and Souls | Halloween in Poland
Following on from Halloween 🎃 TODAY IS ALL SAINTS' DAY 👻 👻 In Poland and certain other countries, people descend on cemeteries all over the nation and light a candles in memory of deceased family and friends 🕯️🪦🕯️ So where did these tradition originate from❓ And what how is ancestor worship different in the 21st century❓
#travelslow #travelsmart #polandinyourpocket #polish #polski #historiapolski #foreignersinpoland #polandexpats #polishlanguage #expatsinpoland #polandinyourpocket #Halloween #Halloween2021 #halloweenparty #halloweenmakeup #halloweencostume #halloweenweekend #Halloween #poland #allsaintsday #allsoulsday #dzienwszystkichswietych #dzienzaduszny
WRZESIEŃ | September in Poland
WRZESIEŃ IS HERE‼️ 🇵🇱📅 September in Poland is the season of Heather (🇵🇱Wrzos) 🌾🧑🌾 as well as forest mushrooms (Grzyby) 🍄🍄🍄 which brings out all the devoted 'shroom scavengers in a frenzy known as 'Grzybobranie' 👃🔎🧺 That's not all! Kasztany (🇬🇧 Chestnuts) are also dropping in 🌰🌰🌰 as well as the grape harvest 🍇🍇🍇 in Małopolska and Lubusz 🇵🇱 both celebrating the highly-anticipated wine season during events like WINOBRANIE 🎪🍇🗝️🍾
#travelslow #travelsmart #polandinyourpocket #polskie #polskamoda #ExPatriot #expatsinpoland #polishtraditions #travelslow #travelsmart #Poland101 #linguistics #etymology #etymologie #language #languagelearning #język #jezykpolski #slavic #learnpolish #polishgirl #wrzesien #jarmark #festiwal #harvest #winobranie #grzybobranie #grzyby #kasztany
SIERPIEŃ | August in Poland
SIERPIEŃ has arrived‼️ 🇵🇱📅 Historically, Sierpień (🇬🇧 August) is the start of harvest season 🌾🧑🌾 so consider taking drive out in the golden countryside 🤩🤳✌️ The festival season continues with a hectic calendar of music, arts and cultural events, as well as the beloved Jarmarki (🇬🇧 Market Fairs) in each major city 🎪🥟 There are also two important military anniversaries that characterise Sierpień 🪖🎖️ Powstanie Warszawskie (🇬🇧 The Warsaw Uprising) and the miraculous counteroffensive of the 1920 Battle of Warsaw 🛡️ which has since been designated as Święto Wojska Polskiego (🇬🇧 Poland Armed Forces Day)
#travelslow #travelsmart #polandinyourpocket #polskie #polskamoda #ExPatriot #expatsinpoland #polishtraditions #travelslow #travelsmart #Poland101 #linguistics #etymology #etymologie #language #languagelearning #język #jezykpolski #slavic #learnpolish #polishgirl #sierpien #jarmark #festiwal #harvest #siano #cudnadwisla #PowstanieWarszawskie
Experience the beauty of Renaissance art at the "Uskrzydlone. Putta w sztuce renesansu" (ang. "Winged Putto") exhibition at the Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie! 🪽👼🏻🏛️
Immerse yourself in a world of cherubs, drawings, sculptures, and paintings 🖼️, inspired by masters like Mantegna and Dürer 🎨
Don’t miss this unique exhibition! 🗓️28.06-06.10.2024 📍MNK Gmach Główny
#krakowinyourpocket #polandinyourpocket #krakow #poland #IYP #muzeumnarodowe #exhibition #uskrzydlone #art #renaissance
🌸📚 Explore Kraków with the NEW Kraków In Your Pocket Spring/Summer City Guide 2024! 🗺️ Packed with the best spots and local secrets, this guide is your key to the city.
👀 INSPIRING FEATURES dive into essential sights, activities, food culture, and local souvenirs, helping you plan the perfect trip.
🚶♂️ Enjoy WALKING TOURS through Krakow’s most interesting areas, ensuring you don’t miss out on anything important.
🍽️ Get LOCAL TIPS ON WHERE TO EAT & DRINK in each area, from the finest brunches to the liveliest party spots 🥞🍹
🚆 FULL TRANSPORT INFO & TRAVEL TIPS make navigating Krakow a breeze, while DETAILED MAPS ensure you never lose your way 🚌🔍
Grab your copy of the Kraków In Your Pocket City Guide in our online shop linked in the comments and start your adventure in this historical gem of a city! 🌟
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Explore @galiciajewishmuseumkrakow in Kraków’s historic Kazimierz district! 🌟 This innovative museum commemorates Holocaust victims and celebrates Jewish culture in Polish Galicia 🕊️
Challenging stereotypes and enlightening visitors, they are a charity dedicated to education and dialogue 📚✨
Join them to see history from a new perspective!
#krakowinyourpocket #polandinyourpocket #krakow #poland #IYP #museumgalicia #galiciajewishmuseum #historyreimagined #museum #culture #kazimierz
Don’t miss out on our Kraków In Your Pocket City Guide 🔔🔔
Filled with all the cities essential cites 🏰🎠🕍
Check it out linked in our page bio 📲
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