Grusa A tree up to 20 m high, sometimes a large shrub.

Pear wood is one of the preferred materials in the manufacture of high-quality woodwind instruments and furniture.

Pear wood is one of the preferred materials in the manufacture of high-quality woodwind instruments and furniture.

A medium-sized tree, it grows in coastal and temperate regions of Europe, North Africa and Asia.

A medium-sized tree, it grows in coastal and temperate regions of Europe, North Africa and Asia.

An interesting fact is that the largest pear was grown in Japan. The fetus weighed as much as 3 kg!

An interesting fact is that the largest pear was grown in Japan. The fetus weighed as much as 3 kg!

In Switzerland, a product called "pear honey" is obtained from pear fruits.

In Switzerland, a product called "pear honey" is obtained from pear fruits.

Different varieties of pears are used as ornamental or actual fruit trees.

Different varieties of pears are used as ornamental or actual fruit trees.

Scientists have found that the pear began to be cultivated about three thousand years ago in ancient Greece.

Scientists have found that the pear began to be cultivated about three thousand years ago in ancient Greece.

By 2006, as a result of successful selection of frost-resistant varieties, the pear is effectively grown in garden plots...

By 2006, as a result of successful selection of frost-resistant varieties, the pear is effectively grown in garden plots located in the Urals and Western Siberia up to 55 ° N lat.

In the wild in Europe, the pear is distributed up to about 60 ° N lat. On the northern border of the range - rare.

In the wild in Europe, the pear is distributed up to about 60 ° N lat. On the northern border of the range - rare.


flowers for all ...

Pears are fruits that are produced and consumed all over the world, grow on trees and are harvested in the Northern Hemi...

Pears are fruits that are produced and consumed all over the world, grow on trees and are harvested in the Northern Hemisphere from late summer to October.

The perianth is double, five-membered.

The perianth is double, five-membered.

The leaves are oblong-rounded, short-pointed, leathery, on long petioles, blackening when drying out.

The leaves are oblong-rounded, short-pointed, leathery, on long petioles, blackening when drying out.






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