Mówienie w języku, którego się uczymy przyspiesza proces nauki ;)
Możesz również czytać na głos!
Nowe materiały do nauki już wkrótce u nas,
bądźcie uważni!
Witamy w Różowym Świecie®
Nauka, która inspiruje!
Zwyciestwa 98A
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Hi !!!
I am Amy, a certified English teacher with ESL and TEFL experience, living and working mainly in Koszalin, Poland. Coming Basically from Tunisia, I grew up in a multilingual environment in which my parents appreciated foreign languages and pushed me hard to work on that, yet my passion to learn even more brought me to realize that literature was my thing.
I Fell in love with books, everything connected to it seduced me and then I discovered the English Language. Ever since I had no escape but to follow the voice of my heart. Learning English, Teaching it by now was a hell of a ride, but I knew all the way that this was my way and that was the right thing for me to do...So here I am.