Zoharum - new experimental art

Zoharum - new experimental art ZOHARUM- Polish label exploring unconventional sonic spheres and Alchembria. PL (Zoharum Webstore)

Zoharum is a Polish label founded in 2007, specializing in experimental music. Originally founded with the aim of releasing the music of Bisclaveret, the label soon expanded and evolved towards different directions. Today, the Zoharum catalog contains more than 200 titles of ambient, industrial, experimental, electroacoustic and IDM among other genres. Most of the albums are released in CD format,

although there are also first edition vinyls, special editions with bonuses, cassette tapes and other limited availability items. The choice of new titles for the label’s catalog is guided only by their taste, above genre limitations. Their contribution to the promotion of post-industrial music in Poland specifically, and the European audience more generally, is significant; they work with many artists from Poland and other countries, release new acts as well as renowned artists, but also refresh and present to new listeners classic albums in the history of experimental music. The visual and aesthetic aspect of Zoharum albums is always paid much attention to, and plays an important part to understanding the concept behind each release. Apart from their label activities, the owners collaborate with another well-known Polish label, Beast of Prey, for the publishing of “Hard Art” magazine and the organization of concerts, festivals and cultural events. www.zoharum.com

ALCHEMBRIA mailorder was started in 2009 to cater for various tastes of sonic explorers. Currently it has more than 2000 titles to choose from including CD, vinyl, tapes, books, etc. www.alchembria.pl

Podstawowym celem Zoharum jest promowanie wszelkich przejawów sztuki kontrkulturowej - postawionej w opozycji do tego, co bombarduje nas wszystkich we wszelkiego rodzaju środkach masowego przekazu: w radiu, prasie, czy telewizji. Najważniejszym celem kolektywu jest działalność artystyczna: muzyka, literatura, oraz inne dziedziny sztuki, które nie mieszczą się w powszechnie przyjętym kanonie „dzieł poprawnych politycznie". Wspieramy wszystkie te działania, które są wyrazem własnych -- nieskrępowanych żadnymi ograniczeniami -- poglądów, artystycznych wizji, buntu, bądź pochwały wolnej myśli. Twórców skupionych wokół Zoharum łączy tylko jedna idea -- zamiłowanie do estetycznego wyrazu własnej wizji i koncepcji artystycznej, bez względu na to, w jakiej tematyce się ona realizuje. Podstawowa działalność
W ramach swojej działalności wydawniczej Zoharum publikuje albumy CD zespołów i projektów ze sceny industrialnej oraz z kręgu szeroko rozumianej muzyki eksperymentalnej, niszowej, niezależnej. W przyszłości publikować będzie również książki oraz wydawnictwa filmowe. Zoharum jest również współwydawcą informatora kulturalnego Hard Art. Jako kolektyw artystyczny Zoharum jest organizatorem oraz współorganizatorem wielu koncertów oraz imprez kulturalnych.

"Jugoslavija 1941-1945" by BRANDKOMMANDO is one of the first titles published by us in 2024. Death industrial concept de...

"Jugoslavija 1941-1945" by BRANDKOMMANDO is one of the first titles published by us in 2024. Death industrial concept dealing with the bloody history at the beginning of dictator Tito's rule. Karol Wachowski consistently follows the path chosen years ago and during twenty years of activity he has published nearly 40 materials, including albums, EPs, splits on CDs, CDRs and cassettes. His work fits into the industrial style, oscillating somewhere between Power Electronics, Noise and Death Industrial. While searching for and developing his music, Karol also devotes a lot of time to exploring history, especially that of the 20th century. He ruthlessly deals with communist terror, revealing various secrets, false messages and presenting less known threads on this topic. Of course, politics is not the only inspiration for his exploration of genres with exceptionally radical and strong messages. Regardless of whether such a story is interesting to you or not, the music created by Karol as part of the BRANDKOMMANDO project certainly deserves your attention. So we invite you to listen to this and previous materials available on our bandcamp. See for yourself if you can cope with his message. The attached photos show the CD edition, published in a 6-panel ecopack.

That's How I Fight "29" a new video promoting the group's last album, published this fall by Zoharum in cooperation with...

That's How I Fight "29" a new video promoting the group's last album, published this fall by Zoharum in cooperation with Esion (Extinction Records sub-label dedicated to experimental music). >>> Enjoy watching this clip! >>>
On this occasion, we would like to remind you that LP "Movement Three" is still available at Alchembria.PL (Zoharum Webstore). Check it out.

THAT'S HOW I FIGHT '29' [ZOHAR 325-1]Video by Jarosław KasperekMusic by That's How I FightRecorded, mixed & mastered at HAGAL StudioTrack taken from THAT'S H...

This is one of our last publications this year: "Receptor Radiation" - the latest release by  Jarl. The album is availab...

This is one of our last publications this year: "Receptor Radiation" - the latest release by Jarl. The album is available on CD and cassette. As usual in the case of Erik's musical work, we are dealing with extremely intense, suggestive drone/ambient with a strong tint on the border of experiment and psychedelia. Visit our bandcamp where you can listen to this material in its entirety. In the attached photo you can see what the CD edition looks like. Artwork by Radosław Kamiński malarstwo (Ab Intra), Mastering by Peter Andersson.

A new review of ULESA (Saule/Ulesa) - II published on Only Death Is Real.We recommend reading the text and listening to ...

A new review of ULESA (Saule/Ulesa) - II published on Only Death Is Real.
We recommend reading the text and listening to the described album, available in its entirety on our bandcamp.

Release year: 2024Label: Zoharum The thing with abstract music is… well, that it’s abstract. I suppose this sounds like a redundant statement, but bear with me a moment. The thing with …

Rapoon "Dream Circle (In Three Phases)" 3CD is one of the more extensive publications we have released this year. This e...

Rapoon "Dream Circle (In Three Phases)" 3CD is one of the more extensive publications we have released this year. This enhanced version of the debut additionally includes the sequel "Recurring (Dream Circle)" and a specially prepared version of thinking about this release, the album "Mandala", which is an extension of the formula contained in previous releases.
The album was released in a gold-black eight-panel digipack, which is still available at Alchembria.PL (Zoharum Webstore) and on our bandcamp.
As an addition, it should be mentioned that a collector's version in a wooden box with accessories was also available for pre-order, which met with great interest and is now only available in private collections. Thanks for that! Nevertheless, we recommend to your attention an equally impressive edition from our catalog. In the attached photo you can see what the physical format of the publication looks like.

(For Eng. scroll down) Ci, którzy obserwują naszą działalność od dawna, zapewne mieli okazję natknąć się na publikacje M...

(For Eng. scroll down)
Ci, którzy obserwują naszą działalność od dawna, zapewne mieli okazję natknąć się na publikacje Maćka, zarówno te wydane pod jego nazwiskiem jak i jego twórczość publikowaną w ramach projektu Aabzu... Ci, którzy mieli okazję spotkać go na swojej drodze, wiedzą, jak sympatycznym, życzliwym i serdecznym człowiekiem jest. Prywatnie, wspaniały mąż i ojciec. Jak dowiedzieliśmy się ostatnio, Maciek Szymczuk stanął do niezwykle trudnej i ciężkiej walki. Wierzymy, że uda mu się pokonać tego skurczybyka i trzymamy za to kciuki. Ma cel, perspektywy ale potrzebuje Waszego wsparcia. Pod załączonym linkiem znajdziecie zarówno właściwe linki, numery oraz więcej informacji, opublikowanych na stronie fundacji, pod której patronatem prowadzona jest zbiórka.
Apelujemy o Waszą pomoc....
EN: Those who have been following our activities for a long time have probably had the opportunity to come across Maciek's publications, both those published under his name and his works published as part of the Aabzu project... Those who had the opportunity to meet him know how he is a nice, kind and cordial person. Privately, a wonderful husband and father. As we recently learned, Maciek Szymczuk faced an extremely difficult fight. We believe that he will be able to defeat this f***ing cancer and we keep our fingers crossed for him. He has a reason to win and perspectives, but he needs your support. In below link you will find appropriate links, numbers and more information published on the website of the foundation under whose patronage the charity collection is carried out.
We appeal for your help and support.

BĘDĘ ŻYŁ. Dla siebie, dla moich dwóch małych synków, dla mojej żony i rodziny. Wierzę, że będę w gronie tych szczęśliwych pacjentów, którzy nie tylko przeżywają 5 lat od diagnozy, ale znacznie dłużej.

Have you had a chance to listen to the album "Lejek Bólu" by Galaktyka Mięsa? If not, we remind you that you can do it b...

Have you had a chance to listen to the album "Lejek Bólu" by Galaktyka Mięsa? If not, we remind you that you can do it by visiting our bandcamp. We invite you. There you will find this and many other albums published by Zoharum, available in their entirety for listening several times.

14 track album

This is probably the first review of Jarl's latest album "Receptor Radiation" written by Cesare Buttaboni and published ...

This is probably the first review of Jarl's latest album "Receptor Radiation" written by Cesare Buttaboni and published on versacrum.com. It's good introduction to the first listen, and since the premiere took place recently, we recommend that you read this text and listen to the album in its entirety, available on our bandcamp.

“Receptor Radiation” di Jarl: una sinfonia elettro-neurale che evoca i confini del tempo e della percezione Con Receptor Radiation, Jarl firma un manifesto sonoro che risuona come una fusione tra passato e futuro, un’opera che espande le possibilità della musica...

After a slightly longer break, HYBRYDS returns to the Zoharum catalog, not with a reissue, not a compilation, but with b...

After a slightly longer break, HYBRYDS returns to the Zoharum catalog, not with a reissue, not a compilation, but with brand new material. We have just started to intensify our efforts to make it one of our first releases next year, alongside the previously announced Zenial "FoilPunk" CD.
"In The Wake Of The Witch", as this is the title of the new album of the Belgian, or rather Belgian-German band, will be released as a double CD album. It contains as many as 21 tracks, related with each other in such a way as if they were only a fragment of a larger whole, at times a bit intriguing, sometimes giving a chill, and at the same time so interesting and addictive that we can easily immerse ourselves deeply as if suspended somewhere between dream and reality... This almost fairy-tale world was intricately woven by each of the musicians participating in the recordings, using the sounds extracted from their instruments; that is, unchanged for years - Magthea is responsible for the electronics, melodic layer, compositions and sound, accompanied by: TraumaSutra, who plays his own drums and is responsible for a large part of the arrangements, and Peter Geysels, who plays various types of wind instruments. The instrumental layer is complemented by equally important content sung by Madeline Arndt and Katharina Galgareipi, outlining a unique theme, building the right atmosphere and narrative to best present the concept developed on it. Finally, it should be said that "In The Wake Of The Witch" is one of the best albums in the Hybryds music discography, containing all the elements that have influenced the unique sound and character of their music, the echoes of which can be heard both here and in previous publications . The latest album brings, above all, new, fresh compositions that are in no way inferior to such classics as "Electric Voodoo", "Dreambient" or even "Music For Rituals".
2CD edition released in a six-panel digipack.
Premiere in January. We will provide further details soon. Then we will launch pre-sale. So stay tuned!

EN: This Friday, ALLES will perform at the  in Łódź (PL) with a concert promoting their latest album "Now". //PL: Popsys...

EN: This Friday, ALLES will perform at the in Łódź (PL) with a concert promoting their latest album "Now".
//PL: Popsysze to nie jedyny zespół związany z Zoharum, który wystąpi na żywo w najbliższy weekend, bo już w piątek (6.12) duet Alles zagra w swoim rodzinnym mieście koncert promujący ich najnowszy krążek "NOW".
Jak można przeczytać na stronie łódzkich elektropunkowców, start o godzinie 20:30 w UV KLUB . My również rekomendujemy to wydarzenie i liczymy, że jeżeli będziecie nieopodal, odwiedzicie to miejsce i dacie ponieść się energii wypływającej z piosenek (tych nowszych jak i starszych) w wykonaniu
Więcej info znajdziecie na fanpejdżach klubu i zespołu.

W nadchodzący weekend Popsysze + Goście: Tomek Gadecki (saksofon), Adam Skorczewski  (trąbka) i Aga Tre (wokal) zagrają ...

W nadchodzący weekend Popsysze + Goście: Tomek Gadecki (saksofon), Adam Skorczewski (trąbka) i Aga Tre (wokal) zagrają dwa ostatnie koncerty w ramach trasy promującej ich wspólne wydawnictwo "ETR", czyli koncertowy album, zarejestrowany w tym samym składzie, w studio Radio Gdańsk S.A. .podczas występu w ramach cyklu
Zachęcamy do uczestnictwa w wydarzeniach.
Linki do wydarzeń w komentarzu.
// EN: This weekend will be the last two concerts of & Guests as part of the tour promoting their latest release "ETR"

When people talk to each other, new ideas emerge...Just a few days ago we talked to Paweł Wielorybski  and it turned out...

When people talk to each other, new ideas emerge...
Just a few days ago we talked to Paweł Wielorybski and it turned out that we had a plan for some joint activities WIELORYB and Zoharum - new experimental art . We are already excited about cooperation and hope that at the beginning of the year we will be able to share the details with you. So follow our profiles and websites. We will certainly keep you updated on progress. Stay tuned!

It's today. The official premiere of the last two releases from Zoharum scheduled for this year. This time we present th...

It's today. The official premiere of the last two releases from Zoharum scheduled for this year. This time we present the latest album by Jarl "Receptor Radiation" and Galaktyka Mięsa "Lejek Bólu". The pre-ordered CDs are on the way to you. We have to wait 1-2 days for the cassettes. As soon as we receive them, we send them to you immediately.
If you haven't had the opportunity yet, visit our websites and check out our latest publishing offers.

"... That's How I Fight  has created something truly special with "Movement Three". It’s an album that eschews formal st...

"... That's How I Fight has created something truly special with "Movement Three". It’s an album that eschews formal structure in favor of a dynamic, evolving experience. For those willing to surrender to its slow, deliberate pacing and let go of expectations, it offers something more than music - it’s an open canvas for contemplation, a quiet invitation to flirt with the unknown. Here is a record not for casual listening, but for immersion, for journeys into the spaces within and beyond, a reminder of how beautifully sound can mirror the vast, undefinable terrain of the human soul." - it's a fragment of the review of the latest album "Movement Three" by Vito Camarretta published on Chain D.L.K. . We encourage you to read the entire text, available at the link below.
Let us just remind you that the album was released in September only on vinyl and is still available at Alchembria.PL (Zoharum Webstore) and on our bandcamp.

...and another rave review by Vito Camarretta and posted on  D.L.K. . This time, the extended, three-disc edition of Rap...

...and another rave review by Vito Camarretta and posted on D.L.K. . This time, the extended, three-disc edition of Rapoon's "Dream Circle (In Three Phases)" was assessed.
We recommend reading the text and remind you that the publication is still available at Alchembria.PL (Zoharum Webstore) and on our bandcamp.

"Bunker Musick" by Düsseldorf (A Polish-German Related Project) is one of our latest premieres, musically it fits into t...

"Bunker Musick" by Düsseldorf (A Polish-German Related Project) is one of our latest premieres, musically it fits into the industrial style, close to the electro / EBM scene. Concept album, had been maturing for a long time in the mind of Tom Axer from DUSSELDORF, who invited Leander Roenick from ELEKTROKRAFT to implement it. This is how Polish-German cooperation was established, within which the artists created quite an intriguing album, inspired by war themes. However, it is neither the apotheosis of heroic struggle nor a tribute to those who die during armed conflicts, but it is only a background to talk about completely different issues. In this case, the title bunker symbolizes a trap from which there is no return, in order to best capture the moment when the emotions and thoughts of a person who has just realized his or her own situation begin to torment them. The whole thing takes place in the mind of an imprisoned soldier locked in a fortress. It is his fear, euphoria, scenes from life flashing by in a fraction of a second, moments of smoldering hope intertwined with anger and a sense of helplessness that fill the subsequent lines, sung by the vocalist in his native language, with content. To give the message a universal character, the title of each track refers to different fortificationse, sometimes located on the other side of the conflict.
Edition on CD in a 6-panel ecopack.
The album is available at Alchembria.PL (Zoharum Webstore) and on our bandcamp. Visit one of these sites and check out our newest musical proposals.

A new interesting review of B ( ) TONG "Mass" (2CD) by Vito Camarretta, published on Chain D.L.K. We recommend reading t...

A new interesting review of B ( ) TONG "Mass" (2CD) by Vito Camarretta, published on Chain D.L.K. We recommend reading the text and remind you that the publication is still available at Alchembria.PL (Zoharum Webstore) and on our bandcamp.





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