The goal of National Academy of Young Scientists is to coordinate young scientists of Pakistan in different disciplines (Biomedical and Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Computational and Engineering Sciences) to share knowledge, research experience, opportunities of higher education and research. It is now good time to establish such body to motivate young scientists of Pakistan so that we
could enter in the race of Science and technology. We should be optimistic for our young scientists because they are now more responsible and want a revolutionary change in country. OBJECTIVES
1-Coordination among the young scientists to promote Science. NAYS will provide the opportunities to coordinate with Pakistani young scientists
working overseas to share knowledge and experience and to keep young scientists update
with latest research work in different disciplines of science. Forum will organize
meetings and conferences to promote awareness in common public of Pakistan about
Science and Scientific work in Pakistan and solve problem of young scientists. Further
academy will launch Newsletter with latest news in science and technology
2-Coordination of the academia and industry for the welfare
of society. Academy will make efforts to get funding from national and international agencies to
promote research work in Pakistan by establishing coordination among academia and
industry.. Forum will encourage young scientists to take part in Research work and play their role
for society and nation and also it will highlight scientific problem in country and to work
for their solution in coordination with Government of Pakistan.
3-To develop link with Electronic Media of Pakistan for fast
spread of information and knowledge.
4-To start Newsletter with latest news in science and
technology. Rules for Members:
All respected members are requested to follow the following rules
1. No member is allowed to use abusive language against any religion
2. Members are not allowed to use abusive language against any member or scientist or any religious scholar
3. Members are not allowed to become personal in your comments
if any member violate these rules do this He, / She will be permanently removed from this group
NAYS always welcomes healthy Scientific discussions on this group, so please concentrate on science...