1. The value of surface tension of a liquid at critical temperature is
a) Zero
b) Infinite
c) Between 0 and infinity
d) Cannot be determined
2. The spherical shape of rain drop is due to
a) Density of liquids
b) Surface tension
c) Atmospheric pressure
d) Gravity
3. When there is no external force shape of rain drop is determined by
a) Surface tension
b) Density
c) Viscosity of liquid
d) Air temperature
4. Soap help in cleansing clothes because
a) Chemical of soap change
b) It increases the surface tension of liquid
c) It absorb the dirt
d) It lowers the surface tension of liquid
5. A pin or a needle floats on the surface of water the reason for this is
a) Surface tension
b) Less weight
c) Up thrust of liquid
d) None
6. If temperature increases, surface tension of liquid
a) Increase
b) Decreases
c) Same
d) None
7. Small drops of liquid are more spherical because
a) Surface tension equals to gravity
b) Tension dominates gravity
c) Gravity dominates surface tension
d) Gravity and surface tension are equal and opposite
8. Surface tension of liquid
a) Increase with area
b) Decrease with area
c) Increase with temperature
d) Decreases with temperature