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What is the number of participants in PTI Jalsa Islamabad?Regarding this Jalsa, PTI supporters claim that it is a sea of...

What is the number of participants in PTI Jalsa Islamabad?

Regarding this Jalsa, PTI supporters claim that it is a sea of ​​millions of people. However, this is far from truth. It may be recalled that before this meeting, the PTI leaders had announced that they would gather 1 million people in Islamabad.

However, according to our careful estimates; there were atleast 130,000-200,000 people (including people on the streets and in cars outside the parade ground Islamabad) present at the venue.



This is a 2-in-1 book comprising of Urdu and English language sections. (Pages 68, pictures in text 20. Set of eighty (80) colored pictures with captions in English language.)

Summary: Three phases of implementation of Deen-e-Islam:-
The First Phase - Prophet Adam (AS) to Prophet Ibrahim (AS) – elaborates on the rise of A’ad (Hud) and Samood (Saleh) in the once fertile Najad desert. Their archaeological remains and geology have been discussed.
نفاذِ دین۔ پہلا دور : حضرت آ دم ؑ تا حضرت ابراہیمؑ (مختصرتاریخ) قومِ عاد (ہودؑ) و ثمود (صالحؑ) وغیرہ کا زمانہء عروج اور صحرائے نجد کی زرخیزی۔آثارِ ثمود کے علاوہ، ایتھوپیا سے اردن تک پھیلے ہوئے پتھروں سے بنے ہوئے یا چٹانوں میں کھدے ہوئے نشانات کاجائزہ اور بنانے والے لوگ۔سر زمینِ عرب کی_ جیولوجی اور معدنی ذخائر
-The Second Phase - Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) – delves into the comparison of Banu Ishaq (RA) and Banu Ismail (RA) and the significance of geographical, social and cultural differences in how the Deen was implemented. The difference between the methodology adopted by The Prophet (SAW) to successfully implement Deen-e-Islam in the shortest possible time is the central theme.
نفاذِ دین۔دوسرا دور: حضرت ابراہیمؑ تا رسول اللہ ﷺ بنو اسمٰعیلؑ و اسحٰقؑ کاتقابلی جائزہ اورجغرافیائی و معاشرتی فرق کی اہمیت۔ رسول اللہ کی بے لوث اورمحیّرالعقول جدّو جہد اورکامیابیاں۔بَعثت ورِسالتِؐ مکّہ اوردین کے نفاذ میں ہجرت وریاستِ مدینہ کی اہمیت اور حِکمَتِ الٰہی کی _تفصیل۔ خاتم النیّینؐ ،سیاسی تدبّر کی معراج اورعظیم سپہ سالار کامکمل امتزاج یہ کوشش بھی کی ہے کہ کسی واقعے کے پسِ منظرمیں سمجھا جاسکےکہ رسول اللہ ﷺ نے کیسے اور کس قسم کے اقدامات کیےکہ مختصرترین وقت اور محدود ترین وسائل کے باوجود کامیاب ترین نتائج بر آمدہوئےاور یہ کہ اسلامو فوبیا اور مسلمانوں کے خلاف عالمی دہشت گردی کا تدارک کرنے کے لیے لیے مسلم امّہ کو اتباعِ جدو جہد اور سنّتِ رسول کی رہنمائی میں کیا اقدام اٹھانے چاہیئں مصنّف نے واقعات کی تاریخی ترتیب کے علاوہ اُن کی اہمیت اور وجوہات کو سمجھنے کی کوشش کی ہےجس نے تاریخ کا رخ ہمیشہ کے لیے بدل دیا _تحویلِ قبلہ کا واقعہ کس طرح پیش آیا ہو گاپراپنی رائے کا اظہارکیا ہے قبل تحویلِ قبلہ کے زمانے کی مساجد کو ہندوستان اور حبشہ میں تلاش _کرکے ان کی تفصیل شامل کی ہے
-The Third Phase - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to the end of times/ day of resurrection – is the focus of this book
تیسرا دور رسول اللہﷺ کے خُطبہء حجۃُ الوِداع کے مطابق مُسلِم اُمّہ کی ذِمّہ داری ہے، جس کے سلسلے میں زوال کو کمال، اور نِشاۃِثانیہ کی طرف لے جانے کےلیےابتدائی اقدامات تجویز کیے ہیں۔ اُمّہ کی حالتِ زار اور قومی و عالمی تناظر میں تفصیلی بحث کی گئی ہے۔ فی زمانہ اسلامی دنیا کو رسول اللہؐ کے مکّی دور کے مطابق "صبرِ محض" کا انداز اختیار کرکے خاموشی سے اپنےبنیادی مسائل کو حل کرنے کا وقت ہے۔ "تنظیمِ تعاونِ اسلامی"(او،آئی،سی) کی بیچارگی اور "خلافتِ یہود و نصاریٰ " یعنی کامن ویلتھ آف نیشنز کی طرف توجہ دلائی ہےاور یہ کہ اسلامو فوبیا کا تدارک کرنے کے لیے مسلم امّہ کو کیا اقدام اٹھانے چاہئیں ـ مصنّف نے واقعات کی تاریخی ترتیب کے علاوہ ان کی اہمیت اور وجوہات کو سمجھنے کی کوشش کی ہے.
(مصنّف: نصرت کمال صدیقی (ماہرِ ارضیات)
نُصرت کمال صدیقی تقسیم ِ ہند سے پہلے پیدا ہوئے ۔پنجا ب یونیورسٹی، لاہور سے پٹرولیم جیولوجی(1969ء)اور ہالینڈ سے ریموٹ سنسنگ (خلائی عکوس پر تحقیق) کی تعلیم حاصل کی۔اَندرون و بیرونِ ملک پیشہ ورانہ خدمات انجام دی ہیں اور پاکستان کی پٹرولیم جیولوجی پر ایک کتاب شایع کرچکے ہیں (2016 ء)۔ غارِ حرا پر دینی اور فنّی انداز کا ان کا ایک مضمون بہت مقبول ہوا، جس نے سیرت النبیؐ پر مزیدتحقیق کی طرف توجہ دلائی۔اللہ تعالیٰ نے اُنہیں توفیق دی کہ عمرہ (1975ء) اور حج (1978ء) کے علاوہ کئی دفعہ اَرضِ مُقدّس جانا رہا ،اور پھر دورہ قرآن میں شرکت کےامتزاج نےکتابِ ہذاکی طرف رغبت و ہمت دلائی اوروقتِ اشاعت آ ہی گی.


Wait for the real culture 💖


Cricketers acknowledge the services of Dr AQ Khan and pray for him to be blessed with high ranks in the hereafter

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New Zealand have cancelled their tour to Pakistan amid so-called Security Threats.


The Taliban have fired shots into the air to disperse hundreds of people who had gathered at several rallies in Kabul — the latest signs of defiance by Afghans against the hardline movement which swept to power last month.

Afghanistan's new rulers have yet to form a government, but many in the capital are fearful of a repeat of the Taliban's previous brutal and repressive reign between 1996 and 2001.

At least three rallies were held across Kabul in a show of resistance that would have been unthinkable during the Taliban's last stint in power — when people were publicly executed and thieves had their hands chopped off.

“Afghan women want their country to be free. They want their country to be rebuilt. We are tired,” protester Sarah Fahim told AFP at one rally outside the Pakistani embassy, where more than 70 people, mostly women, had gathered.

Mullah Haibatullah Akhundzada latest images, somewhere in Kandhar, Afghanistan

Mullah Haibatullah Akhundzada latest images, somewhere in Kandhar, Afghanistan


Pakistan Wins Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medal in Asian Mixed Martial Arts Championship-2021

Pakistan won one gold, one silver and one bronze medal in the debutant Asian Mixed Martial Arts Championship-2021 held in Kyrgyzstan. It is the first time Pakistan attended the Asian Championship; however, only six members attended the championship due to a lack of funds. Mixed Martial Arts Athletes were chosen from different cities of Pakistan including Allah Gul Afridi (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Liaquat Ali from Balochistan, Asim Khan, Shayan Amin and Shahazaib Khan from Sindh. Shariq Ali was manager-cum-coach of the squad.

Pakistani Mixed Martial Arts Athletes team members including Shahzaib Khan won gold, Liaqat Ali bagged silver medal and Allah Gul Afridi got the bronze medal in Championship and made the country proud with their achievements. Talking to APP, The President Pakistan Mixed Martial Arts Federation Zulfiqar Ali said that PMMAF would stay on the path of success and would make efforts to ensure maximum participation in all events in future. He said the World MMA Championship 2021 is also expected to be held in December this year.




Electricity worth Rs5697.6 million (Rs5.70 billion) was stolen in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) during the last financial year 2020-21.

District Bannu has topped in power theft and Mardan stood second while Haripur has the lowest electricity theft in the province. Peshawar Electric Supply Company (Pesco) received electricity worth Rs15,305.3 million during the previous financial year from the power division but received an amount of Rs9,607.7 million from their customers. Thus, the national exchequer suffered a loss of 37.2% during the last financial year. Power thieves have caused a total loss to PESCO of about Rs129,368.1 million (Rs12.93 billion).

Pesco CEO Mohammad Jabbar Khan is optimistic that with the joint efforts of the utility company and provincial government power theft will be reduced in the current year. He said that the provincial government is fully supporting Pesco's ongoing campaign against power thieves and we have the full support of the provincial government. Special anti-theft police stations have been set up to catch the thieves.

“The main reason for power theft was the use of hooks, which used to steal electricity directly from the cables, but now the new ABC cables will help reduce power theft in the province. The K***a culture is unaccepted at any cost,” he said


Biden called the members of the U.S. armed forces who lost their lives in the attacks in Kabul Thursday “heroes” and said he has a sacred obligation to their families. He said their lives were given in the service of liberty, of others, and of America.

He said to the perpetrators “To those that carried out this attack know this. We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay.”

Biden said the U.S. evacuation of Americans and Afghans from Kabul through August 31 will continue: ‘Our mission will go on.’

Biden said he bears responsibility for “fundamentally all that that has happened,” but brought up the former president’s deals with the Taliban as to why no Americans have been attacked since 2020, when taking questions from reporters.


US-based Kashmiri and acclaimed architect, Tony Ashai, has presented a futuristic concept design for Daman-e-Koh, a viewing point and hilltop garden in Margalla Hills, Islamabad, on the request of Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Taking to Twitter, the Srinagar-born architect penned that Daman-e-Koh is currently in a bad shape and the transformation could turn it into a world-class tourist destination and an iconic park for Pakistan.

Read full story on our site!

After destroying whole country, a sip of water before camera.

After destroying whole country, a sip of water before camera.


دہشتگردوں نے گجک میں سکیورٹی فورسز کی گاڑی کو دھماکا خیز مواد کی مدد سے نشانہ بنایا، 2 اہلکار زخمی بھی ہوئے: آئی ایس پی آر


The Taliban’s co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar has arrived in Kabul for talks with fellow members of the group and other politicians on establishing a new Afghan government.
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President Dr Arif Alvi & First Lady visited the set of Kurulus Osman

President Dr Arif Alvi & First Lady visited the set of Kurulus Osman

Very true 😂

Very true 😂

افغان نائب صدر کا طالبان حکومت کے خلاف مذاہمت کا اعلان

افغان نائب صدر کا طالبان حکومت کے خلاف مذاہمت کا اعلان

احمد شاہ مسعود کےبیٹے سرگرم...;

“The Islamic Emirate doesn’t want women to be victims,” Samangani said, using the Taliban’s term for Afghanistan. “They ...

“The Islamic Emirate doesn’t want women to be victims,” Samangani said, using the Taliban’s term for Afghanistan. “They should be in government structure according to Shariah law.”

“The Islamic Emirate doesn’t want women to be victims,” Samangani said, using the Taliban’s term for Afghanistan. “They ...

“The Islamic Emirate doesn’t want women to be victims,” Samangani said, using the Taliban’s term for Afghanistan. “They should be in government structure according to Shariah law.”

Ashraf Ghani fled with cars and helicopter full of cash - Russia

Ashraf Ghani fled with cars and helicopter full of cash - Russia

Sindh bans use of drone cameras on 8th, 9th & 10th of Muharam

Sindh bans use of drone cameras on 8th, 9th & 10th of Muharam

"closely monitoring the situation on the ground" - Joe BidenProtests erupt outside white house amid Biden's speech 🇺🇸   ...

"closely monitoring the situation on the ground" - Joe Biden

Protests erupt outside white house amid Biden's speech 🇺🇸


3 Afghans were reportedly killed after they fell from US plane.

A group of Afghans is desperately trying to flee from the country as Taliban gains control of Afghanistan.

One of the strongest pic from  . Brave girls going to school a day after Kabul takeover by  .The Taliban have declared a...

One of the strongest pic from . Brave girls going to school a day after Kabul takeover by .

The Taliban have declared an end to the war.
Hope things will get normal in the neighbourhood.

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