Blockbuster “Ghabrana Nahi Hai” Continues to go Housefull The audience is full of praise & the response is overwhelming
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#ghabrananahihai #sabaqamar #zahidahmed #syedjibran #sohailahmed #nayyaraijaz #janrambo #saleemmeraj #jamilbaig #hassanzia #saqibkhan #gnhfilm #gnh #jbfilms #nueplexcinemas #geofilms #mastermindfilms
To celebrate the blockbuster success of our film - Ghabrana Nahi Hai - #JBFilms & Nueplex Cinemas have joined forces with #CnergyicoPkLimited to host special screenings of #GhabranaNahiHai for underprivileged people, especially children.
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#GhabranaNahiHai #SabaQamar #ZahidAhmed #SyedJibran #SohailAhmed #NayyerEjaz #JanRambo #SaleemMairaj #JamilBaig #HassanZia #SaqibKhan #GNH #JBFilms #NueplexCinemas #GeoFilms #MastermindFilms
To celebrate the blockbuster success of our film - Ghabrana Nahi Hai - #JBFilms & Nueplex Cinemas have joined forces with #CnergyicoPkLimited to host special screenings of #GhabranaNahiHai for underprivileged people, especially children.
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#GhabranaNahiHai #SabaQamar #ZahidAhmed #SyedJibran #SohailAhmed #NayyerEjaz #JanRambo #SaleemMairaj #JamilBaig #HassanZia #SaqibKhan #GNH #JBFilms #NueplexCinemas #GeoFilms #MastermindFilms
To celebrate the blockbuster success of our film - Ghabrana Nahi Hai - #JBFilms & #NueplexCinemas have joined forces with Cnergyico Pk to host special screenings of #GhabranaNahiHai for underprivileged people especially children.
In cinemas near you
#GhabranaNahiHai #SabaQamar #ZahidAhmed #SyedJibran #SohailAhmed #NayyerEjaz #JanRambo #SaleemMairaj #JamilBaig #HassanZia #SaqibKhan #GNH #JBFilms #NueplexCinemas #GeoFilms #MastermindFilms
To celebrate the blockbuster success of our film - Ghabrana Nahi Hai - #JBFilms & #NueplexCinemas have joined forces with Cnergyico Pk to host special screenings of #GhabranaNahiHai for underprivileged people especially children.
In cinemas near you
#GhabranaNahiHai #SabaQamar #ZahidAhmed #SyedJibran #SohailAhmed #NayyerEjaz #JanRambo #SaleemMairaj #JamilBaig #HassanZia #SaqibKhan #GNH #JBFilms #NueplexCinemas #GeoFilms #MastermindFilms
To celebrate the blockbuster success of our film - Ghabrana Nahi Hai - #JBFilms & #NueplexCinemas have joined forces with Cnergyico Pk to host special screenings of #GhabranaNahiHai for underprivileged people especially children.
In cinemas near you
#GhabranaNahiHai #SabaQamar #ZahidAhmed #SyedJibran #SohailAhmed #NayyerEjaz #JanRambo #SaleemMairaj #JamilBaig #HassanZia #SaqibKhan #GNH #JBFilms #NueplexCinemas #GeoFilms #MastermindFilms