Raja mubashir Ali

Raja mubashir Ali army public school

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السلام علیکم سارے دوستوں کو

شہزادیاں فاطمہ اور ایمان اللہ پاک میری بیٹیوں کو سلامت رکھے اور ان کے نصیب اچھا کرے

شہزادیاں فاطمہ اور ایمان اللہ پاک میری بیٹیوں کو سلامت رکھے اور ان کے نصیب اچھا کرے


اللہ سب پر کرم کرے


so sweet



Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim 🌺The Haqqani al-Qubrusi Family -Sayyid Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqanis Grandfather, Sayyid Shaykh ...

Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim

🌺The Haqqani al-Qubrusi Family -
Sayyid Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqanis Grandfather, Sayyid Shaykh Haji Hasan
Yashil Bash al-Haqqani al-Qubrusi al-Qadiri al-Mevlevi Rahimahullah,
Sayyid Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqanis Father, Sayyid Shaykh Ahmad Yashil Bash al-Haqqani al-Qubrusi Rahimahullah,
Sayyid Shaykh Muhammad Nazim ‘Adil al-Haqqani al-Qubrusi wal Shaami al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi Rahimahullah,
Sayyid Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqanis son, Sayyid Shaykh Mehmet Adil al-Haqqani al-Qubrusi al-Hanafi al-Naqshbandi Hafidahullah ⚘

Bismillahi rahmani rahim 🌹Blagoj dusi cija je poljubila Sultanovu ruko🌹 Blagoj dusi cija je osjetlia Sultanovu ljubav🌹Bl...

Bismillahi rahmani rahim 🌹

Blagoj dusi cija je poljubila Sultanovu ruko🌹

Blagoj dusi cija je osjetlia Sultanovu ljubav🌹

Blagoj dusi cija je upoznala Šejh Muhammed Nazim Adil el-Haqqani el-Qubrusi🌹

Eseljamu alejkum🌹

 ● Research: Be careful of the news [01/11/20]“When you hear of a certain news research and find out if it true or not a...

● Research: Be careful of the news [01/11/20]

“When you hear of a certain news research and find out if it true or not and move accordingly, otherwise you will be sorry. So that you may not do things that you will regret later, do not believe any news that you hear, do not consider it true at [the] first instance research and find out if it is true or not. When you are about to do some work or a job research it otherwise you will be sorry later, this applies to everything not just against enemies but it applies to work, travel, it applies to everything. You should not believe everything you hear people are deceived, to not be deceived Allah ﷻ is warning us especially during these days. Today with these computers and the internet not thousands or hundreds of thousands but millions of unnecessary news and lies are everywhere, so do not follow it and get upset. These are sick people [who] love lies and love to make people [feel] uneasy, do not value them insha’Allah may we not value such news. We get weird, strange news, they tell us it is ‘unbelievable’ but there are plenty of people who believe it as if it is the word of Allah ﷻ. They do not believe the Holy Qur’an but whatever is written there (news), they believe it as if it is the Holy Qur’an.

They make people anxious and uneasy, whereas if they were to research [it would be different]; what is better is not to look at that stuff at all because if you look and read it even if you do not believe it, it still might make you uneasy and anxious. Allah ﷻ is Merciful in order for people not to be uneasy so they may not be deceived, He ﷻ cautions us. Allah ﷻ created us, the nafs (ego), and shaytan they all are there to do evil Allah ﷻ knows. There are those who at the beginning claim to be Muslim and tell us to do such and such, then there are those who do all sorts of shaytanic things. Allah ﷻ tells us to be careful so we may not be regretful later, may Allah ﷻ not make us sorry in the end. May He ﷻ strengthen our faith.”

-- Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Adil ق

8 ماہ کے عرصے میں ٹھوس ساگون کی لکڑی سے دستکاری کے کام سے تیار کردہ مسجد الحرام کا خوبصورت ماڈل جو ابھی تیاری کے مرحلے م...

8 ماہ کے عرصے میں ٹھوس ساگون کی لکڑی سے دستکاری کے کام سے تیار کردہ مسجد الحرام کا خوبصورت ماڈل جو ابھی تیاری کے مرحلے میں ہے۔
مکہ مکرمہ کی 3 جہتی نقش ونگ کی پیمائش x180 x 180 x 15 سینٹی میٹر ہے۔ یہ ایک 45 ڈگری کے زاویے کا بنا نقش و نگار ہے۔ آنکھ کی سطح سے اوپر دیوار پر آرٹ کی طرح لٹکے ہوئے اس فن پارے کی ہر چھوٹی سی تفصیل کو اچھی طرح سے دیکھا جا سکتا ہے۔

اس شاہکار کو تیار کرنے میں 8 ماہ گزر چکے ہیں جس میں متعدد فنکاروں کے اشتراک کی ضرورت پیش آتی ہے۔
انشاء اللہ یہ 2020 کے آخر میں مکمل ہوجائے گا۔


I appeal🙏 to all of you 💎friends to pray🤲 for me. You may pray for me. May God bless you. May I get a job 🌻as soon as possible. 💞I have been unemployed for 10 months and now I am very worried. May 💓God bless your prayers. Get a job🤲

DO NOT BE A SERVANT OF THE WORLD Hazrat Shaykh Muhammad Mehmet Adil 1 June 2016/25 Shaban 1437 Sabah Namaz, Akbaba Darga...


Hazrat Shaykh Muhammad Mehmet Adil 1 June 2016/25 Shaban 1437 Sabah Namaz, Akbaba Dargah

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh

Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur.

Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

May Allah ﷻ(JJ) not misguide us from this beuatiful way. All prophets notified people of the world being vain. What all the prophets said and taught people is that the hereafter is important. However people, Subhanallah (it’s amazing), never listen. Even though they are holding with their hand, they think we came to this life to honor the world, to glorify the world.

No, you can glorify the world as much as you want: it is no use, you are leaving it and going. What is important is the hereafter. You need to be with Allah ﷻ (JJ) so that your hereafter gets fixed, otherwise the world is of no use. Once people are with Allah ﷻ and trust in Allah ﷻ Allah ﷻ would make the world their servant. If on the contrary they leave Allah a ﷻ and want the world, He ﷻ leaves them to be servants of the world.

We see it a lot: now new people, modern people keep dogs. They need to take the dog out for a walk a couple of hours everyday and serve it at home. So people have become servants of dogs in the world! They have become servants of the world the same way. Whereas if you leave the dog, the dog would come after you by itself. There is no need for you to serve it. A normal dog does not want anything. But if you glorfiy it and do many things for it you get attached to it. It is the wisdom of Allah ﷻ (JJ) that it makes you the servant of the dog. The world is the same way. It makes you a servant of the world.

Let it come after you, let it serve you, and let it serve whatever needs you might have. Once you are with Allah ﷻ (JJ), Allah ﷻ willing everything follows your command.

May Allah ﷻ make us all in this way and make us able to understand this. May we understand Inshallah. Because people do not understand.
Then they have steered a road for themselves according to their own minds and they are going. It is of no use if that is not the way Allah ﷻ told us.

May Allah ﷻ not deviate us from the right way Inshallah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.



My dear Murshid 💖Maulana Sheikh Muhammad Adil Haqqani Rabbani 💎Naqshbandi r🥀ahmatullah alaih 🌹has named my dear daughter Fatima.💞 I am very lucky. My dear Murshid🌻 has named my dear daughter.

Sultânü’l ârifin Beyazid-i Bestâmi Hazretleri öy­le söyler. Der ki:“Âlimlerin bu insanlara bakışları ilim gözüyledir. Ev...

Sultânü’l ârifin Beyazid-i Bestâmi Hazretleri öy­le söyler. Der ki:
“Âlimlerin bu insanlara bakışları ilim gözüyledir. Evliyaların nazarı hakîkat gözüyledir. İlim gö­züyle halka bakan, bu insanların kabahatlerini gö­rür. Kabahatleri hep onlara yükler ve onları kaba­hatli bulursa onlara buğz eder, onlara karşı hep kinleşir. Eğer onların eline teslim olunursa, onların hepsini birden cehenneme doldurur. Bu ilim gözüyle baktığı vakittir” diyor.
Evliyalar hakîkat gözüyle bak­tığı zaman halkı mazur görür, mazurdurlar der. Ma­zur olduğu vakitte; biz bile mazur kimse gördüğümüzde zararı yok mazurdur, kendine malik değildir deyiveririz. Mazur olduğunda şefkat olunur, kalbine merhamet ge­lir. Evliyaların nazarı bütün bu halkı mazur görerek onlara şefkat etme­lerini gerektirir.
Sırf ilim gözüyle bakan kimseler halkı kabahatli görür, onlara şiddet gösterir ve onlardan intikam al­mak ister ve onları cezâlandırmak isterler.
Mevlâna Şeyh Muhammed Nazım El Hakkani k.s Hazretleri ( 1975 )

 .● Happy birthday Sultana Anna 🎉🎈🎊.May Allah Almighty continue to bless you with a long and happy life.


● Happy birthday Sultana Anna 🎉🎈🎊.

May Allah Almighty continue to bless you with a long and happy life.

AL-AZIM: O Infinito*_"Ele é absoluta e perfeitamente grande. Ele não precisa de nada. Não podemos entender Sua grandeza ...

AL-AZIM: O Infinito*

_"Ele é absoluta e perfeitamente grande. Ele não precisa de nada. Não podemos entender Sua grandeza nem imaginá-la."_

A associação com o Sheikh é um dos pilares mais importantes da mais distinta Ordem Naqshbandi; assim deve ser. A associação é como a gasolina para o carro. Os homens, ou crentes, precisam se mover em direção a Allah, em direção aos Céus. A nós foi ordenado e oferecido, fomos chamados, para nos movermos em direção aos Céus, não para permanecermos neste mundo selvagem, pedindo para viver nesta terra por cem anos e mais, não. Não é um objetivo real viver mais tempo; mas nosso objetivo deve ser adorar o máximo possível, mais e mais. Se estamos pedindo por uma vida longa, estamos pedindo apenas com esse propósito: orar e adorar e obedecer aos mandamentos do Senhor dos Céus e pedir de Seus infinitos Oceanos de Misericórdia. Este é um verdadeiro objetivo para todos, um verdadeiro alvo para os seguidores de todas as religiões. (Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani Ar Rabbani. Livro: 99 Gotas dos Infinitos Oceanos de Misericórdia, pág. 125).







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