Power Radio 99 is one of the vision-driven commercial FM Radio channels in Islamabad, Abbottabad & Vehari licensed by Federal Government of Pakistan under Pakistan Electronic Media Authority (PEMRA). The channel has gained popularity in no time and now it is offering 24/7 infotainment and Strategic Communication contents! As an independent & civil society media outlet, Power99 is striving to carve
out a just humanist and progressive society. Power99 being strategically well-located, is helping several civil society organization to gain visibility with potential donors, partners and clients. In addition, by working with Power99, peace and dialogue practitioners are improving the image of region globally by pointing out the constructive work and initiatives of civil society towards a peaceful and inclusive social fiber. Power99 is people-centered media outlet that believes in preservation and respects for varied culture, languages and traditions, in this way it tries to institute non-violent society and diversified Pakistan. Following the democratic and participatory approach to development and change, Power99 believes that all development and change should be democratic so that people should own it. As Compared with public relations, Power99’s Behavior Change Communication (BCC) & advocacy is more focused on pro-people policy goals for a dynamic social change to make a difference! Our effective and result-laden media campaigns use a more decentralized, community based, and community sensitive BCC models tested around the world! Power99’s communication policy focuses on the social forces that shape collective behavior and policy—rather than personal behavior. Our goal is to ensure attaining a more sweeping and lasting behavioral change in society at large.