Pakhtunkhwa Press Council Islamabad "PPC" is the lone representative trade union of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa & FATA based working journalists, Who working any were in Pakistan. "PPC" is the name of movement for the rights and well-being of working journalists. Besides fighting for the rights of media people, "PPC" has also played an active role for restoration and promotion of democracy, rule of law and
freedom of expression in the country. The foundation of the "PPC" was laid down by some senior journalists Muhammad Zaman Adil and Shehzad Yousafzai. Membership of Council was limited in its early days, which increased with the passage of time. Every year new comers in media are made members of the Council in line with the constitution. The main objective and goal of Council is to raise the status and improve the qualification and professional skills of all its member journalists. It also protects the legitimate rights and interests of its members. "PPC" has memorable and remarkable history of movements for the implementation of wage awards and fight against the illegal retrenchments of media people. It has also launched campaigns for safety of its members................
For further information please contact:
Mr. Muhammad Zaman Adil
[email protected]
Mr. Shehzad Yousafzai
[email protected]