Welcoming 2024 with warmth and tradition! Explore the unique world of Made in GBC, where every handmade product tells a story. Join us in preserving culture and supporting our talented craftsmen. Happy New Year! #MadeInGBC #NewYear2024
گاہکوچ شہر میں موجود میڈ ان جی بی سی سنٹر کے مالک گوہر نبی سے پرائم ٹیلی ویژن نیٹ ورک کا خصوصی انٹرویو۔
میڈ ان جی بی سی گذشتہ چار سالوں سے مقامی مصنوعات کے فروغ، کاریگروں کی تربیت، کلچر کے تحفظ و ترویج اور سیاحت کے فروغ میں مصروف عمل ہے۔
#MadeInGBC #GilgitBaltistan #Chitral #localproducts
Winter Sports Festival Yasin. The land of Lalik Jan and Gohar Aman. ❣️❣️
Views of famous artist Haider Khan's views about products of Made in GBC
Famous artist of district Ghizer Haider Khan sharing his views regarding the handmade products of 'Made in GBC'.
Baba-e-Hareef Ustad Jan Ali
Legendary Ustad Jan Ali
Jan Ali gets the credit of keeping semiotic universe of Shina language secular, which is engulfed in the battle launched by puritan forces against pluralistic culture of Gilgit. This contribution makes him immortal in annals of Shina literature and language.
Aziz Ali Dad
Views of Salaiman Shah on Nauroz celebration's
Mr. Salaiman Shah sharing his views on Nauroz celebrations for senior citizens at Damas
Jan Khan dada traditional dance and songs
Dance and songs by our great dada Jan Khan
Nauroz cultural program for senior citizens
A cultural event for senior citizens of village Damas on the eve of Nauroz celebrations. Event organized by Made in GBC and LTC.
Ustad Mir Afzal at 'Made in GBC' center Gahkuch Ghizer GB ❣️
مشہور ستار نواز میر افضل اُستاد میڈ اِن جی بی سی سینٹر میں مقامی کاریگروں کے ہاتھ سے بنے ستار کو بجا کر چیک کر رہے ہیں۔
#madeingbc #handmadewithlove #GBCMUSIC
A special package of Aaj News on Made in GBC Handicrafts Center Gahkuch Ghizer.
A special package of Aaj News on Made in GBC Handicrafts Center.
Views of respected audiences during the cultural event for senior citizens by Made In GBC.
Senior lawyer Advocate Ali from Islamabad and Nadeem Khan a well know social activist/entrepreneur sharing their views after a cultural event organized for the senior citizens of village Damas by Made In GBC.