Confideration of Ilocano Association knonwsas Samagang iLokano
To all our brothers & sisters around the world
Today we celebrate our 1st year of our foundation. We have continued to cherish and nurture the legacy handed down by our Pioneers. Let it be the guiding path to our fraternal life and let us stay true and loyal to the oath that we took. Let us support each other and be vigilant in this time.
Let us be grateful that our organization has strengthened and grown throughout the years.
Let us also be thankful to each other for remaining
loyal to the principles that we upheld and move forward to the fulfillment of our plans and projects.
Let us, most of, all be thankful to the Almighty One for bringing us together as brothers and sisters.
"Above all circumstances, we remain as one"
Happy Anniversary to all!
Sigma Lota bagis .
Bro. Michael Reyes
Chapter President