Game server rules.
Aion Rules.
1. Do not violate Aion's terms of service.
Do not post anything which violates the terms and conditions of Aion, e.g. buying/selling of accounts, hacking, buying/selling of kinah.
2. Keep posts related to Aion or companies involved in the making, distribution, or production of Aion.
Do not post anything unrelated to Aion or the companies involved in the making, distribution, or production of Aion.
3.Do not disparage one region VS another because of your preference.
This Nostalgic Aion is for universal players. Please do not disparage one version because you prefer another, as these comments will be removed if they are not accurate.
4.Avoid downvoting unless a post violates the rules.
Please do not downvote unless something violates the rules. If something violates the rules, please report it so the moderators can deal with it.
5.Racist, homophobic, sexist, or otherwise hateful comments will be removed and will result in a ban.
6.Do not troll.
7.Remain civil.
Please try to remain civil. Attempts to annoy or harass will result in a warning or a ban at the moderators' discretion.
8.Respect Staff.
Players should respect staff in any aspect same as staff respect the players any disrespecting activity can lead to a ban.
9.Account activity.
As a Player, you own your personal information and Account activity the game will never ask for your personal information.
The player should know the risk of tradings. The game will never replace nor refund any items that were done by trading. The game has the right to check the account of traders for investigations.