Distance yourself from people who tend to be user, from people who never realize their actions and think they're more superior than the other, from people who only talked to you when they need something, from people who never support you just because they're too jealous of your life, from people who's backstabbing you without any proper basis, from people with an attitude style, from people who's really good in pretending and from people who never value or appreciate your efforts!
Don't let yourself exposed in a toxic situations. This is a piece of an advice intended to remind yourself that you don't deserve any of those. Do not settle for less. Instead, always think of yourself and the benefits you gain for your own development as a person. This is not being selfish, but to consider your feelings, your value and the importance of your existence. In this cruel world and full of chaotic and toxicity, try to be wise in choosing what's the best for you.