Some young people nowdays use two joints
hand sign when they are taking pictures of
themselves, but do they really know whats
the meaning of it??
why two joints?
Two seperate pieces of materials are bonded
togther,(Marijuana cigarette and paper filter)
According to the Urban dictionary
TWO JOINTS is a cigarette rolled that contains
g***a, when smoked results in complete relaxation, and the general desire to do absolutely nothing, it will also unleash your
most random inner thoughts and theories
in life, JOINTS also means a hand rolled
ma*****na cigarette.
In fact this hand sign usually used by ma*****na users to show they belong to the
Always remember what bible says my fellow
young people.
Romans 12:2
And be not comformed to this world: but be
ye transformed by the renewing of your mind
that ye may prove what is that good, and
acceptable, and perfect, well of god.
Don't let ourselves be dominated by the world.