SPORTS NEWS | Second quarter examination finished, opening parade opens Suriyaw 2024
After the second quarter examination week, students dressed in their respective colors and shouted their best yells during the opening parade which officially started the Suriyaw 2024, Alabel National Science High School's (AlSci) intramurals for the school year 2024-2025.
With the theme, “Blazing the screams of dominion,” each batch represents different tribes battling for triumph, namely: Tidal Reapers for Batch 29, Sun Monarchs for Batch 28, Iron Bastion for Batch 27, Luminal Nexus for Batch 26, Frost Keepers for Batch 25, and Ivory Barons for Batch 24.
After the parade was the opening ceremony as well as the lighting of the torch of the different tribes.
Stated by Arlene Ravelo, a Master Teacher I, during the opening ceremony, AlSci students are ‘well-rounded students’ as they can focus on both academics as well as in enhancing their skills in doing sports; where some students were already preparing before the exam week and opening of the intramurals.
“I have seen students [practicing] prior to the exam. There are already students preparing for their individual sports and team sports,” she noted.
Ravelo stressed that the activity is crucial to everyone and a ‘big break' for students after the examination.
by: Kairylle De Sagon
Photo by: Lyle Ledesma