Wear Greek. join ALPHA PHI OMEGA
We have chapter in DMMMSU-MLUC
Join Us. #reelschallenge #APOKAPPAPHICHAPTER #apodmmmsu #apocityofsanfernandolu #AlphaPhiOmega #DMMMSU
Credits : JMU APO tikt0k account
Happy New Year Brothers and Sisters!..
349 Days to Go until 100 years of ALPHA PHI OMEGA
December 16, 2025.
Happy New Year Brothers and Sisters
#AlphaPhiOmega #newyearseve #newyear2025 #2025 #apodmmmsu #apokappaphi #apocityofsanfernandolu #apolaunion #APhiO
"Christmas will always be with us in everyone's heart, as long as we join hands united in peace "
Merry Christmas Brothers and Sisters!
#aposanfernando #apocityofsanfernandolu #apokappaphi #apolaunion #apodmmmsu #AlphaPhiOmega #APhiO
The story of Alpha Phi Omega starts with one man’s dream of changing the lives of our youth throughout the world. Frank Reed Horton achieved his dream by coming together with other men from varying backgrounds bettering the world.
Alpha Phi Omega was inspired by Frank Reed Horton after serving in World War I, and later founded by men from varying backgrounds bettering the world together. They set the foundation for the growth and success for one of the nation’s largest premier service-based organizations on college campuses today.
Their purpose was to assemble college students within a national service fraternity in the fellowship of principles derived from the Scout Oath and the Law of the Boy Scouts, setting high standards for all members to follow.
Alpha Phi Omega is forever grateful to those founding brothers who laid the foundation for the Cardinal Principles and who in turn established a means for creating more student leaders through service.
#AlphaPhiOmega #apo99 #apofoundersday #aphio #Happy99thAnniversary.
Happy 99th International Anniversary Brothers and Sisters #AlphaPhiOmega #APhiO #ApoFrat #Bestfrat #Number1Frat #trending #apocityofsanfernandolu #apodmmmsu #apokappaphichapter #apokappaphi #launion
For Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen .#APO #AlphaPhiOmega #DMMMSUAPO #APOLAUN #APOCityofSanFernandoLU #DMMMSU #ProudApo
#DMMMSU #apokappaphichapter #AlphaPhiOmega #apodmmmsu #leadership #friendship #service #OneAPO #OneDmmmsu #Aphio1925 #1925
Video Credit to Alpha Theta Mu Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega Kennesaw State University
#Leadership #Friendship #Service #AlphaPhiOmega #APOKappaPhiChapter #DMMMSU #apodmmmsu
Congratulations Bro. Jerome Fontanilla on your Graduation
Wishing you nothing but the best as you embark on this journey!
from your brothers and sisters of
ALPHA PHI OMEGA -Kappa Phi Chapter /Alumni Association PC156
APO - City of San Fernando, L.U. Alumni Association
#AlphaPhiOmegaKappaPhiChapter #APOKappaPhiChapter #AlphaPhiOmegaKappaPhiAlumniAssociationPC156 #APOKPAAPC156
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Oplan Bantay Dagat (March 30,2024) Black Saturday
Beach Clean Up Drive
ALPHA PHI OMEGA -Kappa Phi Chapter
APO-Kappa Phi Alumni Association PC156
APO - City of San Fernando, L.U. Alumni Association
Incooperation with:
Brgy. Pagudpud, City of San Fernando, La Union
SK Federation-Pagudpud
#AlphaPhiOmegaKappaPhiChapter #APOKappaPhiChapter #AlphaPhiOmegaKappaPhiAlumniAssociationPC156 #APOKPAAPC156