"Once you understand that your life is not about you but rather the people that you have touched and served, only then can you realize that true Happiness is found within.."
Happy holidays, everyone! 🤍
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As we near the end of the year, let us pause to remember that being at your best health does not only mean eating low-carb, fasting, exercising and all. Many factors affect wellness and apart from food, fasting and workouts, mental and emotional health is equally or sometimes even more important. This is our daily practice and when people ask us what our secret why we stay and look younger --yes we practice low-carb, fasting and workout but we spend a huge amount of time building our mental and emotional health.
Take time to practice gratitude for what you already have (can be as basic as the air you breathe at the pesent moment), remembering that while you are taking your next breath, someone else is breathing their last. Practice kindness wherever you go... Whatever it is you think you lack, be the the source of it in the life of another because the Law of the Universe is "You only get to keep, what you give away"---you give out happiness, you get to keep happiness. You give away anger, frustration and envy, you also get to keep and continue to attract the same thing in your life. That is how the universe and even science works because every cell in your body is Energy: So Same Energy frequency, attracts another of the same kind. Whatever frequency (Love, Hate, Anger, Feeling of Lack, etc.) you are emitting, you will attract the same in your field.
Protect your time and energy at all cost as these are your most valuable assets (not even money or the material riches that you have). Time is the only asset that gets spent without knowing when it will be depleted. So spend more time on things that fill you up, things that build you, things that make you happy. Spend less or no time at all in gossiping, putting others down, complaining about the world and the people around it and why the world is unfair. Start believing that Life is not happening TO you but is happening FOR you. Everything that happens in your life always serve a purpose for the evolution of your soul--whether joy or pain. Believe that it is always working out for your Highest good. Practice the art of gratitude and watch how gratitude and abundance flows back to you. What Appreciates... Appreciates back....
Finally, remembering that the secret to Happiness is not the search outside of the things and people that can make you happy. Happiness is found within and you are not the SEEKER of Happiness but you are the SOURCE of it. Once you understand that your life is not about you but rather the people that you have touched and served, only then can you realize that true Happiness is found within and that you are the Source of it and not the Seeker of it and to be happy is to fill your own cup and fill yourself with all the joyful things life has to offer and work from your overflow by flowing that love and happiness to others.
So stay low-carb, fast and spend time also to nourish your emotional and mental health my friends as they are all important for your overall well-being. It is a practice my friends and it also took us time to get where we are thru practice and experiences of both joy and pain which served also as our biggest teachers, to which both have our gratitude for the lessons we have learned and also now share to others.
Sending Love, Light and Gratitude to all of you from PerfectMatch low-carb selections