His Perfect Time

His Perfect Time Think Celestial ✨
Open for sharing stories, testimonies and GenCon Talks💕 Daily sharing of Good Tidings

The right marriage is not only about what I want; it’s also about what she—who’s going to be my companion—wants and ne...

The right marriage is not only about what I want; it’s also about what she—who’s going to be my companion—wants and needs me to be.
Speaking plainly, please don’t date all through your 20s just to “have a good time,” thus delaying marriage in favor of other interests and activities. Why? Because dating and marriage aren’t final destinations. They are the gateway to where you ultimately want to go. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife.”
Your responsibility now is to be worthy of the person you want to marry💕
Pambihirang cravings to, Kasal😅

God loves us in spite of our inadequacies, in spite of our mistakes, and in spite of the things we have done or that we ...

God loves us in spite of our inadequacies, in spite of our mistakes, and in spite of the things we have done or that we shouldn’t have done and did. Whatever the circumstance—he loves us. God loves us and we are asked to love Him with all our heart, might, mind, and strength. The reason He can ask that is because that's the way He loves us. And turnabout is fair play.

And when you're in doubt, and when you're in need, and including when you did not have the answers to prayers that you thought you'd have, or ever wanted to have or plead to have or wept to have—you remember, above all else, that God loves you the way He has asked us to love Him. Remember that the first great commandment is to love God. That's the first great commandment that we're to love God with all our heart, might, mind and strength. The first great truth of the universe is that He already loves us that way.

I felt inspired to share this message with young adult members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Germany this weekend. I pray this gospel truth will impact you as well.
-Jeffrey R. Holland💗

Despite the result, you did well.You've done your part. be kind to yourself💕

Despite the result, you did well.
You've done your part. be kind to yourself💕

The Church is not for perfect people, but for the imperfect, the lost, the broken, the weak, and the truly real. It's no...

The Church is not for perfect people, but for the imperfect, the lost, the broken, the weak, and the truly real. It's not the Church itself that transforms a person, but His teachings.💗

As Elder Boyd K. Packer said, "True doctrine, understood, changes attitude and behavior." Churches are sacred places gathered by believers who genuinely follow Jesus Christ. He utilizes people to reach out to others and help them maintain their spiritual connection.

We attend Church not because we're already perfect, but because we need to become better.

Luke 5:32 says, "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

Jesus was kind to all who had sinned, condemning only the sin, not the sinner.

He loves you immensely. No matter your mistakes or past, the Lord cares about your desires and your future.💕

Let's continue striving to become better each day🤍

"Men take care not to make women weep, for God counts their tears."-Thomas S Monson🤍

"Men take care not to make women weep, for God counts their tears."
-Thomas S Monson🤍

Feeling stuck? Remember, "it came to pass." This too shall pass, and you'll emerge stronger and wiser. 💪

Feeling stuck? Remember, "it came to pass." This too shall pass, and you'll emerge stronger and wiser. 💪

Hello February!p.sThe nomination for new referral is now officially open😆

Hello February!

The nomination for new referral is now officially open😆

What's in Your Cup?You're holding a cup of hot choco when someone bumps into you, shaking your arm and causing the hot c...

What's in Your Cup?

You're holding a cup of hot choco when someone bumps into you, shaking your arm and causing the hot choco to spill everywhere.

Why did you spill the hot choco?

"Because someone bumped into me!!!"

Wrong answer.

You spilled the hot choco because there was hot choco in your cup. Had there been milk in the cup, you would have spilled milk. Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.

Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which will happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It's easy to fake it until you get rattled.

So we have to ask ourselves... “What's in my cup?"

When life gets tough, what spills over? Joy, gratitude, peace, and humility? Or anger, bitterness, a victim mentality, and quitting tendencies?

Life provides the cup; you choose how to fill it. Let's work each day toward filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation, resilience, positivity, kindness, gentleness, and love for others💕

Faith in God includes faith in His purposes as well as in His timing. We cannot fully accept Him while rejecting His sch...

Faith in God includes faith in His purposes as well as in His timing. We cannot fully accept Him while rejecting His schedule.

Faith in Jesus Christ propels us to do things we otherwise would not do.

Faith that motivates us to action gives us more access to His power. We also increase the Savior’s power in our lives when we make sacred covenants and keep those covenants with precision. Our covenants bind us to Him and give us godly power.

You will one day stand aside and look at your difficult times, and you will realize that He was always there beside you💕

You will one day stand aside and look at your difficult times, and you will realize that He was always there beside you💕

“We should not expect to understand everything before we act. That is not faith. As Alma taught, “Faith is not to have a...

“We should not expect to understand everything before we act. That is not faith. As Alma taught, “Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things.”

If we wait to act until all of our questions are answered, we severely limit the good we can accomplish, and we limit the power of our faith.”
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf

This is an individual work. The Savior knows His people by name and He knows their exact circumstances. He guides His Ap...

This is an individual work. The Savior knows His people by name and He knows their exact circumstances. He guides His Apostles to bless the lives of individuals. We are very ordinary men, and we rely on Him every day. It is ultimately His direction that enables us to accomplish what He needs to have done.

I witness and testify that He lives. I know He knows us by name and is concerned about us in our individual circumstances. I witness that He is resurrected. It is the joy of my life to know that I will spend my life declaring that witness all over the world.
-David E. Bednar💗

To all my beloved Returned Missionaries:It is worth reading, it will help you re-focus your life.When a Returned Mission...

To all my beloved Returned Missionaries:
It is worth reading, it will help you re-focus your life.

When a Returned Missionary Slips
A Cause of Post Mission Inactivity:

Many returned missionaries spend their whole term of service working harder than they’ve ever worked in their lives. They are wholly committed to the Lord and put everything on the altar of sacrifice. They bike through the rain, knock through the heat, spend every waking minute of their lives trying to be the best that they can be because they realize that if they don’t, they’ll always come just short of the true joy that they know they can feel. Some, if they were willing, sacrifice their very will to the Lord, or at least try their very best to do so. Their weekly emails home are filled with yet more gospel instruction and encouragement for their family and friends, paired with powerful testimony and gratitude for the trials that they are experiencing. Ideally, heartwarming stories of investigators being baptized and converts going to the temple accompany their incredibly inspiring letters. All while the inevitable day of their departure from the mission field draws closer.

When they return home they are revered by family, friends, and neighbors. They speak in sacrament meeting and share inspiring stories mixed with subtle jokes about their favorite companions. The missionary’s extended family assemble from the far reaches of the planet (unknowingly displacing all the local ward members from the seats that they staked claims to some years ago) to hear the powerful testimony of their beloved returned missionary, seen in his parent’s eyes as the best missionary to ever serve a mission.

The returned missionary feels honored and grateful to have served and is filled with confidence that he/she did so faithfully. Each day forward they remember the moment when their stake president released them from their calling. Tears fill their eyes when they remember how hard it was to remove the tag they had worn for so long, suddenly feeling naked and empty without it. Yet they soldier on and begin going back to school, listening to music again, re-establishing old friendships and creating new ones. Yet for most, something begins to happen. All the while they are readjusting to life back home in the world, something begins to change.

Satan begins his work.

While on my mission I had plenty of correspondence with fellow missionaries who returned home before I did. All had virtually the same response when I asked them how home life back in the world was. “It slaps you in the face” was the most common phrase that I heard. Having been home now for a few months I can stand behind that claim. Anyone who has returned home from a mission can understand that the world really does “slap you in the face” the moment you finally log back on to facebook.

As the world starts creeping back in, these beloved returned missionaries begin making little mistakes here and there. They realize that they are not the perfect angel child that they thought they were. They make mistakes and get caught up in old habits. If they struggled with addictions before the mission, they realize that the temptations are back in full force, yet they remain strong and continue in righteousness, as is expected of them. They don’t dare tarnish the reputation that they have built for themselves over these past 18 months to two years.

Satan uses what the scriptures call “flaxen cords,” or tiny little strings around your neck. He gets you to slip up on the tiniest things (adding one tiny string around your neck, which is easily broken off). One by one, he adds these strings around their necks and they let him do it because they know that they can easily break them. They forget to read their scriptures every day. They realize that church isn’t as fun as it was on the mission and decide to skip out on gospel doctrine. Or maybe it’s the lack of a sense of purpose and responsibility they once had at church that contributes to their lack of motivation. Whatever Satan uses on them, they start to slide backward ever so slightly.

This is when the bigger temptations come. Their past addictions suddenly start feeling like addictions again, even though they haven’t given in. Their old habits are suddenly just as hard to break out of as they were before they left for the mission. Then, to their utter devastation, something happens. Satan has a victory. This beloved returned missionary makes a mistake that, whatever it truly is, makes them feel utterly worthless. Perhaps it’s with po*******hy. Maybe it’s something less severe. Maybe they start using foul language again. Perhaps it’s a sickening mixture of all their old problems. Whatever it is, it causes them incredible grief and, because of the pedestal that so many people have put them on, they feel overwhelmed with the thought of letting everyone down. They know they need to confess to a bishop or seek advice from a parent before it will get any better, but the worldly sorrow is almost too much to bear, and many times they decide to keep their reputation and sacrifice joy. This is where these precious servants of God stop going to church. This is where they begin to question everything that they know. Satan clouds their view with ideas such as, “maybe I’ve never felt the spirit.” “Maybe all of this isn’t true after all,” or “If God really loved me, he wouldn’t have let this happen.” These thoughts eat at their souls and dissolve their faith. If they let it continue, eventually their faith will be destroyed. In extreme cases, they become angry and openly oppose the church and its leaders. All while their loved ones watch with tears in their eyes wondering how this could have happened to their beloved returned missionary.

For those returned missionaries who find themselves at some point along this process, know that your pain is not just your own. The Savior bears it right along with you whether or not you let him lessen your own pain. Remember the times you repented and felt peace. Remember personal revelation. Remember the times that you boldly preached repentance and promised celestial blessings for those that would. Remember the joy that you felt when you watched an investigator change their life and embrace the atonement. Remember that the atonement applies to you too. Remember who you are.

For the family and friends of these returned missionaries, remember your own shortcomings. Remember the times that you’ve had to repent and rely on the Lord. Remember the times that you didn’t quite measure up to what was expected of you. Remember when your mistakes made you feel utterly alone. Don’t judge others because of the sins you see affect them as if you didn’t have any yourself. Reach out in love and offer support. Share with them what inspired you about their service. They just spent months upon months giving service to others and now you have the opportunity to give some back.

The Lord loves all of his children. He especially loves his missionaries. Help us returned missionaries remember who we truly are, and don’t judge us when we fall short. Think of what the Savior would say to us if He were here, and help us remember that we can still repent and feel true joy.
-Richard Espinosa💕
Former MP of Philippines Urdaneta Mission

He called, and I answered💗It was before the pandemic struck, in 2019, when something unexpected happened in my life. Bei...

He called, and I answered💗
It was before the pandemic struck, in 2019, when something unexpected happened in my life. Being the naughty girl I was back then, I remember my friend Robin asking me if I wanted to talk to someone over the phone. Guess what? Out of curiosity, and being bida-bida I talked to them, and the next thing I knew, I was waving at them in the middle of the street.They were wearing a white polo with a necktie and a name tag. I was excited to see them, not knowing who they were. They introduced themselves as Elder Yambao and Elder Visperas from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I remember that I told myself “Indi ako magpabunyag", and I will just listen to their words. But I was just thankful that I had willingly accepted the truth they shared with me. I had so many questions about The Church of Jesus Christ — I even listed 100 questions❓ for them, though I wasn’t sure if I was just curious or trying to test them. To my surprise, all the questions were answered, and that’s when I started believing in the messages they were sharing with me. They would walk kilometers just to share the gospel without expecting anything in return, only the guidance of the Lord. I don’t think anyone would go to that extent if they weren’t a disciple of Christ.

Nang makilala ko ang The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I knew na hindi siya magiging madali, we faced many persecutions, especially when the missionaries started visiting our home. Some people would ask, “Mormon ka na pala?” and laugh about it as if it were a joke. But I never listened to those people and continued to hear the message and even went to church. When I felt that it truly was the Church of Jesus Christ, I prayed and asked God. Eventually, I decided to stand before my parents and told them, “Ma, Pa, magpabunyag ako.” To cut the story short, I was baptized in the last month of 2019. Soon enough, my younger sister was also baptized in the church. We’ve faced so many challenges over the past years of being members, and I almost withered, but every time I stumbled, God always lifted me up. Now, I’m still attending church, going to institute, and preparing for a mission. I would say that God will always find His way to you. I’m happy with the decision I made and will always be grateful for the chance to know the Savior.

Miracles are within reach💕

Miracles are within reach💕

Si Lord talaga lahat ‘yon!May the blessings and answered prayers be a constant reminder of His grace and the incredible ...

Si Lord talaga lahat ‘yon!

May the blessings and answered prayers be a constant reminder of His grace and the incredible things He has done for you.

By focusing on the positives in our life, we won’t be drug down by the negative things! It’s so important to be happy in...

By focusing on the positives in our life, we won’t be drug down by the negative things! It’s so important to be happy in life! Always focus on the good 💕

One day when I was repairing the roof on our home, I went to a local store to purchase some additional supplies. I was w...

One day when I was repairing the roof on our home, I went to a local store to purchase some additional supplies. I was wearing my customary work clothes—casual pants and shoes, a well-worn T-shirt, and a baseball hat. Wanting to quickly return home and complete my project, I hurriedly entered the store and began looking for the things I needed.

A man approached me as I was selecting my supplies and said, “Elder Bednar, the disguise is not working.” We laughed, and then he inquired, “Do you mind if I ask you a question?”

I responded, “Well, that is why I am here.”

He replied quizzically, “What do you mean?” I said, “You are the reason I am here. I am doing repair work at my home, and I need a few things to finish the task. But I am not in this store simply to buy roofing nails. I am here because God knew we were going to meet each other in this store and that you had something about which you wanted to ask. Please go ahead and share with me your question.”

We talked in the aisle for about 15 minutes, and I tried to help him find the answer to his question. Was it merely a coincidence that I encountered this good man at the local store? Or was this episode divinely orchestrated by a loving Savior who knew and responded to the concerns of a faithful man—a one?

I believe that in the work of the Lord there is no such thing as a coincidence. The worth of souls is great in the sight of God.
-David E. Bednar💗


Quezon City

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