Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us (Ephesians 3:20) #verseoftheday
The Road to Mawab and Other Stories
By Leoncio Deriada
This book is available in our bookshop. Buy now!
It's always a good time to praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus! #GoodVibesFriday
PREPARING A RESEARCH PAPER: A Detailed Analysis by Tomas D. Andres
A practical guidebook stressing the how-to aspects of preparing research proposals designed to help researchers, faculty members, students, project proponents, engineers, business managers, planners, and others to successfully write their proposals and get the necessary funding. Message us to order!
Your statutes, Lord, stand firm; holiness adorns your house for endless days. (Psalm 93:5)
By Delbert Rice
This book describes how the various environmental systems work. It also presents several of the present problems with the environment and possible solutions. The book presents environmental science accurately in simple language. The teachings in this book are probably more than just education. They are probably critical to the survival of life on earth.
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So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it"
(Isa 55:11)
From the Spanish original entitled: Lucha y Libertad
It was written with an admirable balance, the author, though proud of the emergence of the Filipino nation brought about by the revolution, did not hesitate to mention what should be blamed in the officials of the revolution. He shows how the Tagalog-initiated revolution won Bikolano support and took on a national character.
You can do it! #motivationalquotes
Of Dreams, Sweat, and Tears: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Modern Filipino Heroes
by Mariano A, Dumia
This book depicts the overall Saudi environment (history, political, social, and economic systems), the daily work and leisure activities of the Filipino OFWs, the various sociocultural and religious challenges (taboos, restrictions, etc.) that they face in their daily life, their successes, education of their children, sociocultural and sport activities, problems/concerns, sufferings, and failures.
The book is available at our bookshop (New Day Publishers bookstore at Delos Reyes Hall, Beside St. Andrew's Chapel Trinity Drive, 275 E. Rodriguez, Sr. Avenue, Brgy. Kalusugan, Quezon City).
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For nothing will be impossible with God. - Luke 1:37