This is a reminder to seek after the Lord and prioritize time with him.
#Godsglory #seekGod #Psalm27v4 #Bible #bibleverse #reflection @topfans
Jesus' peace is not the same as the world's peace, but it is a peace that can free people from anxiety. Jesus wants his people to be fearless and peaceful, and to leave their troubles with him.
#princeofpeace #peaceofjesus #treasure #jarofclay #Isaiah9v6 #2Corinthians4v7 #John14vs26and27 #Bible #bibleverse #reflection @topfans
Humility is a way to be great in the hearts of others.
#behumble #humility @topfans
In the world's eyes, strength, wisdom, and worldly success are highly valued, but God chooses to work through the weak, foolish, and despised things of the world to bring about his purposes.
#Godspurpose @topfans
Patiently endure the wait believing that God's goodness will be seen in the end.
Trust in God in the good times and bad because we know God's love never fails. He is always leading us to something better than we could ask or imagine.
#TrustGod #Godsgoodness #Godsplan #Psalm27vs13and14 #Exodus15v13 @topfans
In Jesus we have the embodiment of both life and light.
Stay focused on Christ.
#incarnation #purpose #lifeandlight #John1vs4and5 #Hebrews12v3 #Bible #bibleverse #reflection @topfans
Instead of allowing worries and fears to consume us, we can choose to entrust our concerns to God's care, knowing that He is faithful and able to sustain us through every trial and challenge.
God is the source of our joy and thanksgiving.
#trustanddependenceonGod #rejoicealways #praywithoutceasing #givethanks #1Thessalonians15vs16to18 #Luke12vs25to26 #Bible #bibleverse #reflection @topfans
The challenges you face may be a sign that your purpose is greater than you initially believed.
#rightpathisoftenthehardest #purposeisthejourney @topfans
The power of gratitude ✨
#alwaysbegrateful @topfans
Trust God and give Him all your worries.
We can experience the full benefit of their relationship with God, and this is only possible as we yield our vessels to Him and allow Him to flow into us until we are filled with nothing but Him.
Give thanks to God for his love and mercy, and tell others of his deeds.
#TrustInGod #humbleourselves #FullnessOfGod #Godslove #GodsPresence #1Peter5v7 #Ephesians3vs16to19 #Psalm107vs21and22 @topfans
We have the opportunity to offer up sacrifices to God, through our praise.
#GreatCommission #Assurance #Jesusiswithus #Praiseandsacrifice @topfans
Don't be afraid to look in the mirror for as long as you want and smile at yourself and feel good for who you are. There is so much beauty within you that will be lost if you are not yourself.
#youarebeautiful @topfans