Farewell Message
By Elijah Chiuco
While I was scrolling through my news feed in Facebook a while back in 2021, I noticed my classmates adding green templates to their profile pictures as if they were in an organization or something. As an inactive Facebook netizen, I told myself that I won't be engaging in any of that for the rest of my senior high school days, since I have this weird shyness about posting in social media. I WON'T change my profile picture with a green template on it, though I was curious about joining the organization…NO, I won't, periodt.
Was what I thought until I dug up my long ago buried passion for art and drawing. Ever since the pandemic, I stopped sharpening my skills for drawing and almost forgot about it all completely, killing time by playing online games and by hours of scrolling through different social media platforms.
When Lumina x Tanglaw was looking for artists and designers, I challenged myself to try and get back into it. I wanted to revive my skills and at the same time, inspire people with my art. There was only one problem. I was l a z y. I was only beginning to learn digital art, struggling to make clean lineart and wondering if I'd perfectly color an artwork.
Editor-in-Chief Gabby Dolar instructed me that if I were to join the Cartoonist department, I needed to pick one out of three topics given to me and to draw it, with explanation and everything. So, I found some time to actually do it, then another problem arose . I accidentally deleted my artwork. Running out of hopes and aspirations, I left it at that.
Until one day, Gabby directly messaged me in messenger, saying that they were accepting any application even without having to do something. So, I magically got in. At first, I didn't contribute much since I didn't know what to do. As time passed by, I got used to it little by little, and actually made, completed, and posted some artworks.
Not in this post though. Sorry everyone, I don't have a drawing to show since the school year just ended and I want to rest. But I do want to share the things I learned while in Lumina x Tanglaw.
I learned to be patient, since not everything comes at the time you want them to be, though when they do arrive, they have the most fulfilling feeling.
I learned to be organized, since I juggled tasks in school and tasks in Lumina x Tanglaw.
Last but not the least, I learned to value determination, since not all things you want come by so easily.
Oh and by the way, I haven't changed my profile picture template yet. I probably still won't, sorry for that, but it doesn't mean that I'm not a member of this outstanding organization.
If you've stayed and read this far in this post, I appreciate you being here. Just to let you know if you don't yet, Lumina and Tanglaw both mean light. Lumina x Tanglaw has shown me that in spite of the darkness being overwhelming, light will always prevail in the end with the right people and attitude. To be honest, I'm still not 100% close and knowledgeable about Lumina x Tanglaw's members, though I know in my heart that these people have shown me what it feels like to see the light.
This is Elijah James G. Chiuco, an artist of Lumina x Tanglaw, signing off.