Why we must go Bamboo
1. **Bamboo is the Fastest Growing Plant on Earth**
- Bamboo can grow more than 1 meter per day, approximately 4 cm per hour, surpassing the growth rate of any other plant.
2. **Bamboo Provides an Endless Supply of Timber**
- A sustainable and renewable resource, bamboo continuously spreads vegetatively, enabling the rapid development of bamboo forests compared to traditional tree forests.
3. **Bamboo Produces more Oxygen than Trees**
- Bamboo generates 35% more oxygen than an equivalent stand of trees, contributing significantly to air quality.
4. **Bamboo is a Highly Effective Carbon Sink**
- Absorbing substantial amounts of greenhouse gases, bamboo, with its rapid growth, serves as a valuable tool for carbon sequestration.
5. **Bamboo Produces Water for Rivers and Streams**
- Acting as a reservoir, bamboo collects and stores water in its rhizomes and stems during the rainy season, releasing it to the soil, rivers, and streams during droughts.
6. **Bamboo Prevents Soil Erosion and Restores Degraded Land**
- With its rapid growth, permanent canopy, and extensive network of roots and rhizomes, bamboo is an excellent tool for soil protection.
7. **Bamboo Provides Biomass for the Production of Renewable Energy**
- A sustainable energy source, bamboo yields 1 kWh of electricity from 1.2 kg of bamboo, comparable to wood products but outperforming other biomass sources.
Get Giant Leaved and Broad leaved Bamboo seedlings from us among other seedlings