Teaching Profession (Republic Acts,PD & Code of Ethics)
P.D.1006-Decree Professionalizing Teaching
Ferdinand Marcos (10th President of the Republic)
Section 1-Teacher education shall be given primary concern
Section 3-Definition of terms
Elementary & Secondary levels,Full-time or part-time,Public or private school
Guidance counsilors,librarians,industrial arts/vocational,supervisory/administrative
NBT-National Board of Teachers (Determined the rights of the teachers)
Section 6-Qualification requirements for examination applicants
Citizen of the Philippines,Good moral character,Free from any physical & mental deffect,BEED/BSED
Bachelor's degree in arts and sciences (BA/BS)
18 units of education,18 units in Technical Vocational
Section 8-Scope of Examination
Written test by the board
Section 9-Rating in the examination
GEN.ED.-70% in all subjects
Section 10-Report of the result of examination
(150 days result)
Section 11-Issuance of the certificate
Civil service commission and DEC
Section 16-Penal Provisions
1,000-5,000 (6 months-2 yrs.)
R.A. 4670-Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
Section 11-Married Teachers
Allowed sila maguban sa public school kung naay available teaching units
Section 12-Academic freedom
Only if it promotes the well-being of the learner
Section 13-Teaching hours
6 hours-Actual Teaching time
8 hours-Paper hours
25% basic salary-Kung naay mulapas ug tudlo
Section 18-Cost of living Allowance
Teacher's salaries will keep pace with the rise in the cost of living
Section 19-Special harship Allowance
25% monthly salary-Hazard pay
Section 22-Medical Examination & Treatment
Free of charge (once a year) Medical treatment
Section 23-Compensation of injuries
Compensable of injuries (free)
Section 24-Study leave
Give you (1) school year after (7) years of service.
60%-Of their monthly salary
Section 25-Indifinite hours
Section 26-Salary increase upon retirement
One range salary raise upon retirement
Additional notes of this Act
Provisional Teachers-Lack of appropriate civil service eligibility
Gradual Progression-Increases every (3) years
R.A.7836-Philippines Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994
Fidel V.Ramos
Section 3-Objectives
Licensure Examination
Section 4-Definition of Terms
Teaching,Elementary/High School,Full-time/part-time,Industrial arts,Vocational,Administrative
PRC-(Professional Regulation Commission)
P.D.1006 R.A. 7836
Elementary/School Naa
Part-time/Full-time Naa
Industrial arts Naa
Vocational Naa
Administrative Naa
Librarians Wala
Guidance Counselors Wala
Section 13-Examination,Registration & License required
Section 14-Scope of Examination
60%-Prof.Ed. 40%-Prof.Ed.
40%-Gen.Ed. 20%-Gen.Ed.
Section 15-Qualifications Requirements of Applicants
Reciprocity (Alien country) exam bisan naa ka sa abroad makatake ka like Thailand except sa Canada kay wala sila naga allowed ani
At least 18 units (BEED,BSED,TECHVOC)
120 days result sa examination
Required oath taking
Section 19-Periodic merit of teachers
Oral and written once in (5) years
Section 20-Failure to pass the merit examination
Allowed to take the examination for a second time
Section 21-Incentives for teachers who pass the merit
Diploma of merit,promotion salary for a hugher salary
Government Scholarship,benefits
"Encourage" to become a member of the integraded National Organization
Required CPD units (PAFTE)
Section 22-Revoke
Conviction for any criminal case
Immoral,Unprofessional or dishonorable conduct
Malpractice,Gross incompetence,Gross negligence/Serious ignorance
Mentally insound or insane,habitual of drugs,unsatisfied,willful failures to attend seminars
Section 26-Penal Provision
(5,000-20,000) 6 months-5 years
R.A. 9293-Amendment of R.A.7836
Section 1-Qualifications Requirements
P.D.1006 R.A.7836 R.A.9293
18 units 10 units 18 units
Section 2-Registration & Exception
Not practiced their profession for the past (5) years
6 units of pedagogy (Recalibration)
6 units of context courses (Recalibration)
Para-teachers (Not lower than (5) percentage points, (70-74%)
DEPED & ARMM Education Dept.
Special permit (International Recognition)
Special course abroad pwedi ka basta internationally known ka
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in their Dual Role as an Educator & Parent (DEPED)
Board resolution No.435, s.1997
Code of Ethics-DEPED
Code of Conduct-COLLEGE
Any violation shall be suffiecient ground for revocation of license. (Art.xii, Section 1)
2.Teachers are Professional
Duly licensed professional
Dignity and reputation,High moral values,Teachnical and Professional competence
Public and private school Teachers
Self-respect & self-discipline
Maintain at all times a dignified personality (Model)
3.Duty of Teachers
As an Educators
Protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education.
Quality education-Be competent and efficient,Evaluate learners (Highest possible standards of quality education,continuing professional education (CPE) program of the PRC (required), adequate and shall extend assistance
Evaluate Learners
Duly to give grades/Evaluation (Render regular records)
Promptly,Refrain from making deductions or additions in students schalastic shall not be allowed.
As a Parent (Special)
Interest and welfare of learners
4.Corporal Punishment
Physical contact,To inflict pain
5.The Teacher and the Profession
Always put profession in every task
6.The Teachers and the Learners
7.The Teacher and Parents
Lavann LPT's by March 2023 by God's Graceโฅ๏ธ๐โ๏ธ๐ฏ