Looking for Core and Whole Body workout? You'll enjoy this workout as much as I do, so let me know how it goes.
➡️ Treadmill for 10 minutes (warm-up you need this)
🔴 4 sets in power rope
➡️ Power rope (30 seconds EACH set)
⭕️ Rest for 1 minute before Core Routine starts
🔴 14 reps EACH Core routine // non-stop‼️
➡️ Mountain climbing (x30 seconds)
➡️ Leg raises
➡️ Knee crunches
➡️ Heel touches
➡️ Planking (1-2 minutes)
⭕️ Rest for 30-40 seconds drink water then start again the core routine. Do this x4 times reps. 💪
💬 This will make you sweat more and satisfy your ABS. If you like it give me a like and share it. 🥰