Good morning!
Thank God for the new and blessed day!
Thank God for His Word!
Eat and feed your soul with the Word of God!
Receive it and
Be blessed!
"The one who does not love has not become acquainted with God(does not and never did know Him), for God is love.
( He is the originator of love, and it is enduring attribute of His nature.)
1 John 4:8-AMP
Lack of love shows that this believer does not have intimate fellowship with God. This is the point where the believer does not connect with God. This person may be a Christian, but he is not connecting with the nature of God's love.
God assumes that anyone who knows Him will love.
God is love! God is more than love; He is truth, justice, longsuffering, and has many attributes.
God will never fellowship with anyone who has not been forgiven through the blood of Christ.
God's love is an attribute of His essence; it is more than a characteristic of God. Men possess love characteristically, but only God is love essentially.
God's love is more than an expression of love toward us; it is His character and nature to extend unconditional love.
Love is more than a quality of God's being but an essence of who He is.
God is more than loving activities; love is at His very essence.
God's love does not depend on any worth in us because there is nothing worthy in us for God to love. God's love rests on God's character.
God unilaterally loves us when we are loveable, and He loves us when we are not loveable.
The only way we can share God's love is to be a part of the family of God.
We receive God's love by accepting God's plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. His death paid fully and sufficiently for our sins.
The Lord continue to bless you abundantly physically and spiritually, and keep you safe in His loving care!