Quick Believer
An atheist was spending a quiet day fishing when suddenly his boat was attacked by the Loch Ness monster. In one easy flip, the beast tossed him and his boat high into the air,
then opened its mouth to swallow both.
As the man sailed head over heels, he cried out, "Oh, my God! Help me!"
At once, the ferocious attack scene froze in place. As the atheist hung in mid-air,
a booming voice came down from the clouds, "I thought you didn't believe in Me!"
"Come on God, give me a break!!" the man pleaded.
"Two minutes ago I didn't believe in the Loch Ness monster either!
Name Please
"What is your brother's name?"
Little Jane: "I don't know yet. We can't understand a word he says."
I Made My Own
Scene: With a patient in my medical exam room
Me: How old are your kids?
Patient: 44 and 39 with my wife who passed away, and 15 and 13 with my second wife.
Me: That’s quite the age difference!
Patient: Well, the older ones didn’t give me any grandkids, so I made my own.
Sick On Weekdays
My boss said, “I find it highly suspicious that you are only sick on weekdays.”
I said, “It must be my weekend immune system.”
Get Some Help
One day a man walked into a bar and ordered a glass of water. He drank half of it and poured the rest on the bartender. The bartender got angry, grabbed the man by the collar, pulled him close to his face, and asked, "Why did you do that?"
The man said very apologetically, "I am so very sorry sir. Please forgive me. I can't help it.
It's an illness I can't get rid of. I am so ashamed of it. How can I make it up to you?"
The bartender answered, "Haven't you seen anyone about this problem?"
The man replied, "I never thought of that. Maybe I will."
The bartender said, "Don't come back until you do get help," and the man left.
About three months later the man came back to the same bar.
He ordered another glass of water, drank half of it, and poured the rest on the bartender.
The bartender shouted, "I thought I told you not to come back until you got help!"
The man replied, "I did, and it worked out great! Now I don't feel ashamed at all!"
Creator of the Nachos
In 1943, Ignacio Anaya, a restaurant owner, found himself in a bad predicament. His cook was missing,
food needed to be prepared, so he improvised and put together a bunch of different ingredients.
Voila… he created nachos. His new dish became popular and caught on.
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