Let This Inspire You

Let This Inspire You Nagsimulang mag-aral ng gitara ng matanda na (late 40's at self-taught), July 2023.

IT DOES "MATTERS" TO ME.Both atheist and theist believe matter came into existence all at once.  The main difference bet...


Both atheist and theist believe matter came into existence all at once. The main difference between the two is the answer to the question of why matter just all of a sudden popped into existence. The atheist says, "It just did." The theist says, "Because God spoke it into existence." Earlier we looked at the question of "WHY" - why is there something instead of nothing? In this issue, I want to look at the question of WHAT.

What caused the universe to just P**F! pop into existence all at once? In science, we know that every effect has a cause. So, if we start tracing each current effect to its cause, and then back to what caused those causes, and then back to what caused those causes, and keep going farther and farther back into time tracing causes and effects, we end up with two possibilities, either:

1) there is a series of causes and effects that stretches back for an infinite amount of time - no first cause, or no beginning, in other words; or

2) there is at some point in the series of causes and effects, an uncaused cause from which all cause and effect emanate. Something that did not come into existence, but that has always existed. Something that is, in fact, existence itself, which brought the universe into existence.

Out of those two choices, the first one is actually impossible. The series of causes and effects cannot go back for an infinite amount of time, because that would mean that it would never have gotten to where we are. We would not exist. Besides, we all know, through common sense, that everything has to have a beginning. And, again, we know through science that everything has a beginning - that every effect has a cause. Think of it this way - let's say that you stop at a railroad crossing as a train is going by. A number of cars have already passed and you can't see the beginning of the train. Well, if you can't see the beginning of the train, how do you know that it has a beginning?

Well, you can see that each car is pulling the car behind it. Each car is, in essence, the cause of the car behind them moving. So, let me ask you this: Is it possible that this train has no beginning? Is it possible that this train is a series of causes and effects that go back for an infinite period of time and just simply has no beginning? No, that's not possible, and you know that's not possible. If the train had no beginning, then exactly what was it that got these cars moving? Something had to start this train into motion. Same with the universe. Something had to have started it into motion. It cannot be an infinite regression of causes and effects.

Okay, so we know that the universe had to have a beginning. And, since there is no infinite regression of cause and effect, we know that the universe had a cause which made it come into being. But, that cause could not have a cause - or else we're stuck with our infinite regression of cause and effect. So, an uncaused cause caused the universe to come into being.

Can we know anything about this uncaused cause? Well, one of the fundamental questions I ask about the beginning of the universe is this: Can something create itself? For example, can a rock create itself, or can a bird create itself? How about a flower. No, to all of those questions. Animal, vegetable, or mineral - none of them can create themselves. In other words, looking at the big picture, matter cannot create itself. This is a scientific fact. Which means something other than matter must bring matter into existence. So, when both atheist and theist say that matter came into being from nothing, they are saying that matter was created not from something material, but from something immaterial.

The non-material must bring the material into existence. So, logic tells us that the universe was begun by a non-material uncaused cause. That is what we theists call God, but let's not, for the sake of the atheist, try to go there just yet.

We first need to answer the question: "What is the non-material?" The non-material can basically fall into two categories:

1) non-material things; and

2) non-material beings.

Non-material things would be, for example, something like an idea. Do ideas have physical boundaries - height, weight, depth, etc.? No. Can you see an idea? You can see the fruit of an idea - an invention, a poem, etc. - but can you see the idea itself? No. Now, a materialist would say that an idea is merely an electrical impulse firing through the neurons of your brain. Maybe so, but what about concepts such as freedom, love, rights, hope, truth, and so on? Are these merely electrical impulses traveling through the mind (well, no such thing as a "mind" in a materialist-only universe) - traveling through the brain? Is freedom not an objective reality? Would a materialist who was locked in a jail cell, and who demanded to be set free, be satisfied with the jailer's response of, "Freedom is all in your head, there's no such thing!"?

Still, though, the materialist might say, “Yep, all those things are simply in one’s brain as electrical impulses.” Which would mean that they essentially have no argument for the existence of such a thing as human “rights”. Rights are non-material. If they only exist as impulses in a person’s brain, if they are not objective realities in and of themselves, then no one has any rights. There is no right to life. No right to liberty. No right to the pursuit of happiness. To freedom of speech. To freedom of religion. To freedom...of any kind, period. Pretty grim world we would be living in.

But, what about truth? Here is where the materialist has all sorts of problems that they just can’t claim as being solved by an appeal to electrical impulses firing through neurons in the brain. What is the material universe governed by? Non-material laws of physics. Are these laws of physics just neurons firing through each individual's brain? No. These laws are true and they are independent of the individual. The law of gravity is true. The laws of thermodynamics are true. The laws of chemistry are true. The laws of mathematics are true. Has anyone ever seen gravity? Does gravity have height, weight, length, width, or depth? What about time? Is time real? Is it material? What about truth? Does it have spatial dimensions? Is it a material item? What about the mathematical concept of pi? You can’t slice it because it isn’t material. But it’s true! It exists!

So, I contend the existence of non-material things - concepts, physical laws, truth, and such - that every single human being is aware of and affected by, whether they will admit that they objectively exist or not. It is a scientific fact that the non-material exists.

And, if there are non-material things, then why not non-material beings? Angels...demons (fallen angels)...God? Let’s not focus yet on what (or rather Who) I, and billions of others throughout time, have called God. Let’s start with what we've already discussed. Matter cannot create itself, which means the material universe cannot create itself. It had to be created by...“something”. That “something” had to be non-material. Why? Because matter cannot create itself and there cannot be an infinite regression of cause and effect back through time of matter coming into existence. So, something other than the material had to bring matter into existence. The only thing other than the material, is the non-material.

So far so good. What else do we know about the “something” that brought the universe into existence? Well, it cannot have a cause. If it had a cause, then we are stuck with the same problem already discussed - you cannot have an infinite regression of cause and effect because, being infinite, it would never have arrived at where we are, and thus we would not exist. So, the cause of the universe was itself, uncaused. The uncaused cause of which Aquinas, and Aristotle before him, spoke of.

Also, judging from the order we find everywhere in the universe, one can rightly speculate that this “something” - this non-material uncaused cause - has an ordered nature. I would also claim that this “something” seems to possess an intelligence by which it ordered the material universe. Can one explain such precision in the laws of physics, chemistry, math, and so on as just blind chance? I guess you could, but from a statistical standpoint, what are the odds of that? I mean think about it - a billion monkeys sitting in front of a billion keyboards, typing away for a billion years would never reproduce a Shakespearean play; nor even a Shakespearean sonnet; and probably not even a single line of a Shakespearean play or sonnet. Yet, the tiniest cell of any plant or animal is more complex, more amazing, more glorious, and more incredible than the greatest of Shakespeare’s works - and folks want me to believe it came into being because of the blind laws of the blind universe that came into being by blind chance? Sorry, not buying it. Logic points to an intelligence behind the ordering of the universe.

And what else? This “something” that created the universe is not subject to time. How so? Well, time is a function of the material universe. Therefore, this “something,” not being material, is not subject to time and, therefore, is infinite in regard to time. Plus, since it existed before time, we can say that it exists outside of time. This “something” also has to be very powerful - after all, it created the entire universe.

So, let’s put it all together: there is “something” that is non-material, and which existed before the material universe, that caused the material universe to be brought into being, and which itself does not have a cause. This “something” is not subject to time - it is infinite. It is exceedingly powerful. It is most likely ordered, and most likely intelligent. And, one other thing then, if it is intelligent, it undoubtedly has a will as it would have made the conscious decision to bring the universe into existence.

The uncaused, non-material, exceedingly powerful, probably ordered and intelligent, infinite, cause that caused the universe to come into being - you call it what you want, I call it God.

I’ll leave you with one last thought - a thought that is a reiteration of the last post: If there is no God, then there is no purpose to life. We are all just bits of cosmic dust that exist only by blind, unthinking, completely random, pitiless chance. We can fool ourselves into thinking we have purpose, but if every thought we have is merely the result of chemical and electrical processes over which we have absolutely no control, and which were brought into being by blind unthinking chance, then by definition, there can be no purpose to life. Love is not real. Freedom is not real. Rights are not real. We are nothing more than biological robots. We have no more purpose or value than an ant, or a worm, or even a rock. And that would indeed be exceedingly sad.

What is your purpose? If the atheist view of the universe is correct - that there is no Creator; that the universe just ...

What is your purpose?

If the atheist view of the universe is correct - that there is no Creator; that the universe just popped into existence as a result of blind, random, meaningless chance; that everything, including life, is all a cosmic accident - then, truth be told, the answer to the question: "What is your purpose?" is...nothing. There is no purpose to your life. Your life is, objectively speaking, meaningless. You have no objective purpose, you have no objective meaning. And not just you, but everyone and everything. If existence itself, if being itself, is accidental, then no one or no thing can be said to have purpose. We are all accidents. The universe is an accident.

"But," someone may object, "my life does indeed have purpose. I want to be a doctor. I want to heal people. That is my purpose in life." Or, another may say something along the lines of, "My wife and my children give my life purpose and meaning." Those are "fool's gold" objections - they appear to have value at first, but upon close examination, they are worthless.

You believe you have purpose in life because you want to be a doctor? But, if your entire existence is purely accidental, your being alive is merely the result of blind random chance, how can you objectively say your life has purpose? Can something that is the result of blind random chance be said to have purpose? Any kind of purpose? You might “think” you have purpose, but that is merely a random electrical impulse firing through the neurons in your brain. A monkey wants to eat. So, he has a desire of getting a banana off the tree. Does that desire mean his life has purpose? Does your desire to be a doctor mean your life has purpose? No, it doesn’t. Your desire to be a doctor has no more purpose than a monkey wanting to get a banana off the tree. It's just a biochemical response to various stimuli in the environment.

And how can your wife or your children give your life purpose? There is no objective meaning in that. No objective purpose. It is entirely subjective. It is imagined. It is merely a chemical process within your brain - over which you have no control - that is causing you to hold to such a preposterous notion. Besides, how could lives brought into being by blind, random, meaningless chance have any purpose or give any purpose?

Without God, all is chance. All is random. All is purposeless and meaningless. Just random chemical and biological reactions to environmental stimuli which are themselves merely random chemical and biological processes. We are biochemical robots without God, nothing more. Oh, we can fool ourselves into thinking we have purpose, but the atheist who is honest and consistent in his thought processes, has to admit that thinking there is purpose to a life that is randomly generated by blind purposeless chance, is believing in a fairy tale. It's like believing in unicorns or leprechauns. Without God, your life has no more meaning or purpose then that of a monkey's, or of a worm's, or of a bacteria, or a rock.

On the other hand, if God exists, then you were created for a reason. You are loved beyond comprehension by your Creator and His love for you gives your life purpose, meaning, and value. He created you to be with Him, for all of eternity. He created you to love Him and be loved by Him. That is your purpose.

Without God, we are all just bits of cosmic dust that exist because some primordial chemical soup was struck by an errant bolt of lightning. It just happened...by blind, unthinking, completely random, chance. We can fool ourselves into thinking we have purpose, but if every thought we have is merely the result of chemical and electrical processes over which we have absolutely no control, and which were brought into being by blind unthinking chance, then by definition, there can be no purpose to life. Purpose implies intent. There is no intent in a godless universe.

No intent. No meaning. No purpose. Maybe some atheist author should write a book: "The Purposeless-Driven Life." But, then, there really wouldn't be any purpose in reading it, would there?

I always like to tell the atheists that I get into conversations with on various blog sites, that I believe them to be infinitely loved by an all-powerful God Who has created them with purpose and meaning and Who gives them infinite value as human beings; while they believe themselves to be accidental specks of cosmic dust with no inherent value and no inherent purpose. Theists think more highly of atheists than atheists think of atheists. I find that exceedingly ironic.

Finally, lest anyone attempt to misquote me or misunderstand what I am saying here, I do not claim this to be a "proof" for God. I generally don't use that word. I merely offer this as evidence. Scientific evidence? Nope. But, evidence does not necessarily have to be scientific in order to validly point in a certain direction. You see, here's the thing: Why is it that each and every human being yearns for purpose, if there is no purpose to be had? Why does every person alive want their life to mean something, if life has no meaning? Why does the human heart ache for that which, according to the atheist, does not exist? What evolutionary advantage went to our ancient ancestor who first felt the longing for meaning, and passed that longing on to all of humanity, if there is no meaning to be found in the universe?

Despite being the dominant religion in the country, there are minorities who question certain doctrines of the Catholic ...

Despite being the dominant religion in the country, there are minorities who question certain doctrines of the Catholic Church, including the devotion to the Black Nazarene of Quiapo. Each year, the feast at Quiapo draws millions of devotees. These faithful are well aware of the hardship and danger of attending a celebration joined by approximately six million people.

When I was still a seminarian, I often pondered what compels these devotees to endure the long queues and brave the surging tide of people. Though I wore the cassock back then, the answer eluded me. Years later, I, too, experienced grace through my devotion to the Black Nazarene.

Some of our Christian brethren may utter harsh words against this practice—a devotion that existed long before their pastors or ministers were even born. Yet, as someone who has witnessed and received blessings through this faith, I feel a responsibility to humbly share why Catholics embrace such devotions.

From an anthropological perspective, the Church employs images and icons of saints not merely to teach the Scriptures but to remind the faithful that a truly fulfilling life requires attention to both the physical and the spiritual. The Church understands that words alone are not enough for us to encounter God. Human beings are embodied creatures, and faith, too, must touch the material and the tangible.

Through symbols, images, and icons, we are reminded—especially in times of sorrow and suffering—that God is present. Imagine the plight of countless Filipinos whose livelihoods depend on daily wages. Many do not have the luxury of opening a Bible or attending hours-long sermons, as their days are consumed by the pressing need to feed their families. But as they pass by a church and glimpse an image of Christ, they are reminded of His life, His sacrifice, and His love.

Beyond this, those with closed minds will never comprehend how devotions bring hope to those who are downtrodden. They question why devotees touch or embrace the Nazarene. But if you lived in a nation rife with exploitation of the poor and abuse of the uneducated, where else would the common Filipino find solace? When one’s body aches from illness but knows the cost of healing is beyond reach, where would one turn for comfort if not to an image that promises understanding without judgment?

You scoff at their act of clinging to these images. Yet imagine living in a country where the privilege of health and survival is reserved for the wealthy—would you not seek something to hold onto, someone to embrace?

No matter how long I speak, I know our beliefs will remain steadfast in their differences. But if your religion lifts you so high that your feet no longer touch the earth, perhaps it is not God who stands at the center of your community. For even God Himself recognized the value of physical encounter when He chose to take on flesh and dwell among us.

Happy Feast Day Nuestro Padre Hesus Nazareno!

Credit to: Mark Earvin Cervantes

Why is there something instead of nothing?Think about that for a moment: Why IS there something instead of nothing?  Why...

Why is there something instead of nothing?

Think about that for a moment: Why IS there something instead of nothing? Why is there this magnificent, wondrous, incredibly beautiful, complex, and fascinating thing we call the universe, as opposed to there being nothing at all? Why?!

The atheist, ultimately, has no answer. At least, no answer that is consistent with their professed beliefs in science as an explanation for everything. Oh, they will give you an answer, but there are problems with every answer they give. For example, some will say that there is something rather than nothing because of the Big Bang. Though, the Big Bang is a theory that explains HOW the universe EXPANDED after it was created. It does not explain HOW the universe was CREATED. Or, in terms of our question, it does not explain why there is something rather than nothing.

Then we have the atheists who are a bit more informed in regard to science. One such person was the physicist Stephen Hawking. In his book, The Grand Design, Hawking states that, given the existence of gravity, "the universe can and will create itself from nothing." He goes on to say, "Spontaneous creation is the reason why there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist."

There's just one problem with that - Hawking is using circular reasoning. Gravity is, in its basic definition, the attraction between any two masses. It's the force that attracts one thing with mass towards another thing with mass. But, if that's the case, then gravity, as a function of mass, did not exist before matter was created. Therefore, for Hawking to say that, given gravity, the universe will create itself from nothing, turns out to be a bit of a ridiculous thing to say. If matter requires gravity in order for it to come into existence, but there is no gravity without matter, then matter will never be created.

In Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, gravity is seen not as a force, but as a warping of space. This warping of space, though, is essentially a function of mass. The problem is, for Hawking, there is no space and there is no mass before the universe began - which means there is no gravity before the universe began. So, again, Hawking's statement comes off as circular reasoning. How can you have gravity, before you have space and mass, if gravity is dependent on space and mass?

And you'll get other explanations that sound very scientific and use a lot of nifty terms and such, but they all basically come down to this: speculation, pure and simple. No one has ever observed something coming from nothing. No one has ever done an experiment where they got something from nothing. There is no mathematical equation that shows something coming from nothing. There is no chemical formula that shows something coming from nothing. In other words, the atheist, depending solely on the scientific method, cannot answer the question. He simply has to have faith that something came from nothing.

And his faith is based more on the fact that he denies God's existence, than it does on scientific evidence. He has no scientific evidence to support his faith. What he has is a denial of God's existence, and, since there is no God - yet the universe obviously exists - something just came from nothing for no apparent reason. The P**f! Theory for the creation of the universe. No rhyme. No reason. He denies the hand of a Creator in the creation of the universe by essentially using circular reasoning, just like Hawking did: Is the existence of the universe evidence of God's existence? No. Why not? It is a given that God does not exist, therefore God could not have created the universe. P**f!

Also, and this must be maddening for the atheist, even if science could ultimately give us a technical explanation of HOW something came from nothing, it still does not tell us WHY something came from nothing. Science will never ever be able to tell us why. It is a question, the answer of which, is outside the realm of science.

So, ultimately, the atheist has no answer to the question of why there is something rather than nothing. The theist, however, does have an answer: Love.

Boom gigabaan😆

Boom gigabaan😆

Question:Is the belief in God solely a religious belief?  Is it based only on faith?  Or is there evidence, apart from r...


Is the belief in God solely a religious belief? Is it based only on faith? Or is there evidence, apart from religious faith, for the existence of God?


Let's say you go for a walk in the woods one day. As you're walking along the path, you see an empty Coke can lying in the grass along the path. Your first thought is, "How could someone toss a Coke can away in a beautiful place like this?!" The underlying assumption being, of course, that the Coke can is a sign of "someone" having been there. Well, you walk along a little farther on the path, and across a meadow you see an old, dilapidated barn. And you might think about who built it, how long it's been there, and so on. Again, though, the underlying assumption is that the abandoned barn is a sign that someone was there. In neither case - the Coke can nor the old barn - would you say to yourself, "Wow, look what mindless, meaningless, natural processes have made by blind, random chance.

But, here's the thing. Those trees you've been walking by on the path, a single leaf from any one of those trees is more complex in its makeup - chemically, biologically, etc. - and from a design perspective, than either the Coke can or the old barn. It has been put together in an absolutely magnificent fashion and it can do incredible things - like turn sunlight and carbon dioxide into food. Yet, an atheist would say that, even though it is incredibly more complex than the Coke can or the barn - which are signs of the existence of an intelligent agent - the leaf came to be as the result of mindless, meaningless, natural processes that operate strictly by blind, random chance.

In other words, things that are, by comparison, relatively simple in their makeup and design, are signs of intelligent agents at work, while things that are vastly more complex in their makeup and design, are not. For me, that is the root of the problem for anyone who wishes to convince me that there is no Creator. Everything that exists, for the atheist, is the result of mindless forces that have no meaning nor purpose, and operate by blind, random chance. I simply don't have the amount of faith necessary to believe such a thing.

Let's look at an analogy. Shakespeare's play, Hamlet, has approximately 130,000 letters. From a purely statistical standpoint, a monkey typing letters at random on a keyboard has a chance of one in 26 of correctly typing the first letter of Hamlet. It has a one in 676 (26 × 26) chance of typing the first two letters correctly . Because the probability shrinks exponentially, it has only a one in 26 to the power of 20 = 19,928,148,895,209,409,152,340,197,376 chance of getting the first 20 letters right. Again, the text of Hamlet has around 130,000 letters. So, the probability of Hamlet being produced randomly by that monkey are so remote as to be essentially non-existent.

But, here's the thing - if every atom in the observable universe were a monkey with a keyboard, typing from the Big Bang until the theoretical end of the universe, you would still need to multiply that amount of time by 10 to the 360,000th power, to have just a 1 in 10 to the 500th power chance of success. In other words, trillions of gazillions of bazillions of monkeys, typing randomly for trillions of gazillions of bazillions of years, would not produce the 130,000 character sequence of Hamlet.

Now, think about this. A single strand of DNA - the basic building block of life - is made up of a sequence of chemicals that are represented by the letters A, G, T, and C. These chemicals (A, G, T, and C) - these basic building blocks of DNA - are arranged in a sequence that is over 1 billion characters long. So, the statistical probability of human DNA coding happening completely by blind random chance - with no intelligent agent, not even monkeys, doing the inputting - is approximately 4 raised to the billionth power. In other words, there seems to be no chance that it was chance. Yet, in spite of the math, atheists believe it happens all by chance. They believe that the very specific sequences of the letters of our genetic coding - infinitely more complex than a Shakespeare play - came into being by blind random chance within just a few billion years? Again, that takes way more faith than I have to believe such a thing.

Furthermore, let's look at the very beginning of the universe. When it comes to beginnings, atheists believe in what I call the "P**f" theory. The universe began when matter and energy and all the laws of physics just - P**F! - came into being by blind, random chance. Then, right after the beginning of the universe, all of that matter and energy - which was packed into an extremely small area called a singularity - exploded! The Big Bang. Many atheists mistakenly believe that the Big Bang was responsible for the creation of the universe. Wrong. The Big Bang explains how the universe began to, and continues to, expand.

Then, after the universe had expanded to a certain degree, and parts of it cooled, and stars and planets were formed, and the Earth was formed - P**F! - life came into being from non-life. Something non-living became living. No one really knows how that happened, though. Then, after the non-living became living - P**F! - it started to replicate itself. But, these first living replicating things did not have membranes. So - P**F! - membranes evolved. Then, after a couple billion years or so, instead of the living cells dividing and going their separate ways - P**F! - some cells started to stay together and we went from one-celled living things to multi-celled living things. And then - P**F! - these cells that stayed together in these multi-celled living things started to specialize. P**F! P**F! P**F! P**F!

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that all of these things absolutely could not have happened. I am open to any possibility here. What I am saying, though, is that we have never observed any such occurrences as these in nature or in the lab. Has anyone ever seen matter come into being from nothing? Has anyone ever witnessed non-life becoming life? Has anyone ever witnessed two cells randomly joining together to form a completely new organism? No one has seen any of these things. The belief that these things happened as a result of forces operating by blind random chance is an act of faith, not a result of the scientific method.

So, it seems to me that it makes more sense, and actually takes much less faith, to believe in an intelligent Creator - Who produced everything out of nothing, and life from non-life - than it does to believe this all happened as a result of chance. Now, that is not a "proof" of God, but, for me, the astronomical statistical probabilities against the universe and life happening as a result of blind, random, meaningless chance is evidence that points to a Creator.



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