5 ways how I hacked my brain to do hard things:
1. Focus on the Process not the Outcome:
(a) Stop imagining too much on the end goals.
Dreaming about the outcomes may feel good but it doesn’t push you to do hard things.
(b) Enjoy the process even it’s hard and tell yourself that goods things will come.
2. Change Your Mindset from Scarcity to Abundance:
Scarcity: there’s never enough, everything is limited.
Abundance: the world has plenty of opportunities and there’s always something for everyone.
3. Habit Pairing
Pair a habit you enjoy with the habit you want to build.
Example #1: being on social media (enjoy) + writing on social media (to build).
Example #2: listening to music (enjoy) + go for long walk (to build).
4. Build Good Habits:
Habits are more sustainable rather than relying on motivation.
Being consistent is a good habit and it helps to build progress.
5. Celebrate the Process:
Appreciate your small wins and the little progress you’ve made.
A bad day isn’t a bad life.
It’s part of your progress for as long as you keep trying and move forward.
All the best!