A day in the life of Teacher AinorFaith Tan Ganate surrounded by her Co-Teachers of CBLC Caduha-an Baptist Learning Center.
More Birthdays to come and We Love You Very Much!!!
#Ainor26thBirthday #arneltemplovideos #Arneltemploedits
Ainor@26thBirthday | 05.08.2024
A day in the life of Teacher AinorFaith Tan Ganate surrounded by her Co-Teachers of CBLC Caduha-an Baptist Learning Center.
More Birthdays to come and We Love You Very Much!!!
#Ainor26thBirthday #arneltemplovideos #Arneltemploedits
What a wonderful celebration of Gospel Baptist Church Inc. - Brgy. Chambery, Manapla.
A summary of events [Caravan, Funrun and Zumba] marked the hearts of GBC Church members & Brgy. Chambery Officials during this one-month celebration of God's faithfulness.
70 years and counting in proclaiming the Gospel of Christ to their community.
A BLESSED 70th CHURC ANNIVERSARY Gbc Chambery Manapla.
#GBC70thChurchAnniversary #GBCCaravan #GBCFunRunZumba #arneltemplovideos #Arneltemploedits
Arnel Santillan Templo
GBC 70th Church Anniversary Summary Video | Caravan | Funrun | Zumba
What a wonderful celebration of Gospel Baptist Church Inc. - Brgy. Chambery, Manapla.
A summary of events [Caravan, Funrun and Zumba] marked the hearts of GBC Church members & Brgy. Chambery Officials during this one-month celebration of God's faithfulness.
70 years and counting in proclaiming the Gospel of Christ to their community.
A BLESSED 70th CHURC ANNIVERSARY Gbc Chambery Manapla.
#GBC70thChurchAnniversary #GBCCaravan #GBCFunRunZumba #arneltemplovideos #Arneltemploedits
Arnel Santillan Templo
Doane Men's Ensemble @ MFBC-Lacson
Doane Men's Ensemble quick visit to MFBC-Lacson, Brgy. 2, Manapla.
#DoaneMen_s_Ensemble2023 #arneltemplovideos #Arneltemploedits
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A celebration of the best Life in the arms of his Savior.๐๏ธ
๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐. ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐. "๐ป๐๐๐๐ ๐ฉ๐๐๐๐"
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@ Manapla Fellowship Baptist Church - Crossing Ubos
December 23,2022
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#TatayBotoyFuneralService #RestinParadiseTatay #SeeyouinthestreetsofGold
#Nomorenightspaintearscrying #iLoveManapla #arneltemplovideos #Arneltemploedits