Sugdan nato atoang New year ug pagpaningkamot
Sugdan nato atoang New year ug pagpaningkamot
Sugdan nato atoang New year ug pagpaningkamot
Sugdan nato atoang New year ug pagpaningkamot
Thank you, God, for all the blessings, the strength you give us each day, and for all the people around who make life more meaningful.
Happy New year mga ka SURPRISE!
Song title - "Sa Dios kami magtitiwala"
Thank you, God, for all the blessings, the strength you give us each day, and for all the people around who make life more meaningful.
Happy New year mga ka SURPRISE!
Song title - "Sa Dios kami magtitiwala"
Thank you, God, for all the blessings, the strength you give us each day, and for all the people around who make life more meaningful.
Happy New year mga ka SURPRISE!
Song title - "Sa Dios kami magtitiwala"
Thank you, God, for all the blessings, the strength you give us each day, and for all the people around who make life more meaningful.
Happy New year mga ka SURPRISE!
Song title - "Sa Dios kami magtitiwala"