Just in time for Christmas, you can now get 80% off when purchasing complete digital discographies for following, or you can use the code christmas2023 to get 50% off on any release (valid until Dec 24, 2023):
Penitent (12 releases): https://penitentofficial.bandcamp.com/
Arcane Art (5 releases): https://arcaneart.bandcamp.com/
Defraktor (8 releases): https://defraktor.bandcamp.com/
Karsten Hamre (14 releases): https://karstenhamre.bandcamp.com/
Phase Case (50 releases, which includes releases by Veiled Allusions, Dense Vision Shrine, Penitent, Arcane Art, The Flux Komplex, Defraktor and more): https://phasecase.bandcamp.com/