Do you want to publish your poems, essays, and flash fictions but don't know where to start?
The Kasikas: Maasim Writers Society calls for zine entries for the first ever Maasim Zine Festival 2024. Writers who are born in, currently residing for any reason that intends them to keep on residing, or whose either parents is a resident of Maasim, Sarangani Province are qualified to submit their zine entries through the organization's official email address, [email protected].
Don't know how to layout your zine?
Don't worry! The Kasikas members are here to help. Just message our official page for assistance. We are also offering free printing for the first 10 copies of all zine entries. These acts of service allow every aspiring Maasimian writer to publish their zine without any financial burden, for the organization recognizes the struggles of our writing community in the municipality.
Here are the guidelines for the submission of zine entries:
1. The zine must contain at least 10 but not exceeding 25 literary pieces varying from poems, essays, and flash fictions.
2. Eacg literary piece must be an original piece from the writer, and not, in any way, AI-generated.
3. Each literary piece must not exceed the maximum word count of 1,000 words.
4. The literary pieces must be segregated depending on the literary genre used (poem, essay, flash fiction).
5. The literary pieces may be written using Filipino, English, or any local language, given that if the pieces are written using a local language, the writer must provide a Filipino or English translation.
6. The zine may explore any theme.
7. The zine may be collaborative or individual, depending on the taste of the writer/s.
8. All literary pieces will undergo multiple AI-detectors to maintain literary ethicality.
9. Submit your entries through the organization's official email address, [email protected].
10. For participants seeking for layout assistance, send your zine entry in a word file following this file name format: Org/Name_Zine-Title_Layout-Assistance. The document must be in A4 size, Arial, font size 12, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.
11. For finalized entries, it must be in PDF format following this file name format: Org/Name_Zine-Title_Finalized-Entry
12. The deadline of submission will be on March 30, 2024.
We, the Kasikas: Maasim Writers Society, encourages everyone, from youth and youth-serving organizations, to educational institutions in Maasim, Sarangani Province, to tell us their stories by submitting their zine entries, because we believe that this Maasimian history book longs to be written by the people. Join us in the Maasim Zine Fest 2024!
For more queries, please message our official page.