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lucy lucy
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jaycee castleford luce
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Favorite quotes
1. How many people have you liked in the past 8 months?
* man
y to mention hehe
2. Have you ever done anything illegal?
* haha..maybe
3. Can you make yourself cry?
* hmm..yep
4. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
* 11 to 8???hehe
5. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
* yeah of course i wnt to see my father...
6. When was the last time you lied?
* last nyt
7. Do you know anyone who lives in ATL?
* wala
8. Have you ever kissed someone who's name starts with the letter C?
* hahaha ofcourse my xbf's name starts with the letter "r"...
10. Have you ever been out past curfew?
* yah..
11. Have you ever snuck people into your house?
* nope.
12. Are you easily confused?
* kinda
13. Do you think you'd make a good parent?
* ofcourse
14. what is your favorite kind of ice cream?
* hmm.. khit anu hehe
15. Do you like your school?
* big no.. hahah jowk
16. Are you taller than 5 foot 7 inches?
* No
17. Have you ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
* wala nman
18. what color are your socks?
* wla... hahaha anu bng tnong yan
19. Has anyone ever borrowed something from you and never returned it back?
* haiz... uu naku! grrrr...madame n kung sinu2x pah..
20. behind the last reason you cried?
* cngawan aq!!!
21. Do you like anyone on your myspace?
* no myspace...hehe
22. When was the last time you laughed?
* frgot q n bsta nun kaxama q family ko LAGE NMAN
23. What are you listening to right now?
24. How has the week been?
* wasted!! qng alam niu lan pinag daanan q diz week..wa
25. So is there something you wish you could tell someone but you cant?
* nope...
26. What time did you wake up today?
* 11:00 am???
27. What level can you play on Guitar Hero?
* dnt know how to play..
28. Today did you hug a person you have feelings for?
* yep
29. What level can you play on drums for Rock Band?
* d dn aq marunong
30. Siblings?
* 4
31. Does your home phone have caller id?
* Wala
32. Who is your favorite neighbor?
* c baboy kze ang dal2 dame chika hahaha
33. Do you wish at 11:11?
* No
34. Ever gotten a detention?
* hahaha
35. Do you still watch disney channel?
* love it
36. What song best describes your love life right now?
* realize.. wahehe
37. Something you'll never do?
* no idea.. Who I Want to Meet:
A - ccepts you as you are
B - elieves in ' YOU '
C - alls you just to say ' Hi '
D - oesn't give up !! On You ! E - nvisions the whole of you ( even the
unfinished parts )
F - orgives your mistakes
G - ives unconditionally
H - elps you
I - nvites you over
J - ust " BE " with you
K - eeps you close at heart
L - oves you for who you are
M - akes a difference in your life
N - ever Judges
O - ffer support
P - icks you up
Q - uiets your fears
R - aises your spirits
S - ays nice things about you
T - ells you the truth when you need to
hear it
U - nderstands you
V - alues you
W - alks beside you
X - plains thing you don't understand
Y - ells when you won't listen and
Z - aps you back to reality
*Stay steady* n *Stay happy* in ur ^LiFe^! Best wishes to u, my fren! take care*_*
# Who I Want to Meet:
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