👉Create content for your specific target audience
Sharing engaging content that is geared toward your audience 🙍♂️🙍♂️ will turn your social media accounts into an interesting conversation platform.
Don’t spam your followers’ feeds with content that isn’t relevant to their interests.
👉Separate business and personal accounts
Your business account serves a different purpose than your personal account. Keeping your accounts separate will prevent accidentally posting a personal picture to your business account.🧐
Aside from that, the messaging and branding of your organization needs to stay consistent when you’re posting on social media.🤗
👉Avoid offensive content
This is a no brainer,🤫 but there are still some organizations that miss the mark when sharing content.
It’s always a good idea to ask, “Will someone be offended by this post?” If there is any gray area, it might be best to refrain from posting. Something to think about that will help in this situation is to consider the relevance and importance of the content.🙊🙊
Are you creating and posting content
Here are a few important tips for SMM beginners.
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👎Don’t Be Selfish
This is a common mistake I see far too often.
What does it mean to be selfish in the social media realm? Quite simply, a selfish social business only talks about themselves.
If you look down your stream of social posts and you only see promotions about your business, sales from your business,📈 and things that directly ask others to do something for you, you are being selfish🏋️.
Selfishness in social media, just like in real life, doesn't seem good.🙃
👎Don’t Be Afraid Of Haters
Haters🤨 are going to be out there.
The worst thing you can do is not be on social media because you are afraid of putting yourself out there.
The good thing is that you are given access to insight that wasn’t available years ago.
This allows you to respond when needed and evaluate your operations as necessary.
Haters gonna hate, there is nothing you can do about it.
Any suggestions or violent reaction for this post? Comment your ideas 👇🏻
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#dont #dontgiveup #dontstop #dontquit #dontjudge #dontlike #dontlookbackinanger #dontsteal #dontmutedc #dontstopdreaming
👍Do add Value
Social media is another form of communication📱, which means you have to be interesting and add value in order to get through to your customers, fans, and potential business partners🤝.
Think about what types of things you can share with your fans that will get them to fall in love with you❤️.
👍Do Focus Where It Counts
Yes, there are tons of social networks out there. But that in no way means you need to be present and active on all of them.
Your most important and valuable networks are those that your audience is active on🏋️.
Think🤔 about your audience and where they hang out online, monitor where your social traffic comes from and spend your time and resources there.
Your goal is to make people crave😋 the content you share.
When you offer value, you’ll see people constantly checking in on you to see what you have to say today.
Do you have any suggestions or additions to this topic? Comment 👇🏻
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