My 1-Peso Thoughts 024
My 1-Peso Thoughts for this week will focus on my personal beliefs as a Catholic. Please note that this is not an invitation for debate or criticism—these reflections are purely my own perceptions and opinions. They do not represent any group, sect, or organization. I share them simply to express my journey and thoughts, hoping to inspire reflection, respect, and understanding in others.
In last Sunday’s homily, the focus was on how one can enter the Kingdom of God. The Gospel shared Jesus' powerful message to His disciples: “Sell everything you have, give to the poor, and follow me.” This struck a deep chord within me. It made me reflect on the essence of detachment—not just from material possessions, but from pride, ego, and worldly desires. To follow Christ, it seems we are called to embrace simplicity, humility, and generosity, especially towards those less fortunate. How we live out that call is deeply personal, but the path to God, as Jesus showed, begins with love and selflessness.
As human beings, we naturally work hard to provide for ourselves and our families, striving to meet our needs and desires. We buy things that promise satisfaction and aim to live what we often perceive as a "good life." But is it truly a good life when it’s centered around material possessions? Can real happiness be found in things? These are questions I find myself contemplating often.
As a Catholic, I hold certain beliefs that guide me, but I also recognize that my personal convictions sometimes go beyond what is traditionally taught by the Church. I believe faith is deeply personal, and while the Church provides a foundation, our lived experiences shape how we interpret its teachings.
For me, the essence of a good life isn’t defined by what we have, but by how we love, give, and grow in our relationship with God and others.
For ours is the Kingdom of God, not in some distant future, but here and now, when we live our lives in God’s guidance and extend His love to those around us. It is in living a life of purpose, humility, and service that we truly embrace His kingdom on earth.