"My Greatest Accomplishment was Believing in Myselfโจ
Isay_Liah Social Services is a social service organization that provides care and support to individuals who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. We are a non-profit organization that provides services for those in need with a focus on homeless individuals who have experienced trauma and abuse.
We provide shelter, food, clothing, medical assistance, employment assistance, and other resources to help our clients transition back into the community as self-sufficient adults. We also provide advocacy services through our legal team to help these individuals find more permanent housing options.
We believe that everyone deserves a chance for a better life. That's why we're committed to providing compassionate care and support to people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness so they can move forward with their lives without fear or stigma.
Isay Liah is a social worker who helps people and families with their problems. She has been working in the field since she was a little girl, and she loves it. Isay says that her favorite part of her job is helping people find solutions to their problems and working with them to make their lives better.
She has worked with many different kinds of families and children, including those who have been abused or neglected, those whose parents are addicted to drugs or alcohol, and even those whose parents are separated or divorced. She says that each family is different and there are no rules when it comes to what problems one family can face."