Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatallahi wa barakatuhu.
What: Short Remider after 2 Rak'a of Tarawe Prayer RE : Observance of the Holy Month of Ramadan
When: 07:25PM of March 11, 2024
Where : Masjid Dharussalam, Purok 77, Muslim Area , Bangkal, Davao City
Who: Spag Talomo spokesperson : Ustadhj Ersahad Esmael
PCpl Al-Fazer Sali , PS3 SALAAM PNCO is Also Present in the area giving area security to our muslim brothers and sisters.
At about 7:25pm of March 12, 2024 Spag Spokeperson Ersahad Esmael Giving Short Reminder about the validity of the acceptance of Ibadah, the Ikhlas and Mutabaa ( Purity and the way the Prophet Mohammad Sallahu alayhi wassalam).
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatallahi wa barakatuhu.
What: Short Remider RE : Observance of the Holy Month of Ramadan
When: 07:00PM of March 11, 2024
Where : Masjid Dharussalam, Purok 77, Muslim Area , Bangkal, Davao City
Spag Talomo Adviser : Aleem Abdulracman Taomo Cabaguio
Spag Talomo spokesperson : Ustadhj Ersahad Esmael
PCpl Al-Fazer Sali , PS3 SALAAM PNCO is Also Present in the area giving area security to our muslim brothers and sisters.
Islamic Relief Philippines
May Bank
Salaam Police Advocacy Group - SPAG Talomo - Davao Region
Talomo Police Station PNP
Salaam Police Center DPCR
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatallahi Wa Barakatuhu!
"Inspire Action and Motivate Change." SPAG XI
At about 07:00 AM - 12:00NOON of August 17, Salaam Police Advocacy Group Davao Region and SPAG Talomo led by Engineer Arnold Adam, Spag Talomo President Direct supervision of Hadji Kaidar Ismael Davao City SPAG President, Under Supervision of PMsg Taha N. Akmad Ret. Regional President of Region 11 Attended and Participated BRIGADA ESKWELA 2023 - in line with the PNPs OPLAN LIGTAS BALIK ESKWELA PROGRAM at Matina Central Elementary School, DUTERTE National High School and Dona Soledad Dolor, Elementary School, Bangkal, Davao City. The Group helps in the general cleaning of the school's surroundings.
The Activity was attended by PCpl AL-fazer Sali PS3 Salaam PNCO Led by PLT ERIKA V REYES Chief WCPD officer undersupervision of PMAJ NOEL B VILLAHERMOSA , Station Commander of Talomo Police Station 3, Davao City Police Office PRO11.
On August 13, 2023 at 8:00 AM Personnel of DDOPPO spearheaded by PCOL BENEDICTO F FACO, PD DDOPPO, attended the Orientation, Validation & Oath Taking Ceremony of SPAG Provincial & Municipal Officers at DDOPPO HQs, Nabunturan, DDO. The orientation was conducted by PMsg Taha N Akmad, Al Hajj (Ret), President, SPAG Region 11 who discussed about the duties and function of SPAG in every muslim communities in maintaining peace and security. Further, the activity was followed by an Oath Taking of SPAG Provincial and Municipal Officer which was administered by PCOL BENEDICTO FACO. Moreover, the said activity was attended by PMAJ RANEL B MARQUIZO, AC, PCADU DDOPPO, Salaam PNCOs of DDOPPO led by PEMS Delwin S Ho, Amad Tarusan, SPAG National Coordinator, SPAG Regional Officers and 152 Provincial and Municipal Officers of DDOPPO. Activity ended at 12:00 noon same date.
"Inspire Action and Motivate Change." SPAG XI
WHERE: DOPPO Compound, Dahican, City of Mati, Davao Oriental
WHEN: July 30, 2023 / 10:00AM
At about 10:00 AM Of July 30, 2023, Davao Oriental Police Provincial Office Personnel PMAJ CAPILI , Duty Officer and SPAG Regional President PMSg Taha N Akmad (Ret). Al Hajj under the direct supervision of PCOL FRANCIS DONALD C BRILLANTE, Provincial Director, conducted SPAG Officer Validation , Orientation and Oath Taking. The Said Activity were Attended by Different SPAG UNIT Under the A.O.R of DOPPO and SPAG Davao City Chapter together with SPAG X1.
Salaam Police Advocacy Group - SPAG Talomo - Davao Region
Salaam Police Advocacy Group - SPAG Talomo - Davao Region