Pastors!!! Are you in quandary? AlongSiders/ Real Life Ministries Offer REAL solutions!
Third Day 25 January 2025
" I wonder have I done my best forJesus
Who died upon the cruel tree?
To think of His great sacrifice at the Calva'ry!
I know my Lord expects the best from me.
How many are the lost that I have lifted?
How many are the lost that I have lifted?
How many are the chained I've helped to free?
I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus,
When He has done so much for me?"...E.Edwin Young
A treat, movie:THE FORGE with lots of pizza was given to all participants . Sleep is sweet in THE SHACK (s) (cottages) that MX3 provides with overflowing coffee in its unique MX3 humongous barrels plus hot/cold water dispensers.
The breaking of the Bread was evidently experienced. Bountiful meals over fellowship in the seas and land /sand is like Heaven on earth while Gina /Mimi and team showcase Moses and Aaron for the elect. Forever grateful! Salamat po!!!
Robert and Dave share today the Biblical relationship that reveals the heart of God from the beginning until eternally forevermore. Romans 8 brings home ..."He who spare not His only Begotten Son ..."
Relationship amongst is the soil wherein discipleship grows. The badge of discipleship is well Discovery of The Word of God, The Holy Bible, map of life and the compass of Such, rightly dividing The Word as participants share insightful inspirations.John 17:20-21; Pro.17:17; Acts 2:42, etc.
Gina shares her testimonies on how MX3 soars when she lives out The Word. She is an epitome of Jesus' Compassion with skin on. Staying on His Course unfolds creative ways beyond what is tangible to deep divine eternal intangibles.
Two Secrets of a thriving Body of Christ even at Real Life Ministries are: Following The Word and Intentional Relationships vertically and horizontally - D' Cross that keeps The Gold and leaves the dross of religiousity , Phariseeism, and "sad u sees".
In group dynamics, Robert and Dave facilitate truths on building relationships such as listening, consideration, no savior complexes, no over- talking, no generalizations, only using I- statements and commitment to fight for relationships.
International Discipleship Relationship throughout all spheres of life is through The Word, His Holy Spirit and the people of God.
The five possible tools as relationship vehicles: train as the local Church, (Acts2) bus as the equipping of the saints as a huge congregation, (Acts 6)van as small groups, (Luke 9) car as one with few (Mark 9) and motorcycle (John3) as one on one.
A person has four possible areas in life that are open, hidden, blind spots and areas known by God. Through vulnerability, these areas can blend in spectrums that conform in the image and likeness of the Most High One whom He is well pleased with.
Scars over every participant can be stars shining over the pavilion of The Great I Am. While the unfolding of stories uniquely echoes the invitation of welcoming each, warts and all in levels deeper and wider ways from walls of isolation may be unknown in shut doors so that open windows of Heaven fall on earth.
The New Testament of The Holy Bible in the Book of Matthew 18 maps off for disciples of Jesus to resolve in pastoral servant leadership. Parting words from Dave Campbell are: "As a disciple/r one should be a tour guide and not a travel agent who hasn't been ahead along the journey." Robert Delabitoria invites disciples to meditate on Luke 15:11-32 while each shares their relationship to the character in the story. Vulnerability is beautiful amongst the participants."While all are yet sinners, Jesus died for all"...the exemplified lifestyle amongst is accounted by The Only Lord and Savior to Whom all glory, praise and honor belong!
By Norma Pacheco ( MDNN Bureau Chief, Davao) Dr. Marigel Wagner ( BOB International Family)