Mindanao Daily News Network - Davao

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Pastors!!! Are you in quandary? AlongSiders/ Real  Life  Ministries Offer REAL solutions!Third Day 25 January 2025" I wo...

Pastors!!! Are you in quandary? AlongSiders/ Real Life Ministries Offer REAL solutions!

Third Day 25 January 2025

" I wonder have I done my best forJesus
Who died upon the cruel tree?
To think of His great sacrifice at the Calva'ry!
I know my Lord expects the best from me.

How many are the lost that I have lifted?
How many are the lost that I have lifted?
How many are the chained I've helped to free?
I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus,
When He has done so much for me?"...E.Edwin Young

A treat, movie:THE FORGE with lots of pizza was given to all participants . Sleep is sweet in THE SHACK (s) (cottages) that MX3 provides with overflowing coffee in its unique MX3 humongous barrels plus hot/cold water dispensers.

The breaking of the Bread was evidently experienced. Bountiful meals over fellowship in the seas and land /sand is like Heaven on earth while Gina /Mimi and team showcase Moses and Aaron for the elect. Forever grateful! Salamat po!!!

Robert and Dave share today the Biblical relationship that reveals the heart of God from the beginning until eternally forevermore. Romans 8 brings home ..."He who spare not His only Begotten Son ..."

Relationship amongst is the soil wherein discipleship grows. The badge of discipleship is well Discovery of The Word of God, The Holy Bible, map of life and the compass of Such, rightly dividing The Word as participants share insightful inspirations.John 17:20-21; Pro.17:17; Acts 2:42, etc.

Gina shares her testimonies on how MX3 soars when she lives out The Word. She is an epitome of Jesus' Compassion with skin on. Staying on His Course unfolds creative ways beyond what is tangible to deep divine eternal intangibles.

Two Secrets of a thriving Body of Christ even at Real Life Ministries are: Following The Word and Intentional Relationships vertically and horizontally - D' Cross that keeps The Gold and leaves the dross of religiousity , Phariseeism, and "sad u sees".

In group dynamics, Robert and Dave facilitate truths on building relationships such as listening, consideration, no savior complexes, no over- talking, no generalizations, only using I- statements and commitment to fight for relationships.

International Discipleship Relationship throughout all spheres of life is through The Word, His Holy Spirit and the people of God.

The five possible tools as relationship vehicles: train as the local Church, (Acts2) bus as the equipping of the saints as a huge congregation, (Acts 6)van as small groups, (Luke 9) car as one with few (Mark 9) and motorcycle (John3) as one on one.

A person has four possible areas in life that are open, hidden, blind spots and areas known by God. Through vulnerability, these areas can blend in spectrums that conform in the image and likeness of the Most High One whom He is well pleased with.

Scars over every participant can be stars shining over the pavilion of The Great I Am. While the unfolding of stories uniquely echoes the invitation of welcoming each, warts and all in levels deeper and wider ways from walls of isolation may be unknown in shut doors so that open windows of Heaven fall on earth.

The New Testament of The Holy Bible in the Book of Matthew 18 maps off for disciples of Jesus to resolve in pastoral servant leadership. Parting words from Dave Campbell are: "As a disciple/r one should be a tour guide and not a travel agent who hasn't been ahead along the journey." Robert Delabitoria invites disciples to meditate on Luke 15:11-32 while each shares their relationship to the character in the story. Vulnerability is beautiful amongst the participants."While all are yet sinners, Jesus died for all"...the exemplified lifestyle amongst is accounted by The Only Lord and Savior to Whom all glory, praise and honor belong!

By Norma Pacheco ( MDNN Bureau Chief, Davao) Dr. Marigel Wagner ( BOB International Family)

PASTORS!!! Are you in quandary? AlongSiders/ Real  Life ministries offer REAL help!Second Day 24 January 2025 The Journe...

PASTORS!!! Are you in quandary? AlongSiders/ Real Life ministries offer REAL help!

Second Day 24 January 2025 The Journey of Jesus's Disciple

The Healing Oasis at Emilia Resort is an affinity of His new mercies every morning as the participants wake with The Holy Presence of The Most High! The beauty of diversity amongst His children is a bounty of ripe harvest. Prayers of His righteous people are sweet-smelling incense before His Holy Throne that each stands on holy ground... crying, " Abba... have mercy...not worthy yet called to love as He 1st loved".

A hearty breakfast buffet is served by MX3 crew with generous exuberance! Though the evening dinner from last night seems to still be tucked into everyone 's heart content, the fellowship around dining tables are but a glimpse of the anticipated Wedding Supper of The Lamb as described in the Book of Revelation, The Holy Bible which is the ultimate textbook for the event.

A session of heavenly music amongst His people rises a melody in every one's malady ! Kudos to the team leading this. There seems to have a harp that accompanies the symphony of His joy amongst.

Worthy is The Lamb for the reward of His suffering. Yes to Jesus and no to distractions!

Robert Delabitoria shares his favorite joke on 3 men that the audience so enjoyed: " Is he an American, a Korean and an Australian posed the question: If Jesus is physically on earth today, how is He? An American, a Korean or an Australian? As the three men headed to a golf course, they died in a vehicular accident and went straight to the pearly gates of Heaven. They straight away asked The Apostle Peter if Jesus is any of the three that they are, while Jesus came from behind and exclaimed: " Kumusta ka Pare?" ( Filipino for how are you Brother?)

Four pastors and a wife were called to speak before the audience to share what it means for each what the Scripture Mark 11:30 means for them. A thread of one thought is evident: All their best to The One who alone is Best in all the circles of life as they abide in The Most High. He rather dies than live without each one of His children.

Scriptures on the infallibility of such were discussed as the perfect map for all His disciples to follow. The orientation of the perfect map like a compass get one to their destination but often people are out against His way just like the story of the tower of Babel in Genesis 11. Then they miss out the Goal. Likewise, His disciples need not lose the commonality of His ways and perspectives and see how He defines His Word (men's perfect map).

Dave Campbell invites the audience to new fresh learnings and be as committed to this journey. An activity to follow Dave's commands was a fun harness of the art of listening and understanding.

The presence of mind to following God's defination is a challenging call for the people of trusting The Map and follow The Compass!

Grouping amongst the participants has paved the way for each delegate to share their views and opinions on the Word of God as humanity's perfect map while the compass is like the signages on the road of every one to follow in their journey of life . Jesus being the Perfection of The Law, one sets its compass to The Map as this is what defies all heresies. Romans 12:1-2 as Scriptures interpret Scriptures , John 14:6 have tangibly make JESUS indeed Emmanuel....Phillipians 1:6...confidently He who began the good work will definitely complete until He returns. "

Dave Campbell reiterates that life isn't a sprint but a journey of faith which is graced by Himself who is perfection in His children prone to sin, but not forsaken nor condemned!

Simply perfection in The Beloved as His children that are only simply loved dearly, lavishly, perfectly and eternally.

This inheritance of the saints is mystery now revealed... though too long hidden and forgotten... yet in these sundry times, Jesus is made flesh and dwelling in temples not made by hands but whose builder is The Rock of All Ages.

Snacks are served sumptuously in between the morning sessions. Then Robert Delabitoria shares his testimony as a son of an American pr******te and a farmer from Cebu, Philippines who was disowned and lived out as a poor street kid. But as Jesus came into Robert's life, the latter began his journey of discipleship. Married to his beautiful wife Kelly, who painstakingly takes care of their 40- year old handicapped son who still is on diapers, The Delabitoria Family is committed to see people's lives tranformed for God's glory in His mission.

The Holy Spirit is The Transformative Persona who empowers any disciple to likewise make disciples.

Several participants share several Bible verses on discipleship which they explore and got into discovery method by which are simplified in terms they can relate with in the nitty gritty of everyday life as lifestyle in the making. While discipleship is often broken and torn-apart images of Scriptures' interpretation, the once unlearned show that disciples are into keeping the chain of reproduction...producing Himself of His own kind.

In Hebrew, a disciple, "talmidim" -verb , to follow and in Greek, " mathetes"- noun, learner. Discipleship is both a being and a doing One cannot do if he isn't. The being precedes the doing.

A vote for a "yes and no" answer only... was made amongst the participants whether Christians are disciples or the other way around. Acts 6:1 exegetes it all.

The challenge is that definition of words can be self- explanatory and yet erratic in the Light of The Word!

Jesus as a Rabbi invites a select few that are not necessarily the cream of the crop. He merges Himself amongst and be out into the world like one out of a salt shaker to bring forth palatability of Christ in the principle of multiplication to all .

Discipleship happens in a relationship that has a transformation evidently clear in its level of commitment. One may get to teach what he knows but he can only reproduce who really is. Authenticity in Christianity is the need of the hour that is timelessly in season or out of season. Surrendered discipleship is beautifully described in 1John 2:1-2.

Commitment and surrender are the call of discipleship. As there's an adversary that tries to derail disciples to following The Master who is only The Lamb worthy who is slain for His sheep who might be drifting into isolation.

Participants share God's calling today to be true disciples in unique ways that oversees the nurturing of personal growth.

Scriptures' like Jn 2:6, Ps 78: 71-72:, 2 Cor 4:8, Phil.2:8, 2 Cor.4:18, 2 Tim.4:6, Gal.4:19 are just some more to ponder on how spiritual maturity is encapsulated. Simply all put together is Being Like Jesus!!;

A poignant prayer closes the session with a resounding: "For Christ is unto us wisdom that is mankind's righteousness,holiness and redemption.

By Norma Pacheco ( MDNN Bureau Chief, Davao) Dr. Marigel Wagner ( BOB International Family)

Pastors!!! Are you in quandary? AlongSiders/ Real  Life  Ministries Offer REAL solutions!First Day Jan 23, 2025 The Jour...

Pastors!!! Are you in quandary? AlongSiders/ Real Life Ministries Offer REAL solutions!

First Day Jan 23, 2025 The Journey of Jesus's Disciple

Venue: Emilia Healing Resort, Garden City of Samal

Gina Espejo welcomes the participants from all over the Philippines , USA & Vietnam in how she calls the Oasis of Faith in a Tent of Abraham warms the evening with an inspiration for resilience in prayer and the humility to serve others from the goodness of God and His eternal love that constraints.

Robert Delabitoria sings beautifully the songs of the heart like People Need the Lord, Thank You for Giving to the Lord and When I first gave my heart.

The line is drawn as to how pastors can lead on if being betwixt in two for total surrender before Jesus and the clamor to hold on to what one holds dear for all he got.

The humorous story of Dave Campbell about a fictitious situation of a pastor 's wife's struggle to being married to a pastor brought home a message that this vocation is not an easy task. The challenges of living out the Truth one knows constitute the authenticity of being Jesús' with skin on. As the Head goes so goes the body . Jesus is the Head and pastors lead His Body.

Galatians 2:20 "I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ that lives in me, the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who loves me and gave Himself to me ".

The question to wrestle with is how can disciples of Jesus love God with all of their heart, soul and mind as they love others as themselves? (Mark 12:30)

Finding a new friend to pray with as one gets vulnerably real ended the evening session with a gentle touch like a sea breeze .

By Norma Pacheco ( MDNN Bureau Chief, Davao) Dr. Marigel Wagner ( BOB International Family)

PASTORS!!! Are you in quandary? AlongSiders/ Real Life ministries offer REAL help!January 22, 2025 @ 8 a.m.-10 a.m. in E...

PASTORS!!! Are you in quandary? AlongSiders/ Real Life ministries offer REAL help!

January 22, 2025 @ 8 a.m.-10 a.m. in Emilia Hotel, Mr.& Mrs.Dave & Jenelle Campbell, Bro. Robert Delabitoria and MX3 staff welcome MDNN to an interview for what AlongSiders/Real Life Ministries share around the world. Testimonials of hope and various forms of support throughout are foretaste of Discipleship in Christianity and Christianity in discipleship. The challenge of knowing The Message of Jesus Christ and living out His Methods amongst intended relationships is like planting The Incorruptible Seed in the good soil of human heart where it germinates a hundred-fold. Real Life Ministries in its 26 years in Idaho, USA believes and practices a way of life that showcases 2 Corinthians 3:18 "But we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by The Spirit of The Lord."..." clothing on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." Colossians 3:12-13.

As salvation from sin is a free gift in Christ Jesus, discipleship is costly. It demands death to self daily. It's a tension of ironic dilemmas! LIFE in Abundance as promised can be a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light but lived out in a chosen road that is narrow and less traveled. What about that "many are called but few are chosen?' Or what is it to "love Jesus and hate the world He so loved that He gave...?" More is unpacked in this life and death journey vis a vis an apprenticeship offered @ REAL LIFE MINISTRIES.

Savor how good and pleasant it is for God's elect to dwell in unity! Taste and see HE is only good!

"Not I but Christ" ...a crux...AlongSider/Real Life Ministries shares a heartbeat of what the mouth speaks and how the feet walk for the faith one got.

Proverbs 19:21 NKJV
[21] There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel—that will stand.


With all of these, Davao and the whole world groans for the revelation of Himself amongst all!

By Norma Pacheco (MDNN Bureau Chief, Davao) Dr. Marigel Wagner (BOB International Family)


Here's their invitation:

Dear Pastor & Friend, this is just a friendly reminder that we can't wait to see you, wife along with the church leaders you have selected to join us in "The Journey of A Disciple of Jesus"
(BEGINNING at the Pastors & Their Wives ONLY EVENT) 6:30 pm Thursday Night at Emilia Healing Resort.

Although the opening salvo (The Thursday evening 6:30 pm service) will be for Pastors & Wives only, the next two days (24th to 25th) will be for all participants, "An itinerary of the event will be sent to you shortly"

The nominal investment will be as follows:

5000 per couple
2500 Per single
ALL FUNDS will go directly to the DMIRIE Foundation as it will provide food and lodging.

Space is limited, so kindly contact Dr Mimi at the DMIRIE Foundation to make sure we have enough space.

Although Limited in space, a bus will be leaving HOTEL EMILIA at 3:00 pm Thursday. Love to see you here!!! Kindly be prompt!

For those who want to drive themselves to Emilia Healing Resort in Samal. Again, our Pastors and Wives ONLY SERVICE will begin at 6:30 pm.

Blessings to you all. Something GOOD is going to Happen

Love you all...

Robert Delabitoria
Dave Campbele

[email protected] [email protected]


Davao Peace & Security Press Corps @ Royal Mandaya 1/15/24


Walk for Peace Jan. 13, 2025

DSWD Showcases 'Give-Aways'Norma PachecoDecember 13, 2024 in Victoria Plaza, Davao City,  Department of Social Welfare a...

DSWD Showcases 'Give-Aways'

Norma Pacheco

December 13, 2024 in Victoria Plaza, Davao City, Department of Social Welfare and Development informs the Media on its 'Paabot' Programs to deserving citizens. In partnership with the local government, a synergy of helping hands are in the move all over the city.

Beat Yesterday Dr. Marigel WagnerDec.11, 2024 is day of treats for Media men and women from Eastern Mindanao Command NSF...

Beat Yesterday

Dr. Marigel Wagner

Dec.11, 2024 is day of treats for Media men and women from Eastern Mindanao Command NSFA Panacan, Davao City , Philippines. The hearty buffet at Mandaya Hotel after the Press Conference on Davao Security & Safety Briefing plus surprise raffles of cash and computer laptop made each one get on for the free fun shooting range activities with a luscious dinner and more lavished awards for the participants. The joy of fellowship between men and women in uniform with the media civilians has been evident today. Kudos to the Team who organized this generous gift giving! Mabuhay! Nothing Stands On Our Way.

Megaworld  Media Party @ Dusit Thani Davao

Megaworld Media Party @ Dusit Thani Davao







Hon. Myrna Dalodo Ortiz guest speaker

Unique Vending Machines Opening Soon at Ayala Malls AbreezaLight the World Giving Machines make giving easy and fun this...

Unique Vending Machines Opening Soon at Ayala Malls Abreeza
Light the World Giving Machines make giving easy and fun this Christmas.

Davao City, November 2024 — Have you ever bought reading glasses from a vending machine? How about a casting kit for a child preparing for clubfoot surgery, paid for a dormitory for a child from BARMM studying in Davao, or Family Hygiene kits for underserved communities in Mindanao?

From November 14 through December 31, visitors at Ayala Malls Abreeza can purchase essential items like these from a Light the World Giving Machine to help those in need here in Mindanao.

"This is an exciting opportunity for us all Dabawenyos! We will experience spreading light and hope to others with just one touch just like what our Savior did," says Gloryfel Lubaton, Project lead for this initiative in Davao.

This year, Giving Machines will appear in more than one hundred cities worldwide, providing a fun, unique, and memorable way to do an instant act of kindness for someone in need. In the Philippines, the vending machine in Davao will be the third in the country, following Manila and Cebu.

The Giving Machine is part of the annual Light the World initiative, sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Church covers all operational expenses, enabling participating nonprofit organizations to receive one hundred percent of every donation.

The nonprofits featured in the Davao City Giving Machine are:

Mabuhay Deseret Foundation
UNICEF Philippines
Ateneo de Davao University Community Engagement and Advocacy Projects
"Changing lives, one donation at a time. Your support fuels hope, empowers communities, and opens doors to new possibilities. Thank you for being the difference," says Lyna Marie Bumanglag, Medical Referral Specialist of Mabuhay Deseret Foundation in Mindanao.

Giving Machines first appeared in 2017, and more than US$32 million has been contributed. With those funds, participating nonprofits have delivered hundreds of thousands of items worldwide.


What is ?
Each Christmas, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints celebrates the birth and life of Jesus Christ through the initiative. The initiative asks people to follow the example of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, by caring for individuals one by one throughout the month of December.

How much has been raised by this project?
Over the last five years, since its debut in the US in 2017, the machines have raised over $32 million. As of 2023, there are 61 locations worldwide, with the Philippines joining the Light the World Giving Machines project in 2018.

What makes these vending machines unique?
As part of the initiative, people will have the chance to provide an instant act of service at special vending machines called Giving Machines.

Whom do the donations benefit?
Each Giving Machine will offer much-needed items for purchase from various local and global charity partners. All donations will be accounted for by the vending machines, with the exact amount purchased going to each charity.

What can I donate using the Giving Machines?
Items available for purchase for needy local families and those in need around the world include medicine kits, school backpacks, measles vaccines, vision therapy, and dorm and school fees for military orphans.

How is my money used?
100 percent of your donation will be used for the purchased item or for similar items or services of greater need as determined by the applicable charitable organization. Administrative costs for this initiative are covered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Where are all of the Giving Machine locations?
Giving Machines are in 61 locations around the world, including several states in the US, Australia, Mexico, Guatemala, and the Philippines in 2023. More locations have been added for 2024.

Which charity organizations are beneficiaries of the Giving Machines?
For Manila, the beneficiaries are Caritas Manila, HERO Foundation, and Alagang Kapatid Foundation. For Cebu, they are Cebu Caritas, Feed the Children, and UNICEF Philippines. In Davao, the beneficiaries are Mabuhay Foundation, UNICEF Philippines, and Ateneo de Davao University.
How long will the Giving Machines be available in the malls?
The Giving Machines will be available from their launch until January 3, 2025. The launch dates are as follows: November 14 in Davao, November 16 in Cebu, and November 23 in Manila.

How can I help with this initiative?
Sharing your Giving Machine experience with friends and family as well as posting about the machines on your social media accounts and channels can inspire people to give and help others.


Ma. Donna Pareja 0915-181-9817
Marjorie May Teh 0949-834-0660
For more information on the initiative, visit:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-Philippines

The Church of Jesus Christ in the Philippines


Be aware of up coming tsunami


Davao Light and Power Company
Official Statement
On the effect of Davao Light’s expansion to consumer prices
October 14, 2024

During a House Committee hearing on Legislative Franchises last September 27, 2024, the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) — the Philippines' official power rate-setting authority — assessed that the service area expansion of Davao Light and Power Company does not equate to an automatic hike in consumer prices.

While a decrease of up to P0.11/kWh is possible, an ERC simulation indicated that an increase of P0.30/kWh would only happen in the current Northern Davao Electric Cooperative (NORDECO) franchise area if Davao Light absorbs all of its existing power supply contracts. New power supply contracts through a competitive selection process can make this a non-issue.

Already being the third largest private utility company in the Philippines, Davao Light has lower power rates compared to adjacent electric cooperatives, reflecting its consistent objective of seeking the lowest viable priced power contracts for its customers.

Suffice to say, the fluctuations of power generation rates — driven by geopolitical and economic events — remain outside the control of any distribution utility or electric cooperative. The movement of prices should also be viewed within regional and global contexts.

For further questions, please contact:
Fermin Edillon
Head, Reputation Dept. Davao Light
(0917) 816 5071


Davao City





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