Goals and Objectives:
The University Campus Ministry aims to form basic Christian communities in the University in the Spirit of the Trinitarian Spirituality of Arnold Janssen where people grow in inner freedom and responsibility through: active participation in and appreciation of the various liturgical celebrations and pastoral activities; regular faith-life formation programs, Gospel values sem
inar-workshops, recollections and retreats and other community building activities; active participation in missions, animations and activities critical analysis of social concerns and issues affecting the Carolinian community and responding to them in appropriate ways; and solidarity with the poor through personal involvement in outreach activities. The first is to develop the intelligence of the human mind; the second is to form the human heart. The Campus Ministry is certainly a fundamental part in the life and activities in the University. After all, education is more than just academics; it is enhancing life, it is life. Services Offered:
Regular liturgical and sacramental celebrations
First Communions and Confirmations
Novenas, feasts, devotions, processions, pilgrim walk, etc. Special school liturgical celebrations
Special liturgies with ReEd Department
Prayer meetings/services/rallies/vigils
Knights/Ladies of the Altar
Knights of Columbus
Lives of Saints
Catholic Christian Ethics:
In coordination with ReEd Department and SAS, includes teaching and living up the human and Christian moral values
Write-ups, print articles, conferences, etc. on moral uprightness
Pastoral counseling
Conferences and Courses
Retreats and recollections
Linkage With the Archdiocese:
Link with ACM (Archdiocesan Campus Ministry)
Summer Institute, special Campus Ministry courses
Link with Cebu clergy, Archdiocesan celebrations and activities, Sto. Niño
Festivities, Youth organizations, religious congregations, etc. University Chaplain assists every now and then the Sto. Rosario Parish
Mission Animation (Dialogue with the Faith-Seekers):
AJS Seminars and meetings
Link with SSpS
Direct evangelization: Mission Camp, catechism, etc. Retreat and recollection, seminars and workshops on missions
Mission Week
SVD Week
Mission Sunday
With ReEd Dept., promote Mission spirituality, SVD spirituality, Blessed Arnold Janssen, etc. Link with other religious/ecumenical activity Promotion of SVD/SSpS vocations
Mission Camps / Hearts on Fire
Word of God Apostolate:
Bible courses and studies
Bible enthronement
Bible groups, bible sharing,
Program RENEW
Bible quotes in Bulletin Boards, lobbies and offices
In coordination with ReEd., give bible workshop and form bible groups among students
Coordinate and participate in the SVD Biblical apostolate, local and provincial level
Participation in Hearts on Fire Workshop
Publications (Newsletter or BULLETIN articles)
CM Website
Dialogue with other cultures and religions
Preaching, homilies, etc. Radio Program
Texting good messages
Community Building
Difficulty because of the context, specially the non-permanency of students
Existing communities: CMSV, CCC, CaYM, etc. Existing ADEA groupings
In coordination with SAS give Seminar on Leadership
Seminar on Christian Leadership
Link with other schools
Link with other non-USC groups
Fostering BEC in adopted communities/support parish BEC program
Support to the Blessed Arnold Parish
JPIC (Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation)
In coordination with the AEILO/CES Office, make campaigns for the marginalized calamity-affected people, etc. Prayer and street rallies for justice and peace
In coordination with the ReEd., give Seminar-Workshops on P*P 11 and Social Teachings of the Church (Social Encyclicals)
Community Extension/Social Projects
Adopt a Family/ School/ Barangay Program
Ecological campaigns and activities
Social Justice Advocacy
Linkage with the SVD JPIC, government organizations and NGO's
(In coordination with Alumni Ass. and CaYM, acquire HOME for STUDENTS)