Consumers are not spending money the same way they used to. Advertising in newspapers, magazines and television has become a waste of advertising dollars. These traditional advertising mediums cannot deliver the traffic to businesses that they were once able to. Your clients are smart, and they want to know about your business, and they want more than a 30 second commercial. It means you need to b
e online in order to succeed. You can't get better than that! If you want your business to succeed, you must learn how to live in the new normal and embrace the ways of the online world. Welcome to the new normal . . .
Profile: Rey Misoles
- CEO (Maximum Performance Consultancy) and Consultant for Human Resource and Business Management
- Profitability Acceleration Coach - Business Owners and Execs
- Human Resource Executive - Local and Multi-National Companies
- Training Specialist - Leadership Development and Human Capital
- Accredited Mediator - Supreme Court of the Philippines
- Certified Professional Consultant and Member of the American Consultants League
- Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner (American University of NLP)
- Cebu Toastmasters Club (VP for Education)
- Cebu Ki-Aikido Instructor
- "Cold-Blooded" NETWORKER
- Author: MLM Success Strategies
- Online Marketing Consultant
What I Do NOW
I’m a Digital Marketer and online business consultant. We create online advertising for small businesses to generate more leads and customers through proven marketing strategies. We do commercial video production, lead generation, social media management, website development and optimization, and reputation management aside from business management consulting and leadership development.