We previously sent a number of boxes of relief supplies here from the Special Children Philippines Foundation, this morning we went to the Malacampa district, handed out clothes, dolls, children's toys, were received there with great enthusiasm, the "church" had also collected and we were all surprised with delicious lemonade, pangsit, noodles and spring rolls. Games were also played with the children, which the elderly also enjoyed participating in. Everything was organized from the home of Larry, July-Ann's friend. The puppet show is something that people really enjoy, screeching with laughter when a joke is told.
At every event here there is a prayer first, and everyone takes that seriously, the churches here are full every day, several masses in a day. The games were further supported by the bank where Larry's sister works as a bank manager. To give you an idea, a Euro contains 60 pesos, the games were rewarded with 20 pesos, € 0.33. In the Netherlands we wouldn't even turn around for that, here it is exactly the other way around. Filipinos love games, Mahjong is of course the biggest, dare to say that 80% of all households here have a mahjong set. As you can see from the various photos, dentistry among the elderly is a lot less than in the Netherlands, but it does provide nice pictures if you make them laugh.