Special Children Philippines

Special Children Philippines Onze stichting heeft als doel om gehandicapte kinderen en ouderen in de Filipijnen te ondersteunen. Samen zijn we sterker.

Als je ons wilt ondersteunen, stuur dit bericht dan door naar je vrienden. De organistaie is opgericht om hulp te verlenen aan gehandicapte kinderen in de Filipijnen. Met uw hulp kunnen we het leven van gehandicapte kinderen in de Filipijnen verbeteren. Uw donaties maken het mogelijk om hen te voorzien van basisgoederen, zoals kleding, rolstoelen en medicijnen, waardoor zij toegang krijgen tot bet

ere gezondheidszorg en onderwijs. Samen kunnen we een verschil maken en deze kinderen en hun families de hoop en de middelen geven die ze nodig hebben om te genezen.]


De organisatie is opgericht om hulp te verlenen aan gehandicapte kinderen in de Filipijnen, d.m.v. de website www.specialchildrenphilippines.com zoeken wij donateurs welke ons de kinderen in de Filipijnen willen helpen met overtollige goederen, kleding, rolstoelen, rollators. De stichting is Anbi erkend. De afgelopen jaren hebben we vanuit Facebook "verjaardag" donaties veel ondersteuning gekregen, echter door nieuwe Europese wetgeving mag dit niet meer, wel kunt u doneren via deze link https://specialchildrenphilippines.com/doneren/

Thanks to a team of volunteers, we were once again able to help several people with relief supplies from the Netherlands...

Thanks to a team of volunteers, we were once again able to help several people with relief supplies from the Netherlands. A big thank you to Dorcas and Minimanna foundation, and also to the volunteers who travel across the city and country to assist the people in Camiling and the surrounding areas.

Photos taken by Jhoj.

Dankzij een team van vrijwilligers hebben we weer een aantal mensen kunnen helpen met hulpgoederen uit Nederland, grote dank aan Dorcas en Minimanna. Maar ook aan de vrijwilligers welk stad en land afreizen om de bevolking in Camiling en omstreken te helpen.

Foto’s gemaakt door Jhoj.

The warehouse is loaded again, so within  a few weeks we will be there again to help where we can. Thanks to the MiniMan...

The warehouse is loaded again, so within a few weeks we will be there again to help where we can. Thanks to the MiniManna, and Dorcas foundation, all of our sponsors we where able to send nearly half a container with aid.

My wife's culinary skills are highly praised by many Filipinos in our community. Dishes such as dinuguan, lumpia, mihoen...

My wife's culinary skills are highly praised by many Filipinos in our community. Dishes such as dinuguan, lumpia, mihoen, and sweet and sour are frequently ordered from her. Every euro she earned from her work and cooking was carefully saved. Today, we have donated the proceeds, more than €500, to the foundation for charity. We would like to sincerely thank all our friends and acquaintances for their contributions. In these times, when many people are struggling, this support is greatly appreciated.
So all of you thank youn for your trust and suppport

Much of the Philippine capital remained underwater Thursday after deadly Typhoon Gaemi worsened torrential monsoon rains...

Much of the Philippine capital remained underwater Thursday after deadly Typhoon Gaemi worsened torrential monsoon rains that lashed the country, trapping thousands of people in rising flood waters and causing widespread damage.

Continuous heavy rains, massive flooding and landslides across the Philippines killed at least 13 people and displaced more than 600,000, and an oil tanker capsized off the country’s coast during strong winds and high waves, Philippine authorities said Thursday.

Unlike in Taiwan, the typhoon – known locally as Carina – didn’t make landfall in the Philippines, but its powerful outer bands dumped more than 300 mm (12 inches) of rain in the Manila region and parts of the main island Luzon, prompting officials to declare a “state of calamity” in the capital on Wednesday and evacuate tens of thousands of people.

Video and images from Manila show people wading through chest-deep water and some clinging precariously to overhead power lines as major roads turned into rivers. Families with children wrapped in towels or plastic ponchos huddled together on dinghies as disaster response teams rescued them from flooded houses.

Some parts of Metro Manila – home to 13 million people – have reported floods as high as one-story buildings, with some residents spotted waiting for rescue on roofs, according to the official Philippine News Agency.

In Rizal province’s Cainta, east of the capital, floodwaters were still around waist-level on Thursday, according to local councilor Ben Ramirez Narag.

Een groot deel van de Filipijnse hoofdstad bleef donderdag onder water nadat de dodelijke tyfoon Gaemi de hevige moessonregens, die het land teisterden, verergerde, waardoor duizenden mensen vastzaten in stijgend water en er wijdverspreide schade werd aangericht.

Aanhoudende zware regenval, massale overstromingen en aardverschuivingen in de Filipijnen hebben volgens de Filipijnse autoriteiten donderdag minstens 13 mensen gedood en meer dan 600.000 mensen ontheemd. Bovendien kapseisde een olietanker voor de kust van het land tijdens sterke wind en hoge golven.

In tegenstelling tot Taiwan kwam de tyfoon – lokaal bekend als Carina – niet aan land in de Filipijnen, maar de krachtige buitenste banden stortten meer dan 300 mm (12 inch) regen in de regio van Manilla en delen van het hoofdeiland Luzon, waardoor ambtenaren woensdag een “staat van calamiteit” in de hoofdstad afkondigden en tienduizenden mensen evacueerden.

Video's en beelden uit Manilla tonen mensen die door borstdiep water waden en sommigen die zich gevaarlijk vastklampen aan bovenliggende elektriciteitsdraden terwijl belangrijke wegen in rivieren veranderden. Gezinnen met kinderen gewikkeld in handdoeken of plastic poncho's zaten dicht opeengepakt op rubberboten terwijl rampenteams hen redden uit overstroomde huizen.

Sommige delen van Metro Manilla – met 13 miljoen inwoners – meldden overstromingen zo hoog als eenverdiepingsgebouwen, met sommige bewoners die op daken wachtten op redding, volgens het officiële Philippine News Agency.

In Cainta, in de provincie Rizal ten oosten van de hoofdstad, stond het water donderdag nog steeds rond heuphoogte, volgens lokale raadslid Ben Ramirez Narag.

“Niemand is hierop voorbereid, zelfs al verwachtten we de tyfoon, we hadden de omvang van de regenval niet kunnen voorspellen,” zei hij.

Zijn team leverde voorraden aan evacuatiecentra en beoordeelde schade aan de infrastructuur, voegde hij eraan toe.

De zuidwestelijke moesson, aangedreven door de tyfoon, veroorzaakt nog steeds ellende en verwoesting in de Filipijnen, zelfs nadat Gaemi naar het noorden trok en donderdagochtend in Taiwan aan land kwam als een orkaan van categorie 3 in de Atlantische Oceaan.

Sixteen boxes of aid have arrived, and another twenty are on the way. The supplies include diapers, bandages, clothes, D...

Sixteen boxes of aid have arrived, and another twenty are on the way. The supplies include diapers, bandages, clothes, DEET lotion, mosquito repellent lotion, thermometers, blankets, and toys for boys and girls. Additional items such as Sambal Badjak, bedsheets, toothbrushes, and sardines are also included. Once we arrive in October, we will have a lot of work distributing these items. A special thanks to all the sponsors who helped us collect these generous gifts, including the MiniManna Foundation, the Dorcas Foundation, and all the private donors. We will provide updates once we are there.

Ik heb 11 reacties gekregen op mijn recente populaire bericht! Bedankt allemaal voor jullie niet-aflatende steun. Zonder...

Ik heb 11 reacties gekregen op mijn recente populaire bericht! Bedankt allemaal voor jullie niet-aflatende steun. Zonder jullie was dit nooit gelukt. 🙏🤗🎉

We found out that Rehoboth is another organisation who is also active in the region of Camiling Tarlac, in a request for...

We found out that Rehoboth is another organisation who is also active in the region of Camiling Tarlac, in a request for contact we found out that they are in need of laptops or computers,

They cater orphaned, abandoned, neglected children and other type of children needing special protection. They also operate a community-based educational assistance program helping poor families sending their children to school. So if there is someone who has a forgotten laptop or computer, please contact us, sow e can send these items to this organisation.
Many of these children are in secondary education and most if not all of their projects and lessons are sent through on-line. They are struggling on this since they have only 2 functional laptops alternately use by them.
Now be knowing them it gives a good feeling that even our supporters, Vice major Noel de LaCruz and Gina Soliven are supporting them also. We will visit them end of this year once we are back in the Philippines.
We found out that Rehoboth is another organisation who is also active in the region of Camiling Tarlac, in a request for contact we found out that they are in need of laptops or computers,

They cater orphaned, abandoned, neglected children and other type of children needing special protection. They also operate a community-based educational assistance program helping poor families sending their children to school. So if there is someone who has a forgotten laptop or computer, please contact us, sow e can send these items to this organisation.
Many of these children are in secondary education and most if not all of their projects and lessons are sent through on-line. They are struggling on this since they have only 2 functional laptops alternately use by them.
Now be knowing them it gives a good feeling that even our supporters, Vice major Noel de LaCruz and Gina Soliven are supporting them also. We will visit them end of this year once we are back in the Philippines.

Rehoboth Children’s Home is in the village of Santa Maria, near the town of Camiling, in the province of Tarlac, on the northern island of Luzon.


We visited the foundation in Anua. The patients and the crew performed a dance for all of us


With this Fundraiser account we would like to ask you to spread this to allof your friends and followers. Because facebook,Meta, has stopped the possibility to receive birthday fundings we changed to PIF

Archie working on one of the 27 boxes with aid.A couple of years ago, many of your contribution on Facebook helped us la...

Archie working on one of the 27 boxes with aid.

A couple of years ago, many of your contribution on Facebook helped us launch an incredible donation campaign for the Special Children Philippines foundation. Unfortunately, Facebook (Meta) has decided to no longer support these birthday fundraisers.

We kindly ask you to bring our foundation to your followers' attention again and inform them about the possibility of donating via Whydonate: https://whydonate.com/nl/fundraising/special-children-philippines, so we can continue our work in the Philippines.

Currently, we have sent 27 Balikbayan boxes to the Philippines. The shipping costs are now covered out of our own pockets, and without further assistance, we cannot continue.

How can you contribute to our mission to support disabled children and needy elderly in the Philippines? Did you know that for just €50, a disabled child or an elderly person can receive a wheelchair? These wheelchairs, fully restored by companies like Welzorg, are shipped from the Netherlands to those who need them most.

Our organization is involved in various initiatives, such as building wells and sanitary facilities, providing toilets, and sending essential items like diapers, medical aids, walkers, glasses, and hearing aids.

We receive support from partners like Specsavers, MiniManna, Dorcas, and Hans Anders, as well as many individuals who send us clothes and other items. In the Philippines, there are many children with Down syndrome, 22Q11 syndrome, and numerous requests for help for children with hydrocephalus. These children are often affectionately called "Special," which is also the name of our foundation.

Would you like to know how you can help? Become a donor.

Received from the MiniManna foundation true there contacts with Etos some wonderful gifts.Have send these true Balikbaya...

Received from the MiniManna foundation true there contacts with Etos some wonderful gifts.
Have send these true Balikbayan Box Netherlands to the Philippines.
Again lots of diapers, children clothes and also lots of bottles with Deet lotion, Deet is one the strongest anti mosquito lotions, also the Deet lotions for after bite. Hundreds of toothbrushes for kids.
Dozens of Thermometers, Digital, Hand lotions based on antibacterial gel.alcohol, toys for boys and girls. Lots of First Aid kits. Received from the MiniManna foundation true there contacts with Etos some wonderful gifts.
Have send these true Balikbayan Box Netherlands to the Philippines.
Again lots of diapers, children clothes and also lots of bottles with Deet lotion, Deet is one the strongest anti mosquito lotions, also the Deet lotions for after bite. Hundreds of toothbrushes for kids.
Dozens of Thermometers, Digital, Hand lotions based on antibacterial gel.alcohol, toys for boys and girls. Lots of First Aid kits.

But to be able to continue, we need financial help, the boxes are costing also. Who will help.


Today again we were happily surprised by the MiniManna foundation,  lots of helpful items, like hundreds of toothbrushes...

Today again we were happily surprised by the MiniManna foundation, lots of helpful items, like hundreds of toothbrushes for kids, first aid kits, temperature meters, Deet Anti insect, Deet is the best aid for chasing the mosquitos away. Also after bites, lots of antibacterial gel bottles for cleaning and disinfecting hands. Dozens of digital thermometers, blankets, bedsheets, hundreds of diapers, for young and old. earlier Marieke, one of our youngest supporters, 81 years old, she surprised us with lots of toys for the children.

We would like to reach to people that can help our foundation

We would like to reach to people that can help our foundation


Overzicht van onze reis naar de Filipijnen.

"We received a request for help in the Malacampa area. This 50-year-old man lives with his 71-year-old mother in the hou...

"We received a request for help in the Malacampa area. This 50-year-old man lives with his 71-year-old mother in the house you see below. He has been a carpenter all his life but, due to a debilitating disease called quole or Duputraine, he can no longer work. The local doctor is in a run-down hospital and doesn't make house calls.

The assistance provided to the poor in this area is dismal, relying heavily on family support. The wheelchair in the photo was borrowed and can no longer move forward or backward. At Special Children Philippines, we aim not only to assist children but also elderly individuals in need. With your donations, we can make a significant impact and provide much-needed help in this community."

Another project, that we started is sending good computers to those school who need them, in copereation with PC Speed, ...

Another project, that we started is sending good computers to those school who need them, in copereation with PC Speed, Doetinchem we where able to send a fully working, and installed with all the necesssary software,

Our warehouse needs to be cleaned, still lots of clothes, all kind of seizes, curtains, diapers, inlay for ladys and gir...

Our warehouse needs to be cleaned, still lots of clothes, all kind of seizes, curtains, diapers, inlay for ladys and girls, 3 strollers and a wheelchair.


Thank you immensely for initiating a fundraiser; it enables us to uphold our mission of aiding those in need and fostering positive change in our community. Every Dollar or Euro contributes significantly, and even donations below €5 are valuable. Facebook ensures that every cent donated reaches our foundation.

Now that you've chosen to support our foundation, SCP, please share our information with all your friends. We are grateful for your generosity and kindness and extend our warm wishes for a joyful birthday! Your fundraising efforts are crucial for success.

Keep everyone informed about the progress of the fundraiser and the impact of donations on our cause. Encourage your friends and family to spread the word about the fundraiser within their networks. Through collaborative efforts, we can make a substantial difference and bring about positive change in our communities.

9 boxes deliverd by Balikabyan Box Netherlands, 6 strollers. Coming week our team si going to distribute again. For thos...

9 boxes deliverd by Balikabyan Box Netherlands, 6 strollers. Coming week our team si going to distribute again. For those in the area who need help, report yoursel to Gina she will help you further


Zamora Street


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