Here are the ways on how I can improve your social media presence!
📌I set SMART Goals – I set brand’s goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound!
📌I Identify Target Audience - Many brands spin their wheels because they don’t post content that speaks to a defined audience. I Spend some time looking at your audience personas, understanding what their challenges are and what brands they already love via social.
đź“ŚBecausee I am also a Human - Similarly, showing off the human side of your brand means showing off the faces behind your social feeds.
📌I seek relationship not followers - It might be cliche to say, but don’t leave the “social” out of your social media presence. The beauty of social is that you can form relationships in an instant with followers from just about anywhere.
📌I always have an editorial calendar - Taking the time to make a schedule does double duty of keeping your social media presence organized while also maximizing your contents’ reach.
📌I Automate the Right Way - Automation is all the rage in marketing right now, and for good reason.However, you can’t expect to successfully put your social presence on autopilot and walk away.
📌Focus on Helping Over Selling- Although social selling is indeed on the rise, rarely should your social media presence be about the “hard sell.”
📌Optimize Your Accounts for Engagement - Unlike SEO, social media optimization isn’t particularly technical. That said, profiles can be optimized through imagery, keywords and fully filling out your account information.
đź“©PM Me to know more about these strategies!
#YourSMMPAT #ManagerPATatyourservice #ContentCreatorPat #YourPATnertoSuccess#GrowwithPAT #SMM #Marketing #FB #BrandatFB #FBPost #FBLive #Facebook
Third most popular website
🖥An Article from https://bit.ly/3CY70ET says that Facebook is the undisputed heavyweight champion of social media platforms. It took Facebook only ten months to reach a million subscribers and only eight years to reach a billion. As of February 2021, Facebook boasts 2.74 billion active users – a number that grows with roughly 500,000 new users every day, or six new users every second.
Despite its immense popularity, Facebook isn’t the most visited website in the world. Somewhat surprisingly, its 25.5 billion monthly visits are bested by YouTube’s 34.6 billion and totally eclipsed by Google’s 92.5 billion.
In comparison to other social media platforms, Facebook is the most popular amongst users aged between 12 and 34 years, although their US-based share of this demographic is most definitely shrinking.
The Infinite Dial reports that the 58% of survey respondents in this age group who identified Facebook as their favorite social network in 2015 has shrunk to 32% in 2020. The biggest culprit – Instagram. The photo and video-sharing social network saw its share of this demographic go from 15% to 27% in the same time period.
👉Learn how to grow you brand on Facebook! PM Me for more details! ✉
#YourSMMPAT #ManagerPATatyourservice #ContentCreatorPat #YourPATnertoSuccess#GrowwithPAT #SMM #Marketing #FB #BrandatFB #FBPost #FBLive #Facebook