Hello Guys Square Shiny Gmax Melmetal Holding Ablity Patch Will Be Giving Away In Stream Later @ Exact 10PM See You Guys! ❤❤❤.
You Need Sharer Badge And Follower Badge To Join Guys. THANK YOU For All Support Guys HAPPY 2K Followers Guys Love You All.
Christmas Live #62 (Pokemon Sword)
(Todays Give Aways (Event Pokemon). 3 Pokemon Per Trainers
So Dont Back Out.
Give Away Pokemons:
Untouched Gmax Charizard Event (BR)
Untouched Gmax Venusaur (BR)
Untouched Gmax Blastoise (BR)
(Lets Do A Multi Battle)
+Rules Of Multi Battle+
`No Legendary Or Mythical Pokemon.
`Always Battle Tower Rules.
`Double Dipping Battle Is Allowed But You Need To Skip 1 Battles Before You Join Again.
*10-49 Stars = 2 Pokemons
*50-100 Stars = 5 Pokemons
*200 Stars = 12 Pokemons
*400 Stars = 25 Pokemons
*800 Stars = 50 Pokemons
(For Your Choices Pokemon Just Send A Message To My Page Directly)
(And For Custom Pokemon Kindly PM Me Or My Page For More Info)
~Heres The List Of The Pokemons~
(All Pokemons In The List, They Have Held Items)
Shiny Exeggcute
Shiny Exeggutor
Shiny Horsea
Shiny Seadra
Shiny Kingdra
Shiny Abra
Shiny Kadabra
Shiny Alakazam
Shiny Happiny
Shiny Chansey
Shiny Blissey
Shiny Cubone
Shiny Marowak
Shiny Marowak (Alolan)
Shiny Igglybuff
Shiny Jigglypuff
Shiny Wigglypuff
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Luxio
Shiny Luxray
Shiny Lillipup
Shiny Herdier
Shiny Stoutland
Shiny Sandile
Shiny Krokorok
Shiny Krookodile
Shiny Venipede
Shiny Whirlipede
Shiny Scolipede
Shiny Fletchling
Shiny Fletchinder
Shiny Talonflame
Shiny Porygon
Shiny Porygon 2
Shiny Porygon Z
Shiny Cleffa
Shiny Clefairy
Shiny Clefable
Shiny Magnemite
Shiny Magneton
Shiny Magnezone
Shiny Mienfoo
Shiny Mienshao
Shiny Druddigon
Shiny Tauros
Shiny Larvesta
Shiny Volcarona
Shiny Azurill
Shiny Marill
Shiny Azumarill
Shiny Whismur
Shiny Loudred
Shiny Exploud
Shiny Zorua
Shiny Zoroak
Shiny Clauncher
Shiny Clawitzer
Shiny Skrelp
Shiny Dragalge
Shiny Rockruff
Shiny Lycanroc (Rock)
Shiny Lycanroc (Dark)
Shiny Kangaskhan
Shiny Skarmory
Shiny Miltank
Shiny Tangela
Shiny Tangrowth
Shiny Lickitung
Shiny Lickilicky
Shiny Foongus
Shiny Amoongus
Shiny Sandygast
Shiny Palossand
Shiny Psyduck
Shiny Golduck
Shiny Fomantis
Shiny Lurantis
Shiny Pichu
Shiny Tentacool
Shiny Tentacruel
Shiny Petilil