We must offer their bodies as a sacrifice to God. Paul is not writing about death here. He is explaining how followers of Christ should live their lives in this world. They should try to use every part of their bodies in a manner that pleases God. They will use their feet. They will go where God wants them to go. They will use their hands to give practical help to other people. With their ears, they will listen to other people’s problems. With their mouths, they will speak to encourage other people and to tell them the good news about Christ. The right use of the body will be like the perfect sacrifice that pleased God. Their worship would not just be a ceremony. This is the right kind of worship. It is spiritual. It is the worship that God asks for.
What Christians think will affect what they do. Christians will think differently about the use of money. Christians will remember that money belongs to God. So they will try not to waste it or to use it selfishly.They will make careful choices about what they read. They will carefully select what they watch on television. The Holy Spirit will guide Christians as they try to please God. They will want to obey God, so that they can ‘reflect the Lord’s glory. Then they will continue to change and to be like him’ (2 Corinthians 3:18).