New mobile game in development! 🐸
Animation Rigging Test
Testing out Unity's Animation Rigging as replacement for IK targeting. Looks really great!
Reaching out to other game developers out there familiar with Unity and 2D game dev
I seriously need advice on this character creation system. It's using animated sprite sheets, so it's no ordinary character creation system and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only dev who's thought of this.
Thing is, the character is animated with sprite sheets, and the only way I could come up with achieving this is to create a Player GameObject that's a parent to other gameobjects, each with its own animator namely:
Hair, Head, Eyes, Torso, Legs.
with each part having unique sprite animations for:
Idle, Walking, Running, Melee1, Melee2, Pistol1, Rifle3, etc. etc.
I feel like there's an easier and more efficient approach to this, but I just don't know how. Perhaps someone could point out something I'm missing?
The video below is a sample of the project to help you visualize my dilemma.
Threat Level Infinite - Title Screen Theme
The software is called Bosca Ceoil. This is where I compose the music for my game. It doesn't require a keyboard, and it's freeware too!
Let me know in the comments what you guys think. If you also know a better software for music composition, let me know and I'll gladly try it out.
The Mighty Destroyer!
In this video, we observe the "Destroyer" space ship and some new changes to the game:
- [ Manual shooting ]
- it's a pretty big deal and keeps you busy. Otherwise, players may find the game boring if everything is automated.
- [ Automatic Turrets ]
- Some ships (like this one) will have automatic turrets that rotate and shoot the closest enemy.
- [ Boosts ]
- you may now find and pick up "boosts" randomly thoughout the game. In this video, I just placed them near the player's spawn point so I can easily show them: Rapid Fire, Shield Repairs, Speed Boost. (More to be implemented soon)
Progress Showcase: Dynamic Character Select
[New Stuff]
> Began development of the core functionality of the ship selection screen:
- [x] You are unable to proceed to the game proper unless the ship
you've selected has been unlocked. (same for upgrades section)
- [x] The Upgrades section displays the stats of the selected ship
- [x] You can view the predicted stats (the green area ahead of the white
part) to help you decide what upgrade to prioritize.
- [x] Upgrading spends regular currency.
- [x] You are unable to upgrade if your regular currency is less than the
- [x] Maxing out an upgrade disables further upgrades
- [x] The way the UI is designed makes it obvious if you can launch or not.
> Added visual effects in the game proper to make decisions seem more critical (when to turn, when to face the enemy, when to get hit on purpose, etc.)
> Added a feature to watch an ad to revive
- this feature actually works, but in the video, the internet's just too slow XD
> Added more enemy varieties:
(in order of appearance based on difficulty level)
- Generic - rams into your ship
- Generic Slow - also rams into your ship, but takes more than one bullet
- Shooter - fires a bullet and recoils away
- Orbiter - will try to trap you in a circle of instant death
- Barrager - tries to get near, then fires 5 bullets and recoils away
- Seeker - keeps distance and launches two missiles every two seconds
- Drones - a faster, larger, more agile shooter that maintains distance
- Drone Carrier - for every drone it launches, its "dock" becomes a
missile launcher
- Boss - A big-ass [ s e c r e t ] out for the destruction of the human race.
[ Next Development ]
> Ship Stats Persistence
- - Each purchase / upgrade made should remain purchased.
- - Pass on the stats in the selection menu to the game proper.
> In-App-Purchases
> In-Game consumable boosts (revives, speed boosts, nukes, etc.)
> Balance out increasing difficulty and spawn rates during game proper
> User Inter
Replaced Graphics!
I've added better sprites for the infinite background and the enemies! I've also replaced the background music so it's more cleaner and easier to listen to.
Sound Effects with Bosca Ceoil!
[ D E V L O G ]
> Looks like the game still has a long way to go. I underestimated the time it takes to actually implement the features I want. (Note to self: Quit procrastinating.) However, I'm positive I could release this in another two or three weeks if I keep at this pace. Maybe even sooner if I could keep myself motivated enough.
{ C H A N G E S }
> Added sound effects! I used Bosca Ceoil (a music-composing software) to create the sound effects and music.
> To take the graphics a step further, I installed Unity's Post Processing package, and added a bloom effect and some color grading effects to make it look neat for a 2D game.
( G O A L S )
- Implement a complete and functioning highscore system;
- Create a flexible reward system upon game over;
- (currency, crafting, upgrades, new highscore, etc.)
- Character (or in this case, Space Ship thing?) selection screen with upgrades similar to hungry shark.
[Insert Game Name Here]
This will be the first game I'll be releasing in in about a week or two.. it ain't much but it's something!
Inventory System: Item Swapping!
It'd be great to be able to organize your stuff, so I made it possibe to swap items in the inventory. Also, dragging items out from the inventory makes you delete the item. I should probably add a prompt before actually deleting the item, but this should work for now.
Awesome! Looking like a deadly game of tag! However, I still need to fix how the damage is being handled seeing as we still take damage even though we're out of the enemy's range.