Soxx My views on the world DJ, Sound Engineer, Former Graffiti Artist, Futurist,etc...

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Starlink Vs DataCo (PNG). Really?There is fresh rumor doing the rounds on PNG's edge of the social media world that the ...

Starlink Vs DataCo (PNG). Really?

There is fresh rumor doing the rounds on PNG's edge of the social media world that the one player that is causing NICTA to "not allow Starlink in the Country" is DataCo. It s rumored that DataCo has taken legal actions against NICTA that prevents NICTA from establishing and executing the legal framework that enables Starlink to provide its service in the country.

Firstly, Up until this point when I actually wrote this posts, I have yet to find a official statement from DataCo that can substantiate this claim to be true. At this point in time, I personally find this piece of rumor to be outright fakenews.

For the unlearnt person, that piece of fakenews sounds logical and will make sense given the fact that your inexperience in Internet services has led you to assume that "Internet services is Internet Services" But to the experienced networking crowd, who know the different mediums for accessing the Internet, they would know that Satellite Internet and Fibre Optic Internet serve two different niche for the corporate Internet market space. In most cases, Satellite Internet and Fiber Optic actually compliment each other when it comes to redundancy - meaning most organizations such as government houses and business houses usually would acquire the services of both Internet accesses just so their Internet downtime is at its minimal best.

Having said explain this, I see no logical sense in DataCo trying to stop Starlink from entering PNG. DataCo's Primary customers are those who can afford a minimum of K3000 a month and are situated - at the most - within urban areas of PNG where there are DataCo Trunk nodes (junction boxes where clients can connect a fiber cable to) which would not that much to pull a cable to customer's premises.

For the average customer to have a fresh installation of DataCo fiber optic Internet Services to their premises would cost an initial K14,000 minimum for setup alone. Rural PNG can't afford such installation cost. Even if Starlink is entirely banned from the PNG market, DataCo would still never create new customers in rural PNG - rural PNG simply can't afford it. It doesn't make sense and its also a waste of legal fees to take out a court order by DataCo.

Who is Starlink are real threat to in the Satellite Internet Services Market in PNG?

- Its obviously the existing Satellite Internet Service Providers. They stand to lose about 90% of their revenue to Starlink. This loss would start from Installation/setup cost to support services. They would have no way to middleman Starlink in the after market and even in the aftersales, just like how they are doing it now with their existing services.

Starlink Internet services is designed specifically to eliminiate the middleman in order to maximize affordability on behalf of the customer. Starlink dishes are smaller than a coffee table and it does not need a 'certified' person to set it up. The owner simply mounts it to their roof, point it to where the Starlink app in their phone tells you to point the dish and poom-paw!! Internet in your home.

And the best part?, the user simply uses their visa debit card to buy Starlink Subscriptions on ther starlink official website or new starlink hardware, in the comfort of their rural homes.

So if there is anything legal that infringes on Starlink's presents in the country, it would most probably be influenced by starlink's competition on the ground and not DataCo.


Why is that prisoners get food but not homeless people?


Woi!! Its "Burn's Peak", not "Bench Peak".🤣😂🤣


The biggest Easter egg that Henry Cavill is definitely the next Wolverine


In life, some loses are inevitable. Be prepared


I just watched this movie. Best AI movie 2024.

In my persuit to setup my online shop, I discovered PNG as a nation does not qualify for Payment Gateway Services (Long ...

In my persuit to setup my online shop, I discovered PNG as a nation does not qualify for Payment Gateway Services (Long Story), which means for the average Papua New Guinean who would like to open an online shop which can take visa cards as payments, it is not allowed at this point in time.
But I was relentless and decided to circumvent the incompetence that has stopped Papua New Guineans from becoming true Internet Entrepreneurs. I wanted to see if I could register a business preferably in the USA without even needing a plane ticket to go there.
The First thing I did was ask ChatGPT if it was possible to do this and sure enough it was possible to register an LLC in the US online from Papua New Guinea (Link to the Response - It gave me a step by step process of basically how to go about registering yourself a LLC (equivalent of a Business Name) and an EIN (equivalent of our TIN) and to open an American bank account. All done online.
But its not cheap though.


This new wave of Feminism in the more developed nations of the western world will not work in PNG. In fact it creates more harm for the women here than good and when I say harm I mean physical violent harm.

The reason why women over there can afford to be disrespectful as they please, is simply because their societies have very effective law enforcement systems that can effectively protect your rights to an opinion even if that opinion is just rubbish and doesn't make sense.

PNG women. Don't be disillusioned and ignorant of this key element - Effective law enforcement. We don't have it in PNG. This is the most important element that makes it possible for people over there to exercise their rights through public outrage just like that.

If You want to try that in PNG, you just make sure the law enforcement here is as effective first.

So far, I've seen a couple of young PNG women living overseas be on tiktok trying to promote this feminism mindset in PNG callling it "Women Empowerment" and I can clearly see they too are ignorant of the realities in the country.
If and when you convince a woman to be "disrespectful" to their male partner, you also need to have a plan to move her out of the country coz what you have just done is poisoned an unlearnt mind with your ignorance that can only get her beaten to pulp.

If you want to help women who are experiencing domestic violence, simply help them seek asylum to the country where you at. Don't for a minute think you're empowering them at all. Not one bit. You just getting them in trouble.

That s**t don't work like that over here

Australia knows China has better crumbs so they play the gullible card.

Australia knows China has better crumbs so they play the gullible card.


Relax Fone Haus. They actually did yous a favor

Test the new microphone today. Love it

Test the new microphone today. Love it

I just found out that Tiktok LIVE studio subscriptions is not available in our region

I just found out that Tiktok LIVE studio subscriptions is not available in our region


BRENDA FASSIE - Vulindlela.
Time Junction sa Faya

Send a message to learn more

I saw Strength Family Breakthrough

I saw Strength Family Breakthrough


Thats the thing about imperialism. You only think its religious politics without realising who is dividing and who is conquering.

Stay conquered PNG.

All the wannabe pundits be impressing the ignorant with their creative writing and s**t. But in the grand reality of thi...

All the wannabe pundits be impressing the ignorant with their creative writing and s**t. But in the grand reality of things, these people you write about aren't truly what you say they are. Once the money kicks in, gone will be the pretentious intelligent sounding rhetoric being peddled online to make way for the real reason for who is to be top boss and as usual, at the expense of the people's well being.
Stop making it sound like we have our morals in check.

Starlink in the other places

Starlink in the other places

Screenshot starlink's activitiy map that indicates which country's are now active with starlink.Fiji on pinis a yumi ol ...

Screenshot starlink's activitiy map that indicates which country's are now active with starlink.
Fiji on pinis a yumi ol namelpla countries ya?


The whole point of a degree


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